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Development apps for handheld devices

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What if some development apps were made for iOS or android that allowed you to design some ships then upload the .craft file to your computer (maybe sending it by email) so that while you were away from your beloved computer with KSP on it, you could still spend your days designing some ships. :D

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The detailed intricacies of designing space craft on KSP would be difficult to implement on a mobile device; unless it was only for tablets and/or "phablets (like the Samsung Galaxy Note series) that you could use a stylus on. I love the idea though.

An idea I would love would be to have some sort of integrated MechJeb or something similar that could port over to mobile app development to allow you to plan out Delta-v, TWR, time, etc. and plot out maneuver nodes for a certain mission or journey, upload it to your profile, then once you get back to your PC you can then build a craft, edit one you have built previously to match the requirements then launch the mission.

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An idea I would love would be to have some sort of integrated MechJeb or something similar that could port over to mobile app development to allow you to plan out Delta-v

There is an app on iOS that allows you to plan Delta-v, but the downside is that it is paid :(

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