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Delivery drivers wanted...

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I've just released an advanced version of the Ox, it's almost identical to the standard model except that it's built around the top docking port rather then the cockpit. This makes it Sub Assembly compatible, allowing you to stack multiple ships on a single launch! The downside is it's not quite as robust as the standard model which has its bottom cargo port directly attached to the root part/cockpit. Download link is bellow the fuel dump... Enjoy! :)



Here's your chance to become the white van man of the skies with the Ox Utility Drop Ship (copy of The Sun & sandwiches not included).


Equally at home in the atmosphere or in deep space, able to operate individually or in packs the Ox is your one stop shop for base building and cargo delivery.


Jet mule light delivery system & fuel dump included as standard.


Two horizontal and two vertical docking ports give you the ability to daisy chain Ox (or Oxen?) together allowing you to shift some quite ridiculous cargo loads. Two SAS units and four RCS thruster blocks will keep your Oxen supple under the heaviest loads and four discreet rocket engines will let you trundle around on the terrain.



I may have mentioned this before but you'll really need a joystick to get the best out of my VTOLs. Okay, well if there are any Sherpa drivers here you'll feel pretty at home, the main difference between the two craft is the docking. While the Sherpa used to fold the gear and lower itself onto the cargo the Ox is designed to work through contact docking, whereby just driving over the cargo is enough to dock with it. Just make sure you're nice and straight, and rather then using the brakes to slow down I recommend reversing thrust by pressing either 9 or 0.

New versions of the jet mule and fuel dump are included allowing you to refuel your vessel multiple times. Like all my craft the Ox features a horizontal axis cockpit for suborbital flying and a vertical axis docking port for orbital piloting and navigation. The top docking port operates in line with the engines and must be used when performing burns with the navball. You can also use the top docking port if you'd rather fly the Ox like a regular rocket. ASAS should be left on at all times.

Just a word of warning... While I think that using multiple vessels to dock and transport heavy cargo loads is a great idea the Gods of Kerbin consider it heresy and occasionally smite Oxen that try and dock to an orbiting station. ;.; You have been warned.


Ox - (SPH): http://goo.gl/Zc2xqs

Fuel Dump - (SPH or VAB): http://goo.gl/sQzHeD

Ox Advanced Version (SPH): http://goo.gl/V1K9fa

1 - Toggle Jets

2 - Toggle Nukes

3 - Toggle Docking port Lamp/Toggle Jet Mule Engines

6 - Detach Jet Mule And Deploy Chutes

7 - Toggle Intakes

8 - Toggle SAS Torque (Fine Control)

9 - Put Gearbox In D

0 - Put Gearbox In R

ABORT - Undock All Ports

SPACE - Pull the pin... (Fuel Dump)


Press 1 & 3 to light up the jets, as soon as they spool up you'll be going like the clappers so feel free to pitch over to 45' pretty much straight after takeoff, you'll want to hold this heading for the whole ascent. From here on in you'll want to follow a Jeb style profile by firing up the nukes at 5000m and giving it the beans! Once the Ox's jets start wheezing press 1 to deactivate them, the jet mules engines won't be too far behind and once they've run out of steam press 6 to detach the module and 7 to close the intakes. Keep on that 45` heading until your apoapsis reads 80,000. Now pitch flat to the horizon and build up your orbit.

When delivering cargo drops to Laythe you're advised to descend with the jet mule on the top docking port and your cargo on the bottom. Once in the atmosphere you can deploy the jet mules chutes to help slow you down. Upon nearing the ground lower the landing gear, apply the brakes (important) and detach the Jet mule. With your cargo (hopefully) safely down go back to the jet mule, repack the chutes, fold the gear in and re-dock to it to the Ox. You can now either ditch it during the ascent or if you have more then one piece of cargo take it up and re-fuel it at the mother ship for multiple trips.

Enjoy! :)


Edited by Cupcake...
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As much as that looks vey good and all but would like to know..

* where are the nuke engines?

* how much weight can 1 carry?

* how easy is it to add say KAS?

And the biggest question How in the hell did u manage the sync flying

The nuke engines are in there somewhere, to get at them you'll need a Philips screwdriver to remove access panel 35/b.

Maximum hauling capacity on Kerbin with a full fuel load is 14 tons, this will of course vary from planet to planet depending on gravity and if you have an atmosphere to run the jets.

While I haven't personally used KAS I have heard of it being used in VTOL designs, whatever you want to add just stick it on the top or bottom docking port, that way it won't affect the balance of the ship.

As to the sync flying I'm just setting cruise control on one of the vessels and tailing it with the other, it's good fun but becomes hard work after a while! :wink:

Wow, looks great! Geat idea docking multiple ships together to deliver more cargo! Going to try it as soon as i'm home.

Good luck, let me know how you get on. :)


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  • 5 months later...

Is there a more current thread on the Ox going? I don't want to be rude and necro a thread here.

I am enjoying the Ox. In my attempts to SSTO VTOL one into orbit, I am unable to interact with the second set of Circular Intakes (the ones mounted horizontally). They remain closed. As such I am only drawing 0.39 of the possible .80 air flow. The downloaded .craft file seems to delete many action groups so I rebuild them manually as you intended them to be used. I yes have set them to togle intake but I'm even unable to alter them manually in-flight.

[0.23] with FAR installed.

Any ideas??

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Is there a more current thread on the Ox going? I don't want to be rude and necro a thread here.

I am enjoying the Ox. In my attempts to SSTO VTOL one into orbit, I am unable to interact with the second set of Circular Intakes (the ones mounted horizontally). They remain closed. As such I am only drawing 0.39 of the possible .80 air flow. The downloaded .craft file seems to delete many action groups so I rebuild them manually as you intended them to be used. I yes have set them to togle intake but I'm even unable to alter them manually in-flight.

[0.23] with FAR installed.

Any ideas??

Goodness me, let me just blow the dust of the thread! :) I think in future you'd be best commenting on the main Dealership thread as it's a lot more current. I'm really glad you're enjoying the Ox, while it did have some pretty cool innovations I don't think it was one of my better designs. :( I think the nuke engines were a big mistake (very explody/heavy) and it carried far too much rocket fuel which made it's lifting capacity pretty marginal. I think I tried to make it jack of all trades but it sort of ended up being master of none, and in the end it just didn't have any major benefits over the Sherpa (the vessel it was designed to replace), which could do the same job with a lot less fuss.

Sorry I'll stop rambling now, to cut a long story short the Ox has been replaced by the SCARAB for work on Kerbin...

...and the Minnow or SCARAB again for deep space construction.

As far as SSTO lifters go, there's the L-Model of the Bulldog which can haul 18t into Kerbin orbit or the R-Model which can haul around 7t to the Munar surface/Minmus.


The Equinox can also take around 5 tons (2.5t on each docking port) to the Munar surface and back. I do incidental have a lifter version of the Equinox which I've just been too lazy to finish off, which can take around 7t into orbit on a central cargo port, let me know if you'd like me to release it.


So yeah, hopefully between these designs you can find what you're after. All of my craft were built and tuned for the stock aerodynamic model so you may find mixed results when working with FAR. :(


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