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What would a zero punctuation review of KSP look like?


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Before we start, I know this wouldn't happen, as yahtzee dosen't have a good pc, and simulators aren't his thing, and pretty much everyone on this damn forum is pretty much the synonym of glorious pc gaming master race.

Chances are it would be similar to his skate 2 review, but instead of being written about games for swaggering jocks at my school it would be pretty much the opposite.

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I would imagine that it would go something like this:

"Heydoyouwanttomanagenasa Yes Wellhereskerbalspaceprogram agameaboutmakingrocketsputtingpeopleinthemandblowingthemupinanastoundingamountofways"

It would be nothing like that considering that Yahtzee is actually coherent...

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I would like to hear his review of KSP, but at the same time I'd be rather afraid of what he might say about it. You never know it might be one of those rare games he actually says something nice about, just cos its so different (and obviously great!).

Just watched this one on SimCity which starts with a great rant about EA, lols.

and yeah, Yahtzee is totally coherent, you just have to try not to laugh or in seconds you will miss what would take most people 10 mins to say.

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It would more than likely be similar to his Witcher review, complaining about the complexity of gameplay that thick-headed simpletons like himself can't comprehend. Or like when he went to Valve's headquarters and said he didn't understand the "meet the team" video they showed him 'cause he was too thick. Or like when he was talking about EVE.

Gotta love people who can poke fun at themselves in addition to whatever it is they're mocking :D

Then he'd probably talk about how glorious it is to make a phallus-shaped rocket and watch it explode in all its magnificence. Or something like that. Man, it's been too long since I've watched me some Zero Punctuation >.>

That said, Robbaz has a bunch of funny videos on youtube about KSP. He's been playing it off-and-on since like...version .16 or something. It's been a while, I know that much. He even shows off a couple mods here and there.

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It'd probably be a lot like his minecraft review where he recounts his experience playing, and failing, at the game before ultimately getting distracted and discovering what the game is truly about. I hope such a video eventually comes out. :D

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I would imagine that it would go something like this:

"Heydoyouwanttomanagenasa Yes Wellhereskerbalspaceprogram agameaboutmakingrocketsputtingpeopleinthemandblowingthemupinanastoundingamountofways"

^this. Sure, the guy's coherent, but that is exactly how his videos come off. Also: "Zero Punctuation", amirite?

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