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Go faster than 205.5m/s.


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That\'s right, we\'re setting kerbal ground speed records here.

Rules are simple, go as fast as you can, on ground, using only vanilla parts and the C7-Flight Pack, in v0.12.

Post a screenshot as proof of your escapade and I\'ll make a records list.


Ground speed records list:

[list type=decimal]

[li]325.7m/s - Tosh[/li]

[li]265.1m/s - Tosh[/li]

[li]245.7m/s - xzbobzx[/li]

[li]205.9m/s - Asmosdeus[/li]

[li]205.5m/s - xzbobzx[/li]

[li]-53.9m/s - jeb[/li]

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Now if I could only get something that doesn\'t blow up when I try to tip it horizontal... :-\

Try to spawn a rover on the grass to get rid of that \'sticky pad\' bug:


Then yaw left (\'A\' key) and very slightly increase throttle, being ready to drop it immediately when the rover begins to tilt.


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  • 5 months later...

I\'m testing new linear RCS in 0.15 and (accidentally) achieve speed of Mach 2.074 (706m/s) on the runway 8).

I added craft file in attachment if somebody want try beat the score :)


Rocket sled preparing on the runway


First run score


vehicle left the runway (second run)


second run score

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