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Kerbal IB and Kerbal V: SpaceLab Edition!

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You know you were sad when they cancelled funds for the space program before Kerballo 18. But what could you do? You still have three Kerbal Vs and several Kerbal IBs left! We have the solution! build a space station, launched by a Kerbal V!

I'd love some feedback.

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Kerlington Model Rocket Catalog Entry (Kerbal IB):

The Kerbal IB rocket is an ancestor of the Kerbal V rocket. Used for LKO Crew-Transport

Kerlington Model Rocket Catalog Entry (Spacelab):

The Kerbal V rocket is one of the largest rockets in the catalog. However, once project Kerballo was cancelled, KSP had a new idea to use one of the unused Kerbal V Launch Vehicles for. They would replace the third stage with a huge space-station, and lift it into orbit using the Kerballo 19 Launcher.

Several Kerbal IB Launches would permit crewed habitation of the station.

DOWNLOAD (Spaceport)

I know what you're going to say. "The Spacelab is too small compared to the CSM" Well, I know. BUT. It is internally consistent. The original Kerbal V's third stage was a single 2.5 m stack, so it is in scale relative to the Kerbal V. Besides, what are you going to do with 10 Crewtanks and 1 Crew Module.

Also Available: Kerbal V Kerballo-Style Mun Rocket.

unfortunately the staging of the kerbal IB is not nearly as accurate as the Kerbal V is.

I'd love some feedback.

Updated OP, new version of download and new version of IMGUR album. Added pics of Spacelab Launch

Edited by GregroxMun
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  • 8 months later...
He meant it used 8 Redstone tanks around a Jupiter-C tank; but you're right, it did use 8 engines and fins. Anyways, this is a really good Skylab, a bit small compared to the CSM, but you can't really do much about that without re-sizing the Hitchhiker.

It looked something like this:

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It's the old saturn I

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