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F-104 Starfighter v2.0 BETA release

Guest Space Cowboy

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From the release notes ...

F-104 v2.0 built and tested on KSP 0.21.0 by Mutant Hero

(For installation instructions see README.txt)

Modified stock parts, mod parts and modifications, controls, and flight information

Nosecone and cockpit

Creator: VVARIS

Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/17081-0-17-RedStar-co-op-Airplane-parts-v0-4-1

Download link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0By0AKjfh8r6YbjJ0THg1Nk11c0U/edit?usp=sharing

Mass of both edited to zero due to multiple embedded parts unrealistically weighing down the nose.


Embedded "cheater" winglets

Creator: NTBI (modified)

Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/15348-0-20-x-Taverio-s-Pizza-and-Aerospace-v1-4-1

Download: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-taverios-pizza-and-aerospace/

This part is actually an NTBI part by ac14

The lift had been increased. You will see an additional "0.7 x 0.56 Wingtip cheater" in your Aero section of the browser.


Behind the stock Mk1 Cockpit is an "Empennage Fuselage M" from Taverio's


Stock SAS is embedded below MK1 cockpit


Fuselage made of numerous B9 Aerospace parts. Fuel compartment is modded to half full. Additional "MK 2 Fuel Tank HALF FULL" part will be seen in the browser structural section

Creator: bac9

Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25241-0-20-2-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R3-2-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures

Download: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-20-2-b9-aerospace-pack-r3-1/


On top of the first fuselage section is a light. All the lights are from "Aviation Lights"

Creator: BigNose

Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/16925-PLUGIN-PART-0-19-1-Aviation-Lights-v3-0-(20MAY13)

Download: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/aviation-lights-v1-2/

The color and location of the lights was sourced here: http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/bill_spidle2/f-104a_56-0733/index.php?Page=1


Intakes and engine are B9 Aerospace. Engine thrust has been uprated and you will see the additinal engine in the browser "w/AB" appended to the name. The response time of the engine has been greatly reduced. The air ducts are "Empennage Fuselage M" from Taverio's


The wings, flaps, base of the vertical stabilizer, ventral strake, rear portion of the vertical stabilizers, and horizontal stabilizers are "Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.5" parts, or "pWing"s. I use two instances - one stock textured and one custom textured. Confusingly, the unchanged one is listed as PWing Alt, and the blue striped one had the unchanged name "PWing". The texture change is visibile in the browser so it is still intuitive. The texture is not hard to change back to the original, if desired. I left it in the pWing part folder, with a slightly changed name for that purpose.

Creator: DYJ

Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29862-0-21-Procedural-Dynamics-Procedural-Wing-0-5

Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70818657/ProceduralDynamics0.5.zip

To restate - if for any reason you dislike the change of texture on the stock pWing, the original one is still in the folder you just need to rename it back to "model000"


The front flaps are made of 4 sailplane style wings.

Creator: Taverius

They are attached to and actuated by a part called "Powered Hinge" from Damned Robotics created by DYJ.

Download: https://github.com/chrisphillips/DRobotics-for-Kerbal-0.20.2/blob/master/DRobotics%280.20.2%29.zip and click on "RaW' to start the download.

"Damned Robotics" is now overseen by Sirkut as "Infernal Robotics". However the download link above is what is needed for this CRAFT.


The rear flap is another DR "Powered Hinge" with a pWing attached. The front and rear flaps move together. The keys are 3 and 4. The rear F-104 flaps went to 45 degrees. These can be operated further, but you will have too much drag. If you hold 3, the surfaces will come back to the zero position and stop.

The F-104 has two flap positions: Takeoff, and Landing. I wanted to have a mod that allowed preset positions, but at this time there doesn't seem to be any.

In the real airplane, selecting Takeoff Flaps will deflect the front and rear flaps 15 degrees. You will have to eyeball it :-)

If the Landing position is selected, the front flaps deflect to 30 degrees, and the rear to 45 degrees. I did not reproduce this feature since flying with two flap buttons is enough. However, this could easily be set up with this craft (seperate channels for front and rear) in the translucent DR control window seen during editing.

Takeoff Flaps are used in flight operations for situations other than takeoff and landing. Takeoff flaps are used when additonal lift is needed such as low speed flight and / or tight turns for example.

You can map joystick buttons to "Custom Actions" ("3" and "4" in this case) in the settings dialog, so it might be worth considering having the flap controls on your stick if you have that capability. If you get into a position where you need to turn tight and takeff flaps are needed you wont want to take your hand off the joystick, for example.


The tip tanks are from Taverio's. I made additional modified tanks out of the "Conformal Tank - Long" part by removing the RCS fuel, adding jet fuel, and scaling up the size. They appear as "Conformal Tank - Longer".

Jettison with the zero key.


Elysian Empire Advanced Research Division Sparrow Missles -

Creator: EnterElysium

Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35065-0-20-Elysian-Empire-Advanced-research-Division-0-0-01-A-World-War-K-Mod

Download: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/elysian-empire-advanced-research-division/

They have been upscaled and the resulting mass halved.

They are fired from the spacebar and are unguided. With some expirementation and practice you can be effective while flying from the cockpit view. Be advised you can get an even better front view by mouse clicking the top of the front windshield (... that's "windscreen" in pilot speak...).

Action groups 8 and 9 are unused in this craft. You could set up alternate fire modes, perhaps half the missles on 8, and all on 9, if you wanted to. Spacebar firing has a minimum time interval and can be limiting.


The rudder is a Taverio's 1 meter control surface and is mostly embedded.


The elevator is a a stock Small Elevator however I increased the lift 600%. It appears as "Small Control Surface [104 Elevator]" in the browser. I was having a terrible time with the Kerbal system logic sending roll commands to seperate (left and right) elevators,and up high on the T-tail. This is COMPLETELY unrealitic on several levels and especially so for the 104 since it hase a one piece elevator as well. It was sending the nose of the aircraft all over the place and sometimes causing total loss of control. Ain't nobody got time for that. So I modified a control curface and placed it on top of the vertical stabilizer; it is completely embedded within the pWing horizontal stabilizers.


Speed brakes are from B9 and are on the 5 key.

================================================== =====
1 - N/A
2 - N/A
3 - Flaps move up
4 - Flaps move down
5 - Speed brake toggle
6 - Toggle engine & toggle antenna extension (simulated pitot tube)
7 - Toggle "Aviation Lights"
8 - N/A
9 - N/A
10 - Jettison tip tanks

SPACEBAR - fire missles

================================================== =====

I have tweaked the plane so that it is in good trim with the trim left at zero. Of you set the flaps down some (Takeoff position), and set full thrust, the plane will fly itself off the runway. Trim is on ALT-W (down), and ALT-S (up) in Kerbal. Trim is the most often adjusted control when flying real airplanes as well, and it is usualy a thumb control in jet aircraft.

As soon as the wheels are off the ground retract the gear. In the real 104 you had less than a second before gear retraction speed was exceeded.

================================================== =====

Spaceport entry and download link


I am glad to enter discussion with anyone if the tone remains constructive. Edited by Guest
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New download link - tested and confirmed on a clean 0.21.1 install.

The download link in in the Overview tab of the Spaceport entry here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/f-104-v2-0-beta/

Any technical errors I would really like to know about.

Any other discussion is highly encouraged!

When this has passed BETA stage, I will release it under the Mutant Hero avatar on Spaceport.

Working on (hopefully) a good video right now, and some alternate loadout CRAFTs as well for you.

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I will be uploading some CRAFTs tonight as well, with different loadouts. Also, I did let one error slip thru - the craft in the download has a couple of colored lights out of order.

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Yeah. Having a total of 2 fripping people who have any form of post here is annoying. Also, how stable is this thing? It looks pretty manueverable, but that could be because you fly it really well.

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Yeah. Having a total of 2 fripping people who have any form of post here is annoying. Also, how stable is this thing? It looks pretty manueverable, but that could be because you fly it really well.

On a scale of 1-10 I would say at least 8. The weak link is in roll. The wing anhedral gives it a sensitivity. I put hours and hours into it, to get it controllable, stable, and enjoyable for anyone. That was my goal. It will fly itself very gently off the runway with no pilot input except thrust for example. If you want to get wild, it will do that too. If you want to go REAL easy, I suggest turning roll sensitivity way down.

I might do a full flight envelope video these next couple of days. I never got around to that.

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I have to say you did an excellent job, but for the RedStar pack, would you mind updating the canopy to this version, I really miss the old pack; just having that see through canopy again would be a dream.

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