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White Monkey Kitchenware and SpaceParts Factory - ver 0.4 - HOPE SHUTTLE


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Guest meteorite 101

Kreuger flaps are entirely different, used for delaying stall. Flaperons are the name for combined flaps and ailerons, again completely different. What he\'s suggesting is a rare design that works a lot better in KSP than IRL, but there are aircraft that have similar things. Probably the best example is the Sukhoi T-50, though in this case they\'re more for engine management and stall delay than control:


You can see at the leading edge wing root, the wing appears to be separated and pointed down. This is what he means by an 'in-line canard'; a forward control surface that is part of the main wing.

Granted, those and the ones on the outer wing -are- actually kreuger flaps, which -do- behave differently, but this shows the idea of the in-line canard best.

that jet is a photo shop

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After coming to conclusion that I have 3 different fuel tanks (1 rcs + 2 liquid), and no way to make the center of mass immobile with the 0.4 design, I\'ve decided to upgrade and do an ASAS module for her. It sits where the docking module will go, I guess now it will sit atop of the ASAS.

I\'ve modelled and coded the RCS thrusters, am 50% done with the textures... I\'m getting there :)

I\'m not going to be fiddling with her on my own forever though - I plan to release her this weekend and tweak her according to the Voice Of The Public :)



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Shuttle is out!

Download link: here or in the first post - (I\'ll do a proper update later).

There are two craft files related to Hope in the pack - shuttle itself and one mounted atop of an Able Class Rocket. It\'s enough to put the Hope in low Kerbin Orbit with full fuel tanks.

Try her and tell me what you think - I\'ll be working on her flight characteristics and new parts in the near future.

Final note - a few parts are kind of polygon heavy - especially the RCS tanks - may take them a while to load for the first time. All the parts were tested on my two not-so-powerfull laptops, and were running pretty smooth so you should be alright.

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Your shuttle decoupler/adapter has fuelcrossfeed set to true, causing the main rocket to drain the shuttles fuel. I\'m guessing that this wasn\'t done on purpose.

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Your shuttle decoupler/adapter has fuelcrossfeed set to true, causing the main rocket to drain the shuttles fuel. I\'m guessing that this wasn\'t done on purpose.

Fixed. Download link updated.

I\'ll upload the pack to Kerbal Space Yard once I\'m able to login into it again.

why is there no ASAS for Baker? its horrible to land this thing on moon. Besides of that, its awesome :)

I wanted to make it balanced with the base game parts - the ASAS weights an additional 1 ton - that\'s a lot for a light lander like the Baker.

I don\'t like the shuttle too much, I mean it\'s great, but one wrong pitch and you\'re done for, it\'ll spin on for ever.

If you get into a spin with full fuel tanks then yeah... you\'re probably done for. Not that the original space shuttles were spin certified. The Hope can recover from a spin if the tanks are empty though.

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I wanted to make it balanced with the base game parts - the ASAS weights an additional 1 ton - that\'s a lot for a light lander like the Baker.

well but it should be optional. I would rather make Baker little heavier and have ASAS^^

I play with keyboard and its hard to land it without ASAS.

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I must say, hope is the best of all the small shuttles so far, vanguard and AUSPLANE have their charm, but this one just handles like a dream! Even at supersonic speeds it doesn\'t spin wildly out of control, it\'s just almost impossible to manoevre, which is just fine by me :)

I built a carrier plane for it, to take it into the stratosphere and launch from there, most fun I\'ve had in a while in KSP!

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Guest meteorite 101

i have a question i need to ask

Why dose the Able class fist stage LRB engine has a bad wobble problem and how do i control hope and i know how to control RCS

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i have a question i need to ask

Why dose the Able class fist stage LRB engine has a bad wobble problem and how do i control hope and i know how to control RCS

I haven\'t notices any out-of the ordinary wobbling on the Able - perhaps you have a slow computer/launch at 2x warp?

Regarding the hope - you control her like you would any unpowered, heavy shuttle - gently.

I\'m thinking about making some training videos, but apparently I suck at directing ;-) Besides I\'d rather be modeling. If anyone wishes to make some videos of flying the Hope Shuttle, I\'d be very glad to stick them to the first post on this thread.

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I\'ve attempted a couple times now, but i cant land the thing. i\'m coming in with an empty fuel tank, low angle of attack but i can\'t get the nose to come up even with RCS. i still end up with much too fast descent and smoosh.

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