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TT's IVA Tutorial


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How do I use it? Opening it in the bottom "Project" view opens it in "MonoDevelop" and I get no window.

This tutorial only mentions placing props, not making them, haven't found a tutorial on that subject yet.

You just put the script on an empty gameobject. More options will appear then.

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What is the "prop url" supposed to be? relative path where I want it to stored? absolute? how do I write out files like you do with parts? props doesn't have any of that, and doesn't matter how much I google I can't find any information on this, really weird. Also "PropTools.dll" seems to have vanished.

Edited by K3|Chris
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You write the props out with part tools like normal parts. The only difference is their CFG, check out the stock props CFG's to see how they're set up.

That internal script is just for adding the finished props to an IVA. The prop url points to the folder that contains all the props that you want to add to the IVA. They will appear in a list that lets you spawn em to the IVA once you set it up. Before you do that tho you spawn the IVA you want to work on, it will appear black and white. All the script actually does is write down what props to place at which location in the IVA into the CFG. Technically you could write that manually but thats extremely impractical cos it uses quarternion rotation values.

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Through dumb luck I've managed to make a prop, I made a part and just made a prop config using that model, works in unity, but it's invisible in KSP, "Make sure it's set to be in either the kerbal or interior spaces layer so it shows up in the IVA view" where do I set those layers? Unity hasa layer option top right in inspector with "default, transparentfx, ignore raycast, water" but no kerbal/interior spaces layer, do I add those? Which of the 2 should I use? Either? "InterorSpaces" or "Interior Spaces" ?

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You have to create these layers. Use the "Kerbal" layer. This has to be layer 16 for some reason. Pretty much every object in the IVA must be in that layer.

Oh and yea I think this might be the reason why your prop doesnt show up.

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Finally worked, big thanks, how was this stuff figured out anyway since there is no official information on this?

Very WIP:


RPM MFDs, other gauges buttons etc are from RPM etc, I only put them there, my "prop" is the very basic rectangular back-pieces they're attached to, I'll make something nicer looking, just wanted to figure out how do it using as basic of as model/texture as possible.

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Note that if it's blocking the little pictures when you are in the external view putting it on the "internal spaces" layer (20) will make it appear inside the IVA view but not in those portraits. I'm pretty sure squad's are on this layer.

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I meant what actually makes the kerbal be there in the game, not the visual seat you sit in.

Would be useful to have some example files to work from with these things in them, kerbal face camera, kerbal position thingy making your kerbal be there in IVA, window you can double click, hatch you can double click etc.

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Ok figured out the seats and cameras (make an empty object and name it something you can remember later like Seat1 and position a unity camera near it named something else you can remember like "KerbCam1" both layer 16 Kerbal then use:

name = InternalSeat
seatTransformName = Seat1
portraitCameraName = KerbCam1
allowCrewHelmet = true

That works nicely, now how do I add windows? What material do they need to be to be transparent, and how do you set them up to double click them? Why isn't this information accessible anywhere? I've googled plenty and looked around here on the forums, a lot of this information isn't in the wild, begs the question how anyone made mods with IVAs in the first place.

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That's easy. You need a gameobject with a collider in front of the window, thats the clickable region. Then you need a transform for the window viewpoint, blue arrow points into view direction, green arrow is up, as allways. Name them something you can remember and reference them in the CFG like this (from hitchhiker)



name = InternalCameraSwitch

colliderTransformName = Window1FocusPoint

cameraTransformName = Window1EyeTransform


To make things more simple you can also just use the collider for both things, provided its oriented correctly. That's what i do.

As for the actual window in your model, it can be as simple as a hole in the model that you look through. You can put a transparent pane with whatever color and texture in the hole if you wanna go advanced.

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Hmm, I wonder if you can add more kerbals to the IVA of parts, I know how to do it the proper way for new IVAs etc, placing kerbal layer "transforms" (empty game objects) with a name you can reference in the internal.cfg, I wonder if you can add more kerbals using coordinates same as you do with props, would allow you to add kerbals to stock/mod parts, say 2 more kerbals in the B9 S2 cockpit, 2 chairs fit easily behind the current set. Because I assume there is no easy way to add transforms to .mu files?

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Yeah I still can't figure out lighting, I've figured out many other steps of the process but lighting doesn't work at all for me, I have no lights and no ambient light and the model still ends up almost perfectly white, despite mimicking lighting settings I've seen elsewhere, adding any kind of light just makes it worse, and I can't keep sunlight out of the inside in KSP, I have a outer shell outside the IVA with faces facing outwards, it's actually the model of the exterior, it doesn't block light though for some reason, if I roll the vessel I can see in the IVA t getting light, dark, light as I roll.

Not sure what the sun icon being brighter vs dark means actually, the tooltip isn't very helpful


On: I get reasonable light levels from 2 0.8 intensity somewhat yellow area lights, but I also get a horrible checkboard pattern on the lightmap but only on one model, it's really bizarre


Off: welcome to whiteout city, population me, again same model that's acting up


Proof I have an external model that should block sunlight (too well, haven't punched a hole for the window yet).

Anyone got any ideas? I've tweaked everything I can figure to tweak here and I always get the same results, black or perfectly white, only balanced results I've had I've managed in the past and then I got really splotchy lightmaps with red and green artifacts and banding.

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Hello, I need help. I'm trying to model the cockpit of the Space Shuttle, using a 3rd party model imported from Orbiter 2010. I edited the model a bit using 3ds, exported it as .fbx into unity, and then added props, lights. I set everything to layer 16 and set the ksp/diffuse shaders as per this tutorial. This is what the IVA should look like (it's the rear section):


Then, after exporting the model into KSP, this is the result:



All the textures are messed up. Also, although you can't see it from this view, the front half of the cockpit isn't even appearing.

What's wrong here? can you help me?

thanks in advance

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Do you have a single uv map per mesh? for some reason the unity editor supports that and shows it properly, but ksp freaks out and discards the additional/all UV maps it seems, no experience with 3ds but there might be other artifacts of the import lingering like an alpha map (can make large chunks transparent), I have to delete those in modo all the time.

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