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I landed on the Mun without MechJeb


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I mean almost i used it to dock CSM and LM on kerbin orbit i used stock lander which i put unkerbaled on Kerbin orbit, but my Munar rocket the Jool V is mine design:-)

I plot the trans munar injection burn using NavNodes and MechJeb to perform it, but the landing i do myself using first person view from lander windows, i landed on first attempt, it was not my first manual landing but was long time since i do it by hand. I must admit that landing using IVAs is more easier than 3rd person view

that my photo




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Just starting to fiddle with MJ a bit. Seems great for learning more, though yeah, if you just want to make it do the work it could be used to not learn more too. Like any good tool it can be used for edification or used to avoid it.

Good job on the landing though!

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@Synapse: You're quite rude.

I personally have done all my landings myself, but never from first person view (planes excluded). I do use MechJeb, but almost solely for the orbit, vessel and ÃŽâ€V infos. Congrats on doing a landing by yourself - using MechJeb as a "teacher" to find out how to do stuff is a great strategy for getting better at piloting yourself.

Edited by wasmic
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Excuse me, how is he trolling? He landed on the Mun without Mechjeb, which he didn't do in awhile. That's an accomplishment, not a troll.

Thanks:), Mun always was problem for me i send probe to Jool, kerbonauts to one way trip to Duna, and kerballed flyby to Eve, but landing on Mun was always hell like problem for me,

I think new SAS was great help too.

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