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Unlocking Start Screens

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It'd be nice to get a reward out of successfully placing landers on planets/moons and orbiters around gas planets in either Sandbox or Career Modes.

I, for one, would love to unlock a particular start screen for each planet/moon you land on (or an orbiter for "un-landable" planets like Jool).

For example the current screen is a Kerbal on Mun and a crashed lander to his right. I would like to add one for Minimus when you land on it. Then when you explore farther out you unlock more screens like when you land on Duna you might unlock a screen that shows a lander orbiting Duna with it's moon (Ike if memory serves correct) in the background and when you click on "start" it could zoom in to a Kerbal sitting on a 'Duna buggy' (lol) on the surface.

I'd also like to be able to change which one I'm looking at from a list of the unlocked ones. For example if I've put a space station around Jool and that's my current screen I may decide I on't like that screen. However, I did like the Eeloo screen and I already unlocked it. So I'd like to be able to go to my settings and click on "Eeloo Start Screen" or something to that effect.

It'd be nice to have an in-game reward like that rather than just the emotional/physical reward you experience with the accomplishment.

Perhaps, once development gets closer to done you could make Sandbox mode landers/orbits give out orbiting start screens and Career mode landings/orbits reward with surface view start screens.

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As far as I know there is as of yet no feature that tracks your accomplishments. Once career mode is implemented there obviously has to be one. Reflecting some of your most memorable accomplishments in the start screen should not be that hard. Doing so with the craft you actually used to do so however will be a tricky.

Start screens are not movie but are rendered in real time so anything you can imagine could in theory be there. But the scene has to be staged some way to make it look good; camera, vehicles, Kerbals, flags, planets/moons. You wouldn't want your scene be obscured by some random terrain scatter boulder.

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They laid the groundwork for tracking accomplishments, actually. That was the bulk of .21, I believe. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think the game currently tracks whether a flight lands on a planet successfully and whether it returns. It probably tracks more than that, I just don't know much about it.

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure someone mentioned in another thread that it's tracking whether specific kerbonauts landed somewhere then returned to kerbin safely. But I think it tracks it oddly or something. I don't know.

Either way, I'd be down for the main menu scenery changing, though I'd rather have it be...maybe the last planet you touched down on before exiting the game last time. So, if you landed on Duna then went back to KSC to do build something before exiting the game(without launching), it would show a scene on Duna. Or if the last thing you did was launch a station or probe or something then exited the game, the main menu would display either your probe or just some of the stock builds doin' their thang.

That way it's always kind of reminding you of what you did last time you played. It could even probably be setup to show a snapshot of the last vehicle you landed or got into a stable orbit. Hmm...I wonder how difficult that would be for them to setup...

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