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Your Blender/Maya/3dMax/etc fan art section (Animation,Pics,etc)


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  RocketTurtle said:
STOP MAKING ME JEALOUS! :P I can barely IMPORT models with their textures correctly... or make a render, or a rocket engine flame, or ANYTHING...

Same here! Quiting most animations because of that ;.; . But Good news! Got my supercomp! Unpacking on Monday due to exams ending.

Extra : Anyone who has experience with texturing,blendering and unity,PM me if you want to help out with my modding ( Failed last year due to lack of experience in unity and texturing,still have Ideas on the mods I was planning)

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  Nutt007 said:
Well you're never going to get any better by complaining about your skills. Two years ago I barley knew how to make a simple mesh and rendering was a foreign concept to me. 3D is just like any other form of art, If you don't practice, you don't improve.
  rewdew2 said:
You know what i recommend doing to learn it.

watch some basic tutorials.


Watch those.

Then, using ONLY what you see from there, try and make a basic thing.

Like a table, or a computer.

that should get your pretty well off on the modeling aspect.

  TheAquired said:
I "sort" of disagree with you. I think that doing all those tutorials is vitally important, but don't stop there. I don't there is such a thing as a simple model. Especially a computer, that has some crazy detail if you are going to do it properly.

So take that basic knowledge that you learn from those tutorial, then have a goal for a model you want to make. As you go along, if you are running into trouble, or don't know how to do something. Watch a tutorial on it. That way your knowledge of Blender will keep on going and you will become better. And set yourself a high, but reachable standard. Don't just create a flat box with four other boxes for legs and call it a table. Try make it have rounded edges. Try find out what the topology of a table should look like. By simply googling those things, I'm sure you could find tutorials or examples, and then right there, you're a step ahead than 50% of the other beginner 3D hobby artists. :)

(P.S. This is not any kind of argument with you rewdrew2, I was just elaborating on what you said)

I have to agree and disagree.I have been modelling only a year through lots of mind boiling failed projects.But I started watching tutorials and guides,aiding in the creation.But that didnt do the trick.I still failed most projects.Why did I continue? Practice.The more I do,the more I understand and the more I'm experience.We are all learners and even you fail,you learned something.best way if you dont want to do that,is to find friends to help out if it is really that hard.Thats the reason I'm asking for help in modding,cause my skills in texturing and unity are never going higher.So conclusion,there's two choice,learn yourself and pick up knowledge slowly or work as a team,learning slowly,also :)

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So I've been working for what seems like forever to get a good kerbal model rolling for use with the Kerbal Khronicles stories.


So far I've been able to use my existing limited skills to build the base model, and have even learned how to handle character rigging! I have yet to be able to work on the textures, let alone any of the details for its wardrobe. I'm trying to develop versions with various suit elements on or off, as well as ones with different garb altogether. I'm also wanting to created various hairstyles (see the little fellas in my sig image below for reference), but hair is... well it's a work-in-progress like the rest of it. >_<

I've been putting most of the focus so far into overcoming my initial lack of organic modeling skills through a convoluted amalgamation of Sketchup, Sculptris and Blender. I'm happy with the results so far, but the rigging was the part I was most concerned about getting done properly. I'm learning a lot about Blender in the course of this development, but everything I'm reading about Blender's texturing process is so complicated as to make me feel like there has to be something better out there for that part of it, instead.

Any suggestions?

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Here's where I've gotten so far today with my model.


Got my feet wet with UV unwrapping and texturing, and now I'm regretting not having made the body and suit as separate meshes. Either I'm going to have to take it apart, or figure out how to texture that big honking (complex) model!

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  Deadweasel said:
Here's where I've gotten so far today with my model.

<img snip>

Got my feet wet with UV unwrapping and texturing, and now I'm regretting not having made the body and suit as separate meshes. Either I'm going to have to take it apart, or figure out how to texture that big honking (complex) model!

if you really need to separate the head and the body, just select the body in edit mode and press "P", and in the little drop down box, click "Selection"

This also preserves UVs, textures, and materials

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  rewdew2 said:
if you really need to separate the head and the body, just select the body in edit mode and press "P", and in the little drop down box, click "Selection"

This also preserves UVs, textures, and materials

The naming and organization methodology behind Blender's design suddenly clicked with me not long after I posted that, so I ended up finding that very thing not too long after I posted about it. Thanks a bunch though. :)

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  TheAquired said:
Are we allowed to put non KSP related 3D work in this thread? There seems to be a bit of both.. :) I'm starting on my first kerbal today! So I will upload that when I'm thourougly disapointed my 3D skills aren't better.. :P

Yes, yes you may.

i post stuff quite often that isn't KSP stuff.

this is kind of like "Show off your awesome 3D stuff."

so it can be KSP, but it doesn't have to be.

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  Deadweasel said:
Here's where I've gotten so far today with my model.

<img snip>

Got my feet wet with UV unwrapping and texturing, and now I'm regretting not having made the body and suit as separate meshes. Either I'm going to have to take it apart, or figure out how to texture that big honking (complex) model!

OH also,

Your kerbal model looks pretty good,

just one small problem.

The eyes look more like bumps on the head rather than separate spheres.

might want to change that if you want to do some animating or posing with the eyes.

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  victor tan said:
A couple of scenes to complete my USSK Trailer.Having troubles with texturing and smoke simulating,thats all. Hope you can help! :)

I could do a smoke sim for you with FumeFX? I am pretty new to the 3D side of film so hopefully it will be good enough! I just finished doing a scene where a guy turns into smoke, so I am familiar with Fume

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  TheAquired said:
I could do a smoke sim for you with FumeFX? I am pretty new to the 3D side of film so hopefully it will be good enough! I just finished doing a scene where a guy turns into smoke, so I am familiar with Fume

Actually I need blenderers who are experience at smoke sim that is in the program itself and the main sim is actually rocket trails and explosions.

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  victor tan said:
Actually I need blenderers who are experience at smoke sim that is in the program itself and the main sim is actually rocket trails and explosions.

Alright, but any reason why it needs to be in blender? You could comp the smoke afterwards, and if you look at things like Rareden's work, I'm pretty certain he used Fume. But anyway, I hope you find your guy! :)

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  TheAquired said:
Alright, but any reason why it needs to be in blender? You could comp the smoke afterwards, and if you look at things like Rareden's work, I'm pretty certain he used Fume. But anyway, I hope you find your guy! :)

well its an animation and (Not sure)it would stick out.If I cant find anyone then it will be you.Keep in contact

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