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[[Great for Intermediate players]] Kerbal System Lander (PIC HEAVY)


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Alright, this is my new lander/rocket. I built it from the ground up with a great balance between too much, and too little. This rocket has been tested, multiple times to ensure that it has more than enough fuel to get you to any moon in the Kerbin system (Mun or Minmus) and back safely. It geared towards intermediate players who have experience with basic rockets. This rocket is not made for beginners, and might be hard for beginners to get into orbit. I also made sure that there is plenty of fuel in case you are fairly new and often make inefficient maneuvers. This is a three-kerbal rocket. It has RCS installed, one headlight, lights for landing on the dark side of moons, 2 extendable ladders to ensure that your Kerbals will get out and in to the ship as easy as possible, 2 extendable solar panels (recommended to keep these open when have direct contact with sunlight), 2 parachutes, and landing gear to get you down safely. I hope you guys like it!

P.S Use SAS from liftoff until orbit for better outcomes!















Edited by aazo5
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Can it land on planets with atmosphere?

Don't think you could get it to another planet and back, and the small number of parachutes I think make it less than suitable for a parachute descent of the entire vessel (also, the capsule might tear away when the chutes deploy, have had that happen more than once).

Might be worth testing it on Kerbin of course.

Replacing the aerodynamic caps on the lander outriggers with parachutes might be enough.

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Has not been tested, nor recommended. It does what it is said to do for sure, but not beyond for sure. I'm sure you could expand upon it to do just that, but it is perfect for Kerbin's moons.

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Can it land on planets with atmosphere?

Has not been tested, nor recommended. It does what it is said to do for sure, but not beyond for sure. I'm sure you could expand upon it to do just that, but it is perfect for Kerbin's moons.

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I'd say this is more of a rocket for new players, not intermediate ones, but it is well designed!

Thanks. Personally I put intermediate because of the fact that when I was a beginner this might have been a little bit tricky to take off. It's not your simple, light, 25 part rocket that is easy to take off.

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