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What Would KSP Be Like In 3 Years?


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Somehow, i doubt a typical 14 y.o. griefer would have the determination and patience to learn how to get to space - just for the sake of trolling. How do you even troll someone in a single player game? As for warfare...sitting and fiddling with orbits just to get two ships close enough so you could exchange fire? If someone has the skills and patience to put two half-decent "warships" into space and set everything up for simulated battle...well, then he's a heck of a player.

Excuse me! I'm 13 thanks very much!! :mad:

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I think that after 3 years KSP will be completed long time ago, this game will not be developed for ever :).

Also any possible expansions/sequels can be considered after making the actual game, so it's way too early to predict such thing.

It's like asking when "THE GAME II" will be released when "THE GAME" isn't ever made Yet :rolleyes:.

Edited by karolus10
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  • 2 months later...
As for warfare...sitting and fiddling with orbits just to get two ships close enough so you could exchange fire? If someone has the skills and patience to put two half-decent "warships" into space and set everything up for simulated battle...well, then he's a heck of a player.

not quite 2 warshps but it gets the point across

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Excuse me! I'm 13 thanks very much!! :mad:

are you a griefer? A person with that type of mentality? If not, why are you angry? There are several mature young people out there. You know the type of person he was talking about. It isn't limited to a young age.

seriously, I know several adults that are griefers. That is all they play games for is to tick others off. I have better things to do Than to waste my time with them anymore.

Edited by BostLabs
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Somehow, i doubt a typical 14 y.o. griefer would have the determination and patience to learn how to get to space - just for the sake of trolling. How do you even troll someone in a single player game? As for warfare...sitting and fiddling with orbits just to get two ships close enough so you could exchange fire? If someone has the skills and patience to put two half-decent "warships" into space and set everything up for simulated battle...well, then he's a heck of a player.


I started playing the game when I was 13-14, Im 15, now, Ive never had the thought track to just troll, I like to actually play games with complexity that require thought and effort such as KSP.

I know a few other people here who are of the same age and mind. I dont see why youd stereotype a troll as a 14 year old when in reality they are generally any age. In my own experience trolls on every game have usually been older then me 17-20.

None the less I see your point, just dont stereotype please. :)

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I really see Kerbalkind as franchise material, with spin-off games occupying different genres. Kerbal City, Kerbal Tycoon, Kerbal Hospital, The Kerbs, World of Kerbin...and then there's comics, cartoons etc.

Kerbal: Total War

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100's of people all in the same Kerbal universe via multi-player servers screaming at each other through ingame voice coms cause some muppet thought it be a great idea to tow the space station everyone is docket to into a 60km kerbin orbit

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2 year: More updates

4 year: Slight multithreading

5 year: Everyone cooperate for KSP Multiplayer

10 year: Someone will make a thread safe multithreading physics engine that is fully capable of doing n-body simulation and 10k part

11 year: Squad will allow players to input their own planet and solar system parameters

12 year: Space agencies will use KSP for simulations

And KSP needs to be extendable, let warfare be in separate branch/mod with the main one. Orbit maneuvering is not intuitive, a troll trying to accelerate his downloaded SSTO fighter toward a space station will find out that thrusting in prograde will slow his ship down. There is no space combat simulation video game that have realistic physics

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I'm going to be that guy and say... Finished. :P

To elaborate, that means we'll have clouds, weather effects, cities (maybe), other planets, other star systems (again, maybe), missions, economy, 64-bit support (assuming Unity evolves enough in 3 years to support it), GPU PhysX (see: last one), and last but not least, a fully functional tycoon-style Career Mode. There will be no updates after that, according to the devs, aside from maybe bug fixes. Maybe in 3 years Squad will finally find out how to do KSP Multiplayer and release a patch or standalone client/server.

EDIT: Maybe we'll even get DLC/Expansion packs, which of course will be free.

Edited by AlternNocturn
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10 years from now KSP will become so popular that it ends up being the national past time of every country on Earth. All wars stop because people don't want to spend too long away from Jeb. Squad become the richest company ever to exist. Their wealth makes them a philanthropic force for good. World hunger is a distant memory as the people of the world unite to ensure nobody goes without KSP.

Then sometime on June 21st 2023, the Evil Galactic Xortan Hegemony attempts to invade the solar system. The attack fails when they come up against the 3rd planet from the sun whose 7 billion inhabitants are fully adept in orbital mechanics. Earthlings effortlessly defeat the invaders with skilled use of Hohnmann transfers, apoapsises and utter disregard for lagrangian points.

Humanity assumes control and brings peace and prosparity to the galaxy. Squad devs are elected supreme chancellors of the known universe and a bright future is had by all until the heat death of the universe.

I really REALLY do want this to be true.

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  • 4 months later...

In 3 years KSP will become one of the most realistic simulators, still being able to run on even the crappiest computers and have one of the lowest RAM footprint since the 2bit games were around and will train astronauts while still being able to play with the cute kerbals. Squad will become a multimillion company and release more games involving the beloved kerbals.

P.S. the full release will have been out for one whole year

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In 1 year, they should at least have plush Kerbals for the younger fans.

3 years, new solar system.

5 years, Squad announce the ability to have multiplayer launching from KSC 2 and the Island.

10 years, hopefully by then we'll be able to build runways on Laythe.

[quick edit] And race tracks. Don't forget race tracks.

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