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Rover Assembly Building/Rover Symmetry

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Rovers are very sketchy to build in the VAB without the right symmetries and other such malarky, I've mentioned this in another suggestion regarding folders for organisation of craft (it's not as interesting but equally useful). With this rovers would be easier, faster and more intuitive to construct, a small rover testing facility would go a long way too, testing different inclinations and rough terrain on rovers.

A simple solution to this would 'just' be 3 seperate symmetry modes available in all assembly buildings: Spaceplane symmetry, Rover symmetry (might be identical to spaceplane now I think about it) and normal bi, tri, quad etc symmetry.

Food for thought ;)

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Yup - if Radial (VAB) and mirror (SPH) symmetry were options in both buildings, that would be helpful (and potentially confusing!)

I've taken to designing my rovers in the SPH, then using SubAssembly Manager to import them into the VAB after the rocket's built.

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  Piggius_Max said:
This could work too, but it would mean the Spaceplane hangar is made borderline redundant, and quite a bit of modelling has gone into creating that. :/

It won't be redundant. We still certainly need a hangar and runway to launch our aircraft.

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This should be connected with this suggestions, btw. :)



They should fix the issue. :)

But anyway a ground vehicle testing and building facility (some crash and acrobatic course included) would be a great idea.

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Agreed, this would make rover design far easier. I always feel like a barbarian when I'm trying to make rovers because nothing wants to line up the way I imaging it. However, a whole building just for rovers would be a bit much, a simple symmetry option like other people have suggested would take my vote.

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I build my rovers in the spaceplane hangar and then copy them into the VAB folder when I'm ready to launch them. Ideally I'd like to be able to do this in-game instead of having to do file management in Windows.

There's also a bug when you do this: the revert button will take you to the spaceplane hangar, even if you were just in the VAB building the rocket that goes under the rover.

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  Skorpion said:

There's also a bug when you do this: the revert button will take you to the spaceplane hangar, even if you were just in the VAB building the rocket that goes under the rover.

To get over this, edit the craft file, and change where its says SPH to VAB. Capitals necessary.

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