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How to apply Launch Window Planner.

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So we have this website as you know.


The launch window planner. Im getting ready to send a large craft to Jool and I want to perform the ejection burn as efficiently as humanly possible. The ejection stage is going to have a lot of power. No nukes so the burn time will be short and accurate ( if I can manage that ) Id LIKE to head out on a direct trajectory. No mid course correction. ( Unless you'd recommend otherwise. ) Only a burn to adjust the Jool periapsis so that I get a flat, eq orbit. This site gives a lot of nice information. But sadly I don't really know how to apply it. I use Engineer redux and Id like to figure out a way to utilize this information with it. Now..im guessing the ballistic option is what I want for a straight shot to Jool, yes? So theres a few values that id like some explanation on.

ejection angle ( 110 degrees to prograde in my instance. I know what this is, but does ER give me this value? )

ejection inclination ( -3.61 degrees - How do I apply that value? Not sure ER gives me the current angle of the craft )

And.. as far as the transfer plot graph goes... w..tf am I even looking at? lol I swear stuff like this makes me feel dyslexic. Some of the Dv readouts on it scare the hell out of me

Other then that most of the information is pretty clear. Id just like a little more insight so I can absolutely NAIL this ejection burn.

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Now..im guessing the ballistic option is what I want for a straight shot to Jool, yes?


ejection angle ( 110 degrees to prograde in my instance. I know what this is, but does ER give me this value? )

ER does not.

ejection inclination ( -3.61 degrees - How do I apply that value? Not sure ER gives me the current angle of the craft )

ER gives you the inclination of your orbit, the ejection inclination is what it sounds like, the inclination of your escape trajectory from Kerbin. When you're plotting the manouver node it just means you won't get an entirely level trajectory and will have to adjust it slightly.

And.. as far as the transfer plot graph goes... w..tf am I even looking at? lol I swear stuff like this makes me feel dyslexic. Some of the Dv readouts on it scare the hell out of me

You're looking at dV readouts of specific dates/times and how much it'd cost to transfer at those times. You basically want to pick one you're comfortable with, be it close to your current date or one with low dV requirements, or whatever else you'd fancy. Once you click a spot on the graph it'll give you all the info for when you need to do your transfer burn, what angle, how much dV, etc etc.

Other then that most of the information is pretty clear. Id just like a little more insight so I can absolutely NAIL this ejection burn.

I wish you luck, interplanetary burns are hard to nail. Personally I just pack extra fuel and course correct where necessary. Better safe than sorry.

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Check this tutorial, which explains how to use the data given by the Launch Window web site:


Thing is, though, you need a mod to be able to input the delta-V values you get from the web site. MechJeb has a Maneuver Node Editor that's great for this, and there are other mods improving the maneuver node system if you don't want the stigma some feel MJ carries.

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