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Jool special report (confidential)


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The advanced probe carrier Jool sampler is designed to both analyze and return samples from the Jool system, atmospheric samples from Jool and Laythe atmosphere, water from Laythe and rocks from all the moons. It will also deploy mapping satellites around all the moons. This mission will bring lots of new knowledge is critical for later colonization or resource extraction. Why does not the water on Laythe freeze is one question. who will be answered.


As you see the ship is very large to be unmanned.

On top the Laythe blimp, below the Val sampler, this will also be reused on the two outer moons. Finally the Tylo lander who upper stage will be used to return all the samples to Kerbin.

One the drop tanks you see four of the mapping satellites, yes it was not an good placement as we can not drop the drop tanks until we return.

Now the green tanks at the rcs tank is for atmospheric samples during aerobraking. The tanks in front is for analyzes and sample return, the ones in back are holding tanks to store atmosphere for future analyze if the areobraking is to violent or short to do an analyze in the atmosphere.

As the tank used for this passing Jool would be compromised and we has an separate one for Layte it was jettisoned after analyzes was done.

Jool sampler has to orbit multiple times to get an low dV Laythe intercept so mission control decided to follow the sample tank on an aerobraking path to learn more about orbital decay because of atmosphere and more important watch it get crumpled deep inside Jool.

Her you see the tank going down after two orbits.


Deep down, the darkness below is a bit of an disappointment but the sunset is beautiful.



Confidential part


The first indication that something was wrong was the black line on the bottom of the sent picture.


This is an know phenomena, however it has never appeared so high in the atmosphere, the reason for it is unknown but most hold it as an simple optical effect of the high pressure.

Then one operator look down and shouted: "my God its full of moons".


First reaction was that Jool was hollow inside and had moons orbiting below it surface.

However the moons looked very much like Laythe an Val, their position also match their position on the opposite side of the probe.


Only explanation must be that Jool is totally transparent at larger deep, however we should still see the atmosphere on the other side.

This picture shows that the surface on Jool is just an thin layer who is not visible up close.


Below 0 attitude the we as usually lost camera control, however nothing happened at 50 meter.


At 250 meter below the surface the probe exploded violently.


Note that in an earlier trip Jeb was able to go down to the surface level at -50 meter and bounce around before safety returning.

This has changed during the cataclysm, the effect might have larger impact than all the new craters on Mun who has created widespread accusations that the government did it and an call for safer Mun lander. Doomsayers will hold is as an sign that the kraken is eating Jool from the inside and will emerge soon as large as Jool itself.

An secret followup mission is critical, luckily the factory and mining ship Jool conquer is underway to Bop to set up an mining opperation, they will start dropping more advanced probes then entering the system.

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