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The Bane of Mini-Rovers

NASI Director

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The next rover, MR Mk2, in fact, did not make it over the gap. It continues to the bane of mini-rovers.

Actually, I believe he meant the Mk2 could get across the gap by driving over the top of the Mk1. :P

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I think everything is the bane of mini rovers currently, I can't seem to do anything with them! If it hits even a tiny bump on Kerbin it breaks, If I take it to the Mun and travel at 0.1 m/s it flips and breaks, If I create a mini rover I can assure you it will break in every single way possible. I'm normally left with little else but the probodyne and an antenna if I'm lucky.

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The rescue attempt didn't go so well either...


EDIT: I need your help, guys! And gals! My mini-rovers are stuck and want to continue their mission!What can I do to free all three of them?

EDIT EDIT: They're free!


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And then have the Kerbal get stuck? What kind of people are we that we just throw Kerbals away at our will just to- oh wait. I may have to try that anyway.

Are you kidding me?

We have to keep throwing Kerbals at the Wall of Science until one of them sticks!

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I reckon make a bigger rover, with a structural panel angled in such a way that it pushes the little rovers up and to the side.

Then, drop a big panel over the top to act like a bridge for future missions.

Edit: They are free? How? You must tell, in a new post.

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I thought this was a joke thread but the more you post the more serious it seems. I'm not quite clear on what you're trying to achieve with this thread though, are you asking for design help, complaining about the VAB to launch platform transit area or what?

If you're using that gap/bumps as some sort of benchmark you want your rovers to be able to manage then design your rovers to be able to do so. Saying they keep getting stuck doesn't exactly help, are you simply unable to figure out how to redesign your rovers?

A simple RoveMate roverhull with 6 wheels gets over it fine.

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This is a serious problem Johnno! I was dedicated to help the community by figuring out how to save the nearly dead rovers they most likely have somewhere stuck in that gap. All in all, all I needed was a solution to escape the mighty maw that is the VAB gap. And from what I learned from this thread, that this happens to more than just me so I took it upon myself to cure this rover-plague.

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It isn't that nice for larger rovers either. Though the second one made it over the first bump fine.



However, there is a simple solution:


Cross the tracks at the level crossing.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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