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Mission reports from my own Space Program


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Hi folks,

After 0.21 broke saves, I took the opportunity to construct a space program from scratch. It's a Blog from a journalists point of view.

It's just a bit of fun! I am posting every couple of days or so. The first post contains some information about what I'm doing.

Hope you enjoy :)

Link: http://ksp-missionreports.blogspot.co.uk/

Edit: Update to this post.

I have not fully transferred my Space Program over to 0.22 yet. I'm waiting to get use to things and for further possible updates.

Edited by Akinesis
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  SuperWeegee4000 said:
That's why I don't use math.

And because I'm lazy.

Haha! I've thought about working everything out with a paper and pen(cil and rubber). Might even try it at some point. But for now, I'm happy winging-it! I have started suing Redux again as the rockets get bigger, but for these initial launches I didn't really bother. Well, not until my R-4 mission surprise, anyway!

I've fired in a couple more entries. I'm well into the program now, so I can catch up with the entries pretty quickly. But I don't want to flood it to start off with.

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  Specialist290 said:
I like it. The writing style you use reminds me a lot of actual press releases.

Thanks for liking it :) I'm not a press writer, so any similarities are by accident!

I've fired a couple more posts in. I have one more mission to report and then I have finished the 'Age of Rocketry' campaign. In the game, I'm actually not far from finishing 'Age of Satellites', so I have a lot of posts to catch up on!! It should be a little more interesting after the rocketry as I have made some 'photo's' that I'm quite pleased with.

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  The Jedi Master said:
Bookmarked the blog!

Great stuff :D

I've taken a slight turn and done a piece on the first launcher system. Not sure if this is of any interest of not, but it was a bit of fun to do. There is also a new progression post on the 'Age of Satellites' campaign.


I'm actually at crossroads on what to do with regards to the campaign. I've used both the real space-race and the Wiki KSP campaign and formed my own. So far, I have been doing things in stages as done in the Wiki, but the real space-race was a lot more muddled. For instance, there was a the Venera missions beginning in the middle of the Lunar's and Vostoks, and Mercury and Gemini's were happening while probes were put on Mars. I can't decide what to do - do it in stages like the Wiki campaigns, or jump about like the real space race.

What do other people do?

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  19spacepug said:
I love this blog its really good I have bookmarked your blog keep up the good work:)

Hey, many thanks! Any feedback is really appreciated!

I've just posted the final 'Age of Satellites' entry. The Mun is next!!

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  Specialist290 said:
I won't raise any objections to seeing you jumping around if you decide to go that route. After all, if you're having fun doing what you're doing, you're doing something right.

Yes, good point! If I see a transfer opportunity I may as well send a probe out :)

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  wronkiew said:
Nice blog! The LV comparison was fun.

I'm glad you thought so! It was actually fun to do, and I have done many more. So I will release them in the Blog when appropriate.

I have put another entry in, and I have very nearly caught up with where I am in the campaign. However, I am away this week so it may go quiet until next weekend (depends if I can get internet!).

Thanks for the comments so far, everyone!

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Ok, back into it now. Two new posts: a new launch system and the first Munar landing (probe).

I have one more mission to write up then I will have caught up to where I am in the campaign. After that, any mission reports will be 'live'.

I have spent some time doing other things, including revising my campaign. I will probably release this next (linked on the original post) so people can see where I am or even perhaps use it themselves.


Edit: The main reason for my campaign revision is to adapt an idea suggested to me by Specialist290, so I thought it's deserving of a mention and a thank-you! :)

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Nice to see you back, and thank you in turn for taking my suggestion to heart :) As always, I'm impressed by the attention to detail and "background color" you give to your reports.

On that note, what's your technique behind coming up with the lineart diagrams for your rocket designs? I might have to figure out how to do it myself if I ever get around to documenting my own space program.

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Thanks for the comments :)

The rocket diagrams are simply done in MSPaint. I drew a batch of parts that are roughly to scale. Then I just 'copy and paste' the parts to construct each rocket much like a jigsaw. So although the scale of each part isn't 100% accurate, the size difference between the rockets is true.

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New post added and my mods list has been updated on the first post. The Kerbals have now moved onto colour photography!!

I'm amazed with the amount of page-views this gets. So I've added a couple of gadgets if people wanted to follow it a little easier (never used them, so I don't know how useful they are?!). It's a Google+ follower thingy.

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