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Request! An under-100 part stock craft sticky thread for people running on potatoes.

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I play this game on a 545 dollar special deal chinese laptop I bought a year ago. It actually runs alright, better with the new updates. But I just feel like people who can't run crazy thousand part vessels should have a thread. I'm ready to contribute.

Edit: Just figuring a bunch of people don't contribute designs because they don't think them complicated enough.

Double Edit: Not soliciting PC building advice.

Edited by Apatheticjester
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545 dollars? My friend bought an ASUS i5 dual core laptop with 6Gb of ram and intergrated Gefroce GT610 or G30, runs ubuntu so he uses the HD2500 but that laptop was around 5700 Swedish kronors. That includes 25% vats so US price should be about 570 USD sens we have a bout 10x KR per dollar on electronics in Sweden. And that was at least a year ago. I know for a fact that intel HD graphic is fast enough for KSP in 1360x768 on the lowest settings and an i5 even mobile with turboboost can clock at least to 2.5Ghz on one core so should handle a lot more then a 100 parts.

Lower the graphics settings as much as possible, tune up from there if theres som headroom, that what I did on HD4000 graphics. Set Physics Delta time in settings to 0.03 that saves a lot of CPU power.

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Under 100 parts. Everything other than returning from tylo or eve can be done under 100 parts easy. I'm counting building in orbit. As long as everything used to build it was under 100 parts and the final station/ship is under 100 parts. Constraints breed creativity. Just as much as possibility.

Edit: Give or take 5 parts, for people who don't use mechjeb or something similar.

Edited by Apatheticjester
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i5 second generation quad core with 4gb RAM and nvidia gpu with 1gb dedicated graphics RAM for 560 US$. It's taiwanese (obviously) and is 2 years old.

but less parts = less mass = higher TWR = better performance. Even with a good computer there is plenty of reason to keep your part count to a minimum, so yes having a thread for minimalistic designs is a good idea. The only bad thing that can come out of this is people arguing about whether or not parts clipping is a valid design choice or not.

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  macintux said:
He should use the Geforce, Nvidia graphics are very well supported in Linux.

In theory yes. But nvidia have not supported optimus and he cant even install his own OS less use the terminal or set up some easy way of starting apps with the Nvidia GPU. So simple reason he uses the HD2500 is becuse it works out of the box. If it was my PC I would enable the geforce GPU and I could do it for him but he felt it was to hard for him sens he dont even understand what a GPU is.

I think nvidia stated they where considering optimus for linux but i dont know if they do sens I personaly hate laptops. Never realy found them usefull for me even if I have always owned at least on sens my first 750Mhz Celeron coppermine based HP latptop back in 2000 or somthing. Now days a low cost tablet works as a terminal for my linux machines and its less maintenance then another PC to worry about.

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Now inventing a <60 part Mun lander and lifter.

'Ere we go.


59 parts, can do moon landings pretty swell.

"The Washingtown".


The core stage's little bit of fuel left is enough to get into low Munar orbit.


Et voila.

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  • 1 month later...
  Apatheticjester said:
I play this game on a 545 dollar special deal chinese laptop I bought a year ago. It actually runs alright, better with the new updates. But I just feel like people who can't run crazy thousand part vessels should have a thread. I'm ready to contribute.

Edit: Just figuring a bunch of people don't contribute designs because they don't think them complicated enough.

Double Edit: Not soliciting PC building advice.

Hey There,

My little Minnow lander clocks in at just under 75 parts, this leaves you a few parts spare to build a stripped back LV for it. Hope this helps. :)




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