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Kerbal military


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roleplaying is also something the mods have asked us not do to on these forums, :( much to my disappointment.

Well . . . If we leave it to interpretation, this technically isn't RP since this is 1 guy on his save file. he just wants mission suggestions.


Enemy forces have left their northern borders wide open. Devise and test a method to deploy several squads of elite kerbals from orbit to the enemy's back door. Enemy convoys of reinforcements have been identified moving to the dedicated drop zone. You will have 1 week to assemble and deploy the system before the venerability is closed.

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Feh! War is not something to romanticize. It's something that should only be done when absolutely no alternatives exist and the alternative is worse.

#EDIT: Although...


Some of the pictures you get to take are incredible.

Edited by Whackjob
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Develop a tactical missile system launched from Kerbin Base.

ICBM style - A missile which can strike anywhere on Kerbin with high accuracy.

Anti-Satellite - A missile capable of launching and destroying enemy satellites as quickly as possible.

Short range missiles - For use against enemy vehicles and ships.

Anti-Air - Fast and maneuverable enough to intercept enemy aircraft.

To make it more fun; launch a bunch of 'enemy' land-vehicles/satellites to attack, to make it more of a challenge try to think of the budget side of things, eg not using a expensive/large missile to destroy small comms satellites.

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Backstory: The enemy have a large space station in orbit around kerbin with many ships ready to mobilise and attack. You must build a ship to fly up and destroy the space station within 3 kerbin weeks.

Needed: You need to build a space station (of at least 7 large docked space ships) in a near circular orbit around kerbin. You can make the space station bigger for more fun if you want (I did it with 12 ships docked(Yes I did it before I posted; I had already read this post, and did some of the others for myself)).

Hint: On your attack ship, put some SRBs on radial decouplers up at one of the last stages. When close to the space station, fire up the SRBs then decouple them. AIM AND FIRE!!!

Have fun!!! (It took me only 1.4 kerbin weeks)

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A mission that can be taken from a military POV, or a peacefull rescue POV.

-A military satellite in LKO (70km) is about to launch a kinetic strike on kerbin. You must build a anti-missile that can take it down the faster possible.

Bonus point: Don't destroy the satellite, but capture it, and bring it back to a station/on the ground for analysis.

-A derelict satellite is threatening the KSS, you must build a missile to take it down. The faster the better.

Bonus point: Don't destroy the satellite, but capture it, and bring it back to a station/on the ground for recycling.

Edit: Hey Build that Kinetic Strike satellite.

It will be for testing on kerbin, in preparation of the Deep Impact mission, but must be avaiblable for military use.

Satellite must launch a kinetic projectile of 1 ton, and reach the target in less than a minute.

The final projectile must be purely kinetic, but first stage propulsion and guidance systems are authorized.

Edited by Tygroux
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#EDIT: Although...


Some of the pictures you get to take are incredible.

What is this, I don't even...

I like the ICBM idea, but more along the lines of an orbital weapons depot... Build a space station that holds large amounts of weaponry and use it to attack an enemy ground base or defend KSC from invaders!

Or, better yet, use it to attack ANOTHER orbital weapons depot! :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mission: Commander Kurt Kerman of the Second Kerbin Army Tank Battalion has gone missing deep in Northern territory. We don't know what they have done to him, or if he has been discovered. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to rescue him and return him in less than two Kerbal days.

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