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[1.1]Hullcam VDS - mod adopted by linuxgamer

Albert VDS

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I have a problem running HullCam on 0.24.2 in 64bit - does any body have a solution or the same problem?

The game crashes on loading the vessel, if a hullcam part is attached to it. In 32bit its fine.

Edited by Squamble
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I'm having a bug where rather than returning to the main camera, I get a flickering screen, as if the game is trying to overlay the active camera and the game's main camera. I'm using version 0.3 of the mod on 32-bit KSP 0.24.2, and activating the cameras via action groups. I also have "next camera" and "previous camera" bound for one of the 3 camera on my vessel (one of the streamlined ones) and some time hitting one of these action groups repeatedly solves the problem and gets back to the game's main camera. Sometimes it doesn't.

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I have a weird issue. The camera seems to be far off centre. When I select a camera it will show me a viewpoint very far behind the camera body. Like 20m off centre. Is this issue known? Strangely though, using Raster Prop Manager the internal displays show the correct camera positions, albeit slightly zoomed in.

For reasons I can't even begin to fathom, the Time Control mod is what causes this issue for me on 0.24.2 x86

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  • 2 weeks later...
Also, if AlbertVDS comes back around anytime I was wondering if the zoom on the cameras could be modified to be more realistic. Right now the zoom seems to affect the entire viewport, so the Sun and background stars also become larger. This really shouldn't happen because they are too far away for the meager zoom levels on such a camera to make any difference. I think a better solution would be to actually move the game camera itself out ahead of the craft, if that's possible. That should bring the close objects closer (like the surface of a planet) but leave the background stars looking much the same. Basically, I'm looking for the same effect you get zooming in and out in the Tracking Station or Map screen. Planets get big and small but the background stays the same
Um, that's not actually how it works... ? When you take a camera and zoom in, it's basically like looking at a smaller portion of the image, so everything will look closer. In fact, this is what allows photographers to make the real Moon look huge in the background by going far away from the subject and zooming in close. As you said, the effect you're thinking of would require a camera to physically move back and forth (as it does in the map screen), and that isn't technically a zoom.

This is still bugging me so I'm back with an example. Rubber Ducky is partially correct but he's only taking into account relatively close objects. Stars are nowhere near close to the camera. They should not grow bigger. Here's an image taken at 1x zoom looking back at Kerbin


Now here's the same viewpoint but zoomed all the way in


Note how much bigger the stars have gotten. Now, if those stars were as far from the camera as Kerbin is, then their apparent size would grow the same as Kerbin. But they are not. Not even close. Since they are many light years away, zooming closer to Kerbin won't have any affect at all on their size or brightness. So here's how it should look instead


I skipped a few of the smaller stars, the process is a bit tedious to copy the stars from the first zoomed out image and paste them over their larger versions in the zoomed in image. Note that I didn't touch Kerbin, Mun or Minmus. Anyways, hopefully this is possible to do to make zoomed in images more realistic.

Edit: Hrm, so in making this image I've realized my original thought about making the camera behave like the tracking station won't work. The zoomed image does do one thing properly that the tracking station camera movement does not - it makes the stars further apart. But since the skybox is a static image.... craaap :P You'd have to break the skybox static image into individual star images set against a black skybox and have the star billboards move apart as you zoomed in... ok, I don't see this happening anytime soon. Shucks. Manual editing it is!

Edited by Gaiiden
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Take a look at the stars in these two photos of Andromeda Galaxy:

Above the Very Large Telescope (left center)

Hubble photo

Even though the Hubble photo is much lower resolution, Andromeda and the Milky Way stars in the image are visibly larger. If zooming in didn't make the stars appear larger and brighter, then telescopes wouldn't work.

I think the part that may be confusing you is that KSP's skybox stars are too large to start with. They should be significantly smaller than a pixel, but many of them take up several pixels. You could try using TextureReplacer to swap out the skybox with something more realistic.

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I think the part that may be confusing you is that KSP's skybox stars are too large to start with. They should be significantly smaller than a pixel, but many of them take up several pixels. You could try using TextureReplacer to swap out the skybox with something more realistic.

That's a good point, pretty much all the skyboxes are from images taken by telescopes, so everything is already big and just gets bigger when you zoom in. Alright, I'll try looking into skybox alternatives. I'm already using a non-stock texture, I just can't remember which one. I think it's Proot's

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Not sure if this is a bug, or the fact that I shouldn't be using this with 0.24 yet...

Sometimes when I enter a camera view, I am not allowed to switch away from it. Ever. No amount of mashing +/-/Backspace helps.

Maybe I'll just wait. :C

I have this exact same issue, and the only way I can get around it is to switch to a different vessel and then switch back. That can be a major issue when you're in the middle of burns, however. I am running the standard 32-bit version of KSP as well, so it isn't a x64 issue. This is a great mod, but just be warned that the camera does bug out on some people and disable their controls.

Another, less severe, bug I've encountered is that the activate camera key does not always function properly and I have to manually right click the part and hit activate. This can be very tedious on a large ship to locate a relatively tiny part every time you want to switch to Hullcam view.

That said... I love the idea of this mod. I'm not trying to be harsh, but the bugs are definitely there on 32-bit 24.2 =/

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I recently had the problem where I got stuck in camera view and couldn't exit. Installed the new release and I was unable to recreate it. I'm pretty sure it was from going into camera view and then using the +/- keys, which I never used because it would trigger that issue. Now I can +/- all I want, use Backspace or just toggle through back to normal view. Good stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I wanted to invite you Albert VDS to a discussion on a mod list I'm testing. Let me know in that thread if you would be interested in helping test other listed mods with yours, or if you already have. :)

Inigma's KSP Essentials Mod List


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I'm runnning 32=bit KSP in windows 8.1 with a ton of mods that seem to otherwise all be playing nice with each other. Amongst those mods are kerbquake, kerbtrack, RPM, mechjeb etc. Also I'm using a piece of third party software to take xbox controller input and turn it into keyboard strokes, it's called pinnacle game profiler. So the left stick, which is normally WASD makes me fly through all the cameras on a ship like crazy. I'm in the middle of moving right now, I wish I could try to find more variables to replicate the bug, but I don't have time today. If it helps I think your pluggin .dll was working fine when it was installed as part of RPM/hyomoto's MFD, but then when I tried to install the full hullcamVDS for the other cameras (besides the one JSI cam included with RPM) that the bug started.

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Wow, that's really weird, no, it doesn't. I've used camera mods before with this controller and no issues, as far as I knew the third party software in the background is just spitting out keystrokes. WASD on the keyboard works fine though....also, it seems like it only shows the camera views while the stick is off center, if there is no input you got back to the normal view. I have kerbtrack installed right now as well, but I don't use it often, so most of the time it is disabled with scroll lock. If that is important at all.

EDIT: http://pinnaclegameprofiler.com/forum/showthread.php?29795-Kerbal-Space-Program

Perhaps where it says:

"The Left Stick is pitch and yaw, with roll on the bumpers. Have to setup pitch and yaw with the ingame controller support to take advantage of the sweet axis variable control.

However i do have it mapped in PGP to trigger wasd when fully tilting the joy. This is what gives it EVA/Rover control."

might help make sense of what going on. I'm not 100% I ever really get analogue control from this though, it feels a lot like just WASD to me when I'm flying, I have to do a lot of flicking of the stick to simulate tapping a key, just feels a little more natural then the keyboard.

Edited by Errol
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I honestly couldn't find settings for game pads anywhere in ksp when I started again in .23 and just really like the Control scheme now. I would actually rather use pinnacle and try some other telescope option (as the basic JSI cams for RPM work fine) because this profile has some great macros for the triggers that I simply wont play without any more.

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Thanks for the awesome mod.

A couple questions though. In the settings.cfg, there are 3 lines:

AllowMainCamera = true
CycleToMainCamera = false
CycleOnlyActiveVessel = true

As far as I understand, the first one disables/enables switching back from Hullcam view to the normal, 3rd person perspective (locking on cams when set to false).

What does the second one do? I thought setting it to false prevented switching to the 3rd person view when I'm going through my vessel's cameras using "-" and "=", but nada, the TPV still pops up when I go through my cams. I wonder if it's my (moderately heavily modded) KSP's fault, or I simply misunderstand the config.

CycleOnlyActiveVessel set to false means I can roll through all the cams on all the vessels in range, right?

Edited by Reddy
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OK so I think I found and fixed a bug in the mod.

I took a look into the sources you posted, and it seems like the following line in the config:

CycleToMainCamera = false

is mistyped, and should instead read:

CycleMainCamera = false

as this is what the config parser is looking for.

After this change, the camera behaviour is as expected: once in Hullcam mode, '-' and '=' allow only switching between the vessel's cams and backspace returns to the original, third person view (if allowed).

Also, I took a quick look at the part configs and found the KerbPro to have an unnaturally large zoom ability - its min FoV value is even lower than the telescope's. You might want to change that for realism :)

And while I'm at it - if we could see camera parameters (min/max zoom, mainly) right there in the VAB, instead of having to check them on the launchpad or configs, it would be awesome, too!

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