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[AAR] The Journey Forwards


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Prologue, Part 1

Funding for the Aurora Space Program came to a hault shortly after the murders of Bobbald and Sidrod Kerman and the attempted murders of Harvin and Burtley Kerman. Kurt Kerman was later charged with multiple charges and sent off to prison for life. The Space Program was shut down.. no funding meant no missions. 10 years later the space program was opened back up when the government was convinced they wouldn't screw up anymore. The program went on as normal, nothing special.. until now.

Callie: "Sir! What you are asking us to do isn't possible at this point in time. We don't even know how to begin on building an interplanetary vessel!"

Director Campbell: "I'll tell you something, Callie. Nothing is impossible! Now you better get back in the lab and don't come out until you muster up the optimism to tell me that you can."

Callie sighs

Callie: "Yes sir.."

Director Campbell holds down his button to talk to the receptionist. There is static in the background.

Director Campbell: "Ednie?"

Ednie: "Yes, Director?"

Director Campbell: "Please send in Harvin Kerman."

Ednie: "Yes sir."

The receptionist, Ednie, uses the intercom to call for Harv. Shortly after, he arrives to Director Campbell's office.

Harv: "Hello, Director."

Director Campbell: "Ah, Harv! How have you been? Want some coffee?"

Harv: "Well.. uh-"

The director looks across his room to one of the summer interns.

Director Campbell: "You! Intern!"

The Intern: "Um, sir.. I have a name."

Director Campbell: "Sure you do! Get this man some coffee."

Harv: "Sir, its quite un-"

Director Campbell: "Some lemon scones, you say? Intern!"

The intern sighs

The Intern: "..Yes... sir.."

Director Campbell: "Now!.. lets get down to business. We've been working on a project for.. a few hours.. and we plan on building an interplanetary vessel."

Harv: "What are you saying here?"

Director Campbell: "I'm saying you're gonna be the captain of this vessel. You are going to Dres!

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The next update won't be for a few days. Updates may come slow at times. Sorry! I still hope you enjoy this.

Also, if somebody can make me a snazzy mission patch for this (Because it would be nice to put 3 hours into this story instead of a patch) that would be cool!

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In the right upper corner of the post there is a number (#1 for example). Click it and your browser will reload the page and in the window you will have the link to this very post.

Thanks! I wish I had the time to write today, but I will have more up tomorrow.

In the mean time, if anybody wants their space program or AAR somewhat incorporated into the story, PM me!

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Prologue, Part 2

Harv smiled.

Harv: "Captain?.. Sir, you think I'm good enough?"

Director Campbell: "Well, of course I do! You've been here long enough.. 16 years. By the time the mission ends you'll be at 20+!"

It was obvious that Harv's career as an astronaut would come to an end soon. He wasn't getting any younger along with his family always bringing up the topic of retirement. The intern brings Harv and Campbell their coffee and scones.

Director Campbell: "Thanks, intern, and.. what will it be, Harv?"

Harv: "It's Captain Harv, sir."

They both smile. The director chuckles.

Director Campbell: "You can speak down to your men on the vessel, but as long as you are still on Kerbin, I'm running this show."

They both laugh. Callie walks into the room.

Callie: "Uh.. sir?"

The director messes with him.

Director Campbell: "Oh, Callie. Did you have something you needed to tell me? Hmm?"

Callie: "Uhh... we can..-"

Director Campbell: "You can't hide behind that lab coat forever, Callie. Speak up so me and Capt. Harv here can hear you!"

Callie: "It's possible to get to.. Dres."

Director Campbell: "Ah, see? I told you! Now, head back to the lab. I'm not paying you to mope around my office."

Callie: "Hehe.. funny, sir."

The director continues to mess with him. He gives Callie a dead stare. Callie stares backs, his face reddening as he quickly walks out of the room.

Director Campbell: "Ha ha ha! I love messing with that guy. He's so shy. Now, keep this all a secret for now. You should go check out some of the men in the astronaut complex. There will be a regular check-up and a training session tomorrow during most of the day, so you can see who you would like to bring along. I'll get some info and the prototype ship specs from the guys in the lab soon."

Harv: "Will do, sir!"

Harv stands up. He walks out of the room, never more excited in his life.

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Please mind the lack of screenshots at the moment, because of the current story location, but I assure you plenty when the mission starts. Unlike my previous AARs, this one will be quite long. A few chapters will be just for the pre-mission story on Kerbin as well as something I have planned. The first chapter to come soon, possibly today, but if not, tomorrow.

What do you all think of the story so far? :D

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Chapter 1

A few months later

Director Campbell,

The guys are getting suspicious. One of them has even come up to me asking me why I have

been spending every wednesday over there in the astronaut complex just watching them instead

of doing some "Senior astronaut stuff". It's been quite a few months, and I know who I want on the


Jerbo Kerman

Shepmund Kerman

Enbald Kerman

Maybe we can have that meeting soon?


Harv sends the email and shuts off his computer. He goes to his dinner table where his wife, Jennifer, has placed their meals.

Harv: "Honey.. I'm really sorry for being so busy recently."

Jennifer: "No no... I understand."

Harv: "After everything gets sorted out, I'll use up my vacation days so we can have some time together before the mission."

They smile. Afterwards,they finish their meal and head off to bed.

The next morning

Harv wakes up to his wife, Jennifer, shaking him

Jennifer: "Darling, wake up.."

Harv: "...Wh...what is it, honey?"

TV News: "Rumors have been circulating around the Aurora Space Program about a future trip to the planet Dres, the fifth planet from our sun Kerbol. The source of the rumor is unknown. Is this true? Only time will tell. On to other news, Speck the hero dog has-"

Jennifer shuts off the TV and Harv gets out of bed.

Harv: "Frak.. dear, I better get to work."

He gets out of bed and starts getting ready.

Jennifer: "If I know reporters, they're going to be at the front gates. Just don't say a word."

Harv:: "Of course, Jenny."

Harv and Jennifer kiss.

Harv: "I'll be back after work."

Harv drives to the facility. As his wife predicted, there are reporters swarming the gates like bees to honey. As he drives up, cameras go off and questions are asked one after one

Reporter #1: "Harvin Kerman! Are the rumors true?"

Reporter #2: "When is the mission to Dres planned?"

Reporter #3: "Is Burtley Kerman ever coming out of retirement?"

The guard lets Harv through and blocks the reporters from entering. Who told the media? It's a good question, but there are more important matters at the moment. Will the program be able to work efficiently with all the publicity?

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Chapter 2


Harv walks into the directors office. Director Campbell is on the phone.

Director Campbell (To person on phone): "At least you didn't get the public worked over for nothing.."

There is a short pause.

Director Campbell (To person on phone): "Well I hope it was worth it because you're fired."

He hangs up, looking over to Harv.

Director Campbell: "It was the fraking intern.."

Harv: "Did you happen to get my email? I didn't have time to check this morning."

Director Campbell: "I did... I suppose we can just have it today. The media are swarming the area, but we closed access to the museum and public grounds."

Harv: "That's great! I'll go grab the guys, they're gonna be so excited.."

Director Campbell: "I'll go get Callie. We'll meet up in Meeting Room 2."

Harv walks over to the astronaut complex. Jerbo and Shepmund are talking, but Enbald doesn't appear to be around there.

Harv: "Hey guys."

Jerbo: "Oh, hey Harv!"

Shepmund: "Hey."

Harv: "I need you guys in Meeting Room 2, but where is Enbald?"

Shepmund: "I think he's with Callie in the lab."

Harv: "Director Campbell will get him then."

Jerbo: "Dude, what's this all about? Something to do with those rumors?"

Harv: "...You'll find out in a minute."

They go to Meeting Room 2 where the director, Callie, and Enbald are already waiting.

Harv: "Great, everyone is here. Let's get this show on the road!"

Enbald: "I think we all want to know where this show is going."

Jerbo: "Yeah man, what do you have to tell us?"

Harv: "The rumors are true."

He smiles, followed by the other 5 in the room smiling as well.

Shepmund: "We're going to Dres!?"

Jerbo: "You, Me, Shepmund, and Enbald?"

Enbald: "I knew you've been watching us for the past few months for some reason!"

Director Campbell: "Your four are going where no men have gone before."

Shepmund: "What made you choose us, Harv?"

Harv: "Jerbo- You've clocked over a hundred hours in the landing simulator. You ace many of the courses, just like your father Jeb did. He'd be proud. Shepmund- Many times you are the one who, in the complex, resolves problems. It can be anything from two guys bickering to mechanical problems. Enbald- You know plenty about science from much training with Callie here. You three are the perfect crew for the Prosperity."

Jerbo: "What's the Prosperity?

Callie: "That's the interplanetary vessel Harvin will use to get you guys there and back."

Shepmund: "When will we be able to see it?"

Director Campbell: "..Construction starts monday."

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Chapter 3

Almost a year later

Harv sits at home watching the 10:00 PM news

Commercial: ".. And if you call in the next ten minutes, you get two for the price of-"

Harv's wife Jennifer walks into the room.

Jennifer: "Don't stay up too late, Harv. We have to catch that plane at 8:00 AM sharp."

She walks over and kisses him.

Harv: "I'm just gonna watch the news and come right to bed."

Jen smiles.

Jennifer: "I'm going to get cold if you fall asleep on that couch."

A few minutes later, Harv walks into Jennifer in tears,sitting on the bed. He goes sit next to her.

Harv: "Honey, what's wrong?.."

Jennifer: "I..I've just been thinking lately."

Harv: "What's on your mind?"

Jennifer: "Just...."

Jennifer looks at Harv, her tears shining from the light by their bed.

Jennifer: "W..What if you don't make it back?"

Harv hugs her. She cries over his shoulder.

Jennifer: "It's not like the missions to the Mun or Minmus... They could atleast rescue you.. but nobody has ever seen past that."

Harv: "Jennifer, I'm going to make it back. I'm going to hug you and kiss you so much and you know that. Being away from you for so long is enough, but you being in fear of me not getting back is worse."

Harv thought to himself.. Is it really safe?

The next morning

Harv and Jenny arrive at the airport. After doing their bag checks and other things, they go sit down waiting for their flight to start boarding. On the news, the reporters talk about the now announced mission to Dres. A picture of the crew goes on-screen and a few seconds later everybody is staring Harv down like he's a celebrity.

Intercom: "Flight 354 now boarding."

The two board. They have first class seats.

Jennifer: "Oooh, dinner with the president.. I'm so excited!"

Harv: "I'm glad you are feeling better today."

They smile.

Captain: "Good morning, my name is Captain Reaves. We're expected to have a nice flight today... little to no clouds, low winds. Please strap in for take-off. If you look to your front you will see one of your flight attendants showing you the proper way to buckle your seat belt."

The plane takes off, and soon reaches cruising altitude. While a flight attendant offers Jennifer some wine, Harv falls asleep.

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Chapter 4

Aboard the Airliner

Inside his dream, Harv sits inside the cockpit of the Prosperity. He looks out the window and sees the bodies of Enbald and Shepmund floating around, cold and lifeless. A buzz comes through the radio. "You just can't win," Jerbo mutters in a dull tone. The signal is lost. As he looks up and outside the window again, the bodies are gone. He turns around quickly to see Jerbo, Enbald, Shepmund, Bobbald, and Sidrod staring at him.

Harv wakes in a cold sweat.

Harv: "..It was just a dream.."

Jennifer: "You're alright?"

Harv: "Yeah... just a bad dream, that's all. How long was I asleep?"

Jennifer: "For the past hour. I think we're landing soon."

Harv: "We both have been so stressful lately. Sometimes I wish I could just get this mission over with."

A flight attendant tells everybody to buckle up for landing. After it is all said and done, Harv and Jen get off at the airport, walking to the entrance with their bags. A man in a suit walks over to them.

Halden: "Ah!, you two must be Mr. Harvin and Mrs. Jennifer."

Harv: "Are you our limo driver?"

Halden: "Yes. My name is Halden, and I'll be your chauffeur for the weekend. The limo is parked out front.. let me get your bags. The president is awaiting your arrival at The Gray Manor."

Jennifer smiles.

Jennifer: "Sounds great!"

They hand him their bags and make their way to the limo, getting in and starting their drive.

Harv: "So do you.. work for the president?"

Halden: "I've done quite a few jobs in the past for the government.. but no. I'm just an average guy."

Harv: Well if I were the president, I'd hire you in a heartbeat, Halden.

Halden: "Thank you, it means a lot, Mr. Harvin."

Harv: "Please, call me Harv."

He smiles. The limo pulls up the presidents home, known as "The Brick Manor."

Halden: "Here we are! I will have your bags dropped off at your hotel. Here, take this handy device."

Halden hands Harv a little device with a button on it.

Halden: "Just click that button there about.. 20 minutes ahead of time and I will be here to drive you wherever you need."

Jennifer: "Thank you so much, Halden."

Harv: "Yes, Thank you."

Halden: "Enjoy your stay!"

Harv and Jennifer step out of the limo, which drives away. President Scott walks outside.

President Scott: "Harv and Jennifer!"

Harv: "It's such an honor to meet you, sir."

President Scott: "Please, call me Scott."

Jennifer: "Oooh, the girls are gonna be so jealous that I got to meet you!"

President Scott chuckles.

President Scott: "Lets get inside.. the chefs are preparing us some of the finest steak on the market."

Harv: "Ah, that sounds nice."

They walk inside, going into the parlor.

President Scott: "My wife is upstairs sleeping. Our baby has been keeping us up all night recently.. do you two have any children?"

Jennifer: "Erm.."

Harv: "No, we don't have children."

Harv tries to ignore the fact that they are unable to have children. It gets Jennifer emotional at times.

President Scott: "I'm very interested in the mission. It's sad that we weren't able to fund the program for the past 10 years. It wasn't my choice. Oh, and when is the mission planned to begin?"

Harv: "Well, there are many factors present that may change it, but the vessel is becoming close to completion and-"

Jennifer: "Their launch window opens in a month."

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Background is very important to a good story.

it gives the reader more insight on what happens later and where it may have come from. That way it doesn't appear that the writer just pull something out of his... Hat to make the story. :)

Continue please. I'm liking it.

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Background is very important to a good story.

it gives the reader more insight on what happens later and where it may have come from. That way it doesn't appear that the writer just pull something out of his... Hat to make the story. :)

Continue please. I'm liking it.

Thank you! I'll try to get a chapter in during the next few days. School work, hurray..

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