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Radial mounted drogue chute!


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Ever wanted a radial mount drogue chute?


Well we have the answer for you! After simple editing the original radial mount parachutes CFG file I have come up with a high altitude... (maybe too high of an altitude) parachute capable of bringing down a command pod from 2k m/s down to 100m/s before it reaches Kerbin! Now you may be thinking, "I love the radial mounted parachute that comes with the stock game! I Don't want to replace it!" No need to worry we have you covered! The radial drouge chute will not replace the older radial mounted chute in anyway shape or form... Except for looks that it!

(because of my lack of modding abilities it looks exactly the same) But don't let that fool you! It is still a very handy parachute for bringing craft back to Kerbin!

Install instructions: Open "Drogue Chute.rar" and put the "Gamedata" folder into your KSP install folder and merge all folders it asks.

Download: http://www./?j9550ll52wyss97

As for permissions... I really don't care what you do with this.

EDIT: Updated texture and CFG file, should no longer replace default radial mounted chute and has a new orange texture.

Edited by 7499275
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About all I could recommend is to make the stripes orange rather than blue, like the other drogue. But I understand the difference between modifying the CFG on a part and actually reskinning it - I encountered the same challenge when making the Hitchhiker look like the old Crew Tank.

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Yeah, I know how to mod some games, Simcity 4 mostly and KSP I never have tried to mod so I have no clue how to retexture or remodel anything yet... Thinking about learning though if I could find someone to help teach me how KSP works and all.

Edit: I would love that texture just how do I implement it?

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A word of warning to users of this mod:

Check your existing craft designs, because when I loaded my craft files in the vAB, anything that had a regular radial parachute before was now a drogue. And not just the texture - the actual item had been replaced. Probably because of the file structure that puts this into Squad (never a good idea).

I think further work is necessary to get his operating right.

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A word of warning to users of this mod:

Check your existing craft designs, because when I loaded my craft files in the vAB, anything that had a regular radial parachute before was now a drogue. And not just the texture - the actual item had been replaced. Probably because of the file structure that puts this into Squad (never a good idea).

I think further work is necessary to get his operating right.

I have this problem too but it happens every time. I'll change them back to normal radial parachutes in the VAB but when I go to launch, they're back to being drogue ones. :T

I can't find any way to stop this overriding.

EDIT: I have found the problem. This part has the same name in the config as the stock radial parachute. To fix the bug, change the "NAME" parameter.

Edited by Lucid Hills
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Sorry for the delay, didn't have internet for a little while as I was on the road, anyway... Thank you Dave for the orange texture! Looks amazing, which is now part of the download, updated the download link obviously. Lastly updated the CFG file no longer should it replace the default radial mounted chute!

Also I have an idea for a mod if anyone would like to help me create it, I have some expericnce making and textuing items and modeling.

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Basically I will give the short version of the idea, and if I can get some help I will post a thread in addon dev but anyway...

We all see people with massive amounts of solar panels and batteries and that power is going no where... A 2m and a 1m version of a part that will take maybe 30 electricty a second and convert it into 0.5 fuel and 0.4 oxidizer per second.

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Basically I will give the short version of the idea, and if I can get some help I will post a thread in addon dev but anyway...

We all see people with massive amounts of solar panels and batteries and that power is going no where... A 2m and a 1m version of a part that will take maybe 30 electricty a second and convert it into 0.5 fuel and 0.4 oxidizer per second.

Out of interest, what kind of conversion are you suggesting here, as this is sounding pretty theoretical without some sort of resource (as seen in the Kethane mod).

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Basically I will give the short version of the idea, and if I can get some help I will post a thread in addon dev but anyway...

We all see people with massive amounts of solar panels and batteries and that power is going no where... A 2m and a 1m version of a part that will take maybe 30 electricity a second and convert it into 0.5 fuel and 0.4 oxidizer per second.

Problem is, you can't turn electrons (electricity) into "fully-functional" particles (a set of protons, neutrons and electrons with specific arrangement), and even if you could somehow collect the missing protons and neutrons, binding them together into a molecule is something that usually requires the energy of a super-novae; And I don't think any respectable rocket scientist would spend so much material and energy for the sake of creating a super-novae emulation, for the sake of creating a few particles, for the sake of having 1 more milliliter of fuel, for the sake of accelerating he's craft some 0.01m/s.

At least not when he could simply use an much smaller amount of that material and energy to launch a much greater number of crafts to much further distant targets.

Now, I don't mean to offend anyone with what I'll say next; Your game is yours, and you do what you wish with it, but I think it's fair to share my opinion:

We don't live in a magical world of flying rainbow ponies; Neither do the Kermans; If you want to play the game fair, play it fair; If you want to cheat, cheat outright instead of masking it behind something utterly ridiculous. And if you absolutely want to somehow get more fuel somewhere without launching a new fuel-delivery-vehicle, get Kethane...It's already stretching enough boundaries; And is barely "realistic enough" for the Kerbal universe; But at least it requires you to mine it from somewhere and isn't some poorly-masked cheat.

May I recommend a small drogue chute (like the original parachute)? Maybe inline chutes as well, but that may be too much to ask; it would require a new model.

I agree with the suggestion! The lack of different-radial-size for some of the really important parts, while other parts have them, is one of the things that really bothers me about "vanilla" KSP; And one of the main reasons I mod it, HEAVILY.

If there are 3 versions of the normal parachute, there should be their equivalents in drogue-parachutes!

(And a similar saying goes for a great many of other parts)

Edited by AlmightyR
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I would say that i really like the idea, i always disliked the choice between a docking port or a parachute on the top of my rockets.

Thank you!

About the flow of the conversation, I need to agree that all ships are generating lots of electricity with no particular use, so some kind of refining would be nice. As i am no chemist (only high-school knowledge of protons , neutrons and electrons), what kind of conversion would you suggest?

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I don't understand fuel conversion as a solution to having more-than-necessary amounts of electricity generation.

Why not just put fewer solar panels/rtg's on your craft, or mod the panels to be less overpowered and have their electricity production fall off with the square of the distance to the sun (as it does in reality)?

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you so much! I needed this a lot, especially with FAR mod installed--fuel tanks that are aerodynamic (have nosecones and winglets) often come in at >200m/s, even with 4x radial parachutes, often making my tanks disintegrate when the shock of going from 200m/s to <10m/s happens. Useful for a reusable space program. +rep

I would like this added in the stock game. Very useful.

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