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The Grand Tour - Landing Jeb on every body in the system using only one launch


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I tried doing this before, but had to settle for assembling the craft in low Kerbin orbit and doing some refueling along the way. Now with the addition of external command seats and the small fuel tanks and engines it's possible with a much smaller craft and no refueling needed.

It's all stock parts, didn't use Mechjeb despite the temptation. Jeb gets to visit the surface of every planet and moon except for Jool and the Sun over the course of about 18 years.

Warning: over 200 images in the album

Thanks to alterB's aerobraking calculator and alexmoon's transfer window finder.

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About 8-10 hours for the mission itself. Probably about 5 hours for designing and testing the components. Although I had already designed some minimalistic Eve and Tylo landers so I didn't start off completely fresh. Also about an hour for uploading all the pictures.

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