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Reduce part to improve game performance

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KSP game performance are deeply affected by part counts

I think the custom part can reduce the part count:

this is a common ascent stage design


each "fuel tank stick" contain 3 tank and two strut connector, total are 30 parts

in this case,if KSP can make a custom part, we can attach a 2.5m tank and "drag and click" like strut connector to make a longer(bigger) tank,

therefore each "fuel tank stick" only make by one fuel tank, no joint within the whole stick so don't need the strut connectors to connect the stick

the part count reduce from 30 to 6.

Also the reduce of joint make the craft less wobble, we can reduce the use of strut connectors between each stick

This significant part counts reduce should solve the laaaaaag problem :)

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It was suggested countless times before; I doubt it will be implemented since there are many other ways to optimise performance.

But there is a mod out there that may help you:


Be advised that such 'combined'/'welded' parts and lower part count makes rockets more durable so they don't behave like stock parts wobble-wise which effectively prevents you from entering stock challenges.

Edited by Outlander4
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When the game finally launches, it'll probably be well optimized and performance dips from having too many parts will be a thing of the past(more or less...hopefully).

Of course, that's probably a ways away yet 'cause they're still adding BIG features....gotta get everything added before they can fully optimize it all ;P

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