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Mission reports from my own Space Program


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I have just two more Mun missions to complete before I start sending Kerbals up. These won't take long to do, and the next probe is sat on the launch pad ready to go. I would have completed them had I not been sucked in to the Eve launch window :sticktongue: I think I have over-done the Mun missions, so my campaign I drew up could do with trimming a little perhaps. I thought the Eve voyage would help the blog along a bit better.

Anyway, we had a phone call today from a hospital with an offer for my daughter to fill a cancellation slot for an operation she desperately needs, so I will be offline for a week or so tending obvious priorities. The nights are long there (we are no strangers to that hospital unfortunately), so I may pass the evenings by with KSP on my laptop :D

I'll be back soon!

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Akinesis, I hope all goes well with your daughter. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your mission reports, to the point where I've been thinking of doing something similar in a campaign series I've been tinkering with ever since finding the wiki campaign. Thanks for the inspiration / boot in the behind to stay task oriented!!

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Hey, thanks a lot. It means a great deal to know that people are enjoying this.

I have been meaning to release my campaign, and it is one of the things I hope to expand while we're away. I've pretty much just expanded the Wiki version. Here's snip of the first three stages:


Hope it helps :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

New mission posting. The second and last remote-rover for my 'Celestia' project. I have one final vehicle to launch, and then it's on to Kerbal space flight. This rover sees an improvement in camera technology thanks to the Hullcam VDS mod.


Please share your thoughts

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Impressive work as always :) Looking forward to seeing the first kerbonaut in space soon.

A note on your Latin: If you're going for what I think you're going for, you want Stagnum Spei instead. Spero is the infinitive form of the verb, so what you've actually said is something like "The lake, to hope" or thereabouts :P

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I'm glad you mentioned this. I was using the Google Latin translator and it was always coming up with different thing, even though I was typing the names in the same context. For instance, ‘Lake’ appeared as ‘Stagnum’ in some instances, and ‘Lacus’ in other even though I [thought] I was writing them under the same structure. I wasn’t sure which to use, so I decided on the one that appeared most often, which was ‘Stagnum’ in this example. I don’t know Latin very well at all, so I only used it for the main areas of the Mun. I almost dropped the Latin use completely because of my lack of understanding, but thought that it might give a better effect. What I would like to do is e-mail/post the Mun map I created and then any discrepancies can be highlighted. I will need to do this when I get home later, though.

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Sure thing :) I'd be more than glad to take a look and PM you any corrections I see. I studied it a bit in college, and I think I still remember a good chunk of the grammar (at least enough for little two-word descriptors like these).

Re lacus vs. stagnum: Both of them are correct and perfectly good translations for "lake." After doing a little research into it myself, though, it turns out that the preferred term for lunar features is actually lacus, at least here on Earth. Of course, given that you've already made the map by now, I won't mark points off if you decide to keep using stagnum from here on out, since, again, it's still "lake" when you translate it back into English.

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Sure thing :) I'd be more than glad to take a look and PM you any corrections I see.

PM'd! Many thanks for your help on this. When I get the next Mun satellite up, which will close my 'Celestia' program, I'll have the VDS hull-cam fitted and I will take a decent Mun-shot. With this, I will make and label a Mun-map based on the one I have PM'd you.

I have also done a new entry today from last-nights' game-time. This is the first time I have ever reached another planet in this game!!! :D Before now, the furthest I had gone was Minmus in 0.20, so last night was very exciting for me. I'm sleep deprived already! But writing about Eve tonight made a welcome change from writing about the Mun :sticktongue: Now I can't wait to go back! Linky

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New post.

This concludes my Mun-Probe phase of the program. I will type up a summary of this phase, and then it's on to Kerbal space flight.

Big thanks to Specialist290 again for clearing up some things for me!!

Edit: I'm attempting to present this in a format that is somewhat realistic, so there are no 'impossible images'. I'm worried that this might be making my Blog a little bland and samey now. Hopefully, having Kerbals involved from now on will help that along. But some feedback on this would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the comments!

A new project has begun - see the link in my sig. I'm shooting myself in the foot posting now just when 0.22 has been released. Now excuse me while I go and have a peak at the newest update...

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Glad to see Unity unveiled.

And I'll forgive you if you're a little behind on the next update. The campaign mode is quite entertaining, even if it's fairly bare-bones for the moment.

Thanks :sticktongue:

Well, phase one is complete. Forgive me if it's a little 'clunky', but I didn't want to dwell on this for too long. So I put it all into one post. I really want to get to the manned flights now, which will go back to individual posts. Link is in the sig.


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Nicely done! And that's a rather clever use of Procedural Fairings for the LES on the Unity capsule :)

Also, nice to see the transition to color photography. It's a nice and subtle cue for the overall progress you've been making.

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