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Why do the engines change sound when the fuel comes from a new tank?


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I'm sure you've heard it, when you've got a stack of two tanks and an engine burning that fuel, as soon as the first tank runs dry and the next tank begins, the engine makes a funny sound, and from that point on it has a slightly different timbre. I think it only happens on the last tank too, and it's more pronounced with clusters of engines.

What on earth is causing this? Surely it's not some kind of feature added by squad for "realism"

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Cesarcurado is right. It doesn't always happen, but basically what's happening is the engine is flaming out for a split second. As to the change in the sound after that, it could be atmospherics, in that being at a higher altitude causes a change in sound, but that's just a guess. COuld also easily be an sound generation artifact.

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One reason for a change in sound of clustered engines is due to their synchronization. If you have a multiple of the exact same sound playing at the same time then the slightest change in their sync makes an audible difference. Think of dropping two golf balls on a rock floor at the same time. Even though they are only two balls, they produce an acoustic frequency (pitch) when they hit the floor, which may sound very different with the slightest mistiming.

Edited by Grizzlol
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