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The Community Aeronautics and Space Administration: A Community-Driven Space Program

The Jedi Master

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Back in February, there was a rather popular thread that used this idea: You come up with the missions, the OP tries to complete them. I think this is a very cool idea. Unfortunately, I don't remember who that guy was, and the thread was lost in the Great April Derp anyways. So, I have decided to take up the idea. Not only will I be taking it up, but I will also be expanding it! Here's how this is going to work:

1)You--yes, YOU, the reader--will come up with a mission. It can be commercial, government or military, ambitious or simple, whatever. Just make sure it's achievable--there will be a basic tech tree, and a budget! (details later in the rules)

2)I will try to complete these missions within a budget. The kerbal currency is Kerbits. Each part will cost Kerbits, and of course larger craft will be more expensive. I get a Kerbit reward for completing the mission, chosen by you (max of $K150,000 for a really big mission). My current balance will be listed in this post.

3)There will be a tech tree. This tech tree limits what parts I can use. For example, starting out I'll just have solid fuel ballistic missiles. As I move on, I will invent liquid fuel, solar power, docking, nuclear engines, etc.

4)How do I move up in the tree? I can either buy the new tech directly (for a huge cost, of course), I can spend money over time to invent it (for less money), or you can assign me a mission (within reason, of course) that will immediately invent the technology when I complete the mission (a la Gemini).

5)If you so wish, you can hit me with a random event that complicates the race into space. Just don't pound me too hard, kay? :)

6)I use the following mods: Kethane, MechJeb, Chatterer

7)I win when I have a flag on every landable world, and bases on the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Laythe and Vall.

This WILL have a story, so feel free to ham it up with the missions! Newspaper reports, excerpts from speeches, letters... With that, I present to you... THE COMMUNITY AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION!


Kudos to Yogui87 for awesome flag

Community Aeronautics and Space Administration Formed

Asac City--Yesterday, the President announced that the United States of Allertse will be forming a new initiative, the Community Aeronautics and Space Administration. CASA will lead the USA in the exploration of space. The President says that the reason is totally science and not to stay ahead of the Socialist Republic of Onreivni. The SRO calls bluff.

The main feature of CASA is that it will be taking contracts from around the globe. This will fund the program without the need for higher taxes, according to the government.

We will provide further information as it becomes available.

Current Balance: $K130,454

Current Tech Level: Space Race (liquid fuel, basic orbits, manned flights, etc.)


Edited by The Jedi Master
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Mission 1: Touch the top of the atmosphere.

Kerbal scientists have been argued about the height of their planet's atmosphere for quite several years. With the new technology of rockets, the scientists have requested to design a rocket that can fly up and measure the height of atmosphere.

Conditions of success:

1) Bring two atmosphere pressure measuring devices. Scientists don't know what's up there so please bring two, one as a backup device.

2) Measure the pressure during ascend, make sure to climb up to vacuum, otherwise we cannot get the correct height.

3) We need to bring the data back. Please try to land the device as close as possible to the KSC. We can still get the device back if it's far away from KSC, but that would cost extra money for the scientists.

Available technologies:

1) Solid rocket engines: as the OP stated.

2) Parachute packs: our scientists have designed a special type of parachute that can endure super-sonic flight and can provide sufficient drag for our device.

Unavailable technologies:

1) Landing legs/gears: we haven't got such devices yet.

2) Stage decoupler/separators: we haven't got such devices yet.

3) Liquid Engines: as the OP stated.

Reward: $K20,000: it's our first trail of using a rocket, scientists thought that this worth the job. (they may actually overestimated the cost. :P)

Optional Reward: $K8,000 if you can land the device near KSC (in 8km).

Edited by HoneyFox
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First Launch Of CASA A Partial Success


KSC--Yesterday, CASA unveiled their first rocket, the RT-11 Rocket. Liftoff went smoothly, and the rocket climbed to 26,000 meters. Unfortunately, the main booster then ran out of fuel, and the eight Sepratrons were not enough to lift the rocket much higher. It fell back to Kerbin and was recovered. While the data was valuable, it was not high enough to complete the mission.

Undaunted, CASA engineers are hard at work at the RT-12, which will be much lighter and will hopefully complete the mission. When asked for his opinion, Gene Kerman stated, "We're new to this. We don't have much to work with. But we will keep working at it, Allertse can be the first to space. We just need to rethink our design a little."

This is a good starter mission, but it seems that it will be harder than I thought without staging. Don't worry, I will be completing it!

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First Success Of CASA--First Kerbalmade Object In Space


KSC--The debate on the edge of the atmosphere has been resolved. The new RT-12 rocket was far less flashy, with a smaller probe body and no sepratrons. However, it was well sufficient enough to launch the probe high enough to become the first confirmed kerbalmade object in space. The probe gathered data on the upper atmosphere, determining that that the atmosphere ends and space begins at approximately 50,000 meters.

When asked how it felt to make history, Gene Kerman stated:

"It feels wonderful to be a part of such a world-shaking event. With this success, we will be aiming even higher from here on out--orbit, kerbals in space, maybe even one day kerbals on the Mun and Minmus! But if we're going to achieve that, we need to keep working hard and make more rockets."

Yes! My first success! Keep the missions coming--perhaps a kerbal in space, or even try for orbit! Just keep in mind, staging would be nice. :)

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Mission 2: Skaputnik-1A

Objective: Send a heavier probe to space. Test new decoupler technology. (Discover 1.25m and smaller decouplers upon vehicle landing)

Science Payload: One Accelerometer. One Thermometer. One Barometer. One 0.625m and 1.25m decoupler for both sizes.

Must land as close to KSC as possible. Cost penalty is doubled if landing in water. One thousand currency units per ten kilometers distance. Higher apoapsis means more science done, apoapsis above 71km adds 1k bonus.

Optional Bonus mission. If payload reaches orbit with antenna, discover radial decouples and Gravioli Particle theory (unlocks gravimeter, leads towards eventual ion engines)

Edited by Fox62
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Mission 3: Kerbal in Space.

Now the KSC is going to try the most ambitious mission to date, to try and put a Kerbal in space.

Mission objectives:

1.Have a Kerbal on the ship.

2.Get into an 80km orbit.

3.Perform a spacewalk

4.Land the capsule on Kerbin using a parachute.

Available technologies:

1.Manned capsules

2.Simple liquid-fuel rockets(Oscar-B fuel tanks, etc...)



5.Solid-fuel rockets



Unavailable technologies:

1.Three-man capsules



4.Bigger liquid-fuel rockets


Bonus reward:10,000K$ for landing within 5km of KSC

Edited by mavlymax
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Mission 2: Integrity Test

The recent success of the RT-12 rocket has been over-shadowed as the SRO launched their own kerbalnaut to an altitude of 34,000 meters. However, the pilot, Kernikov, died on impact after a capsule failure. We can surely do better!

Conditions of Success:

1) Get a manned capsule above 34,000 meters

2) Have the rocket land in the ocean

3) The Kerbal survives

Available Tech:

1) Solid Rocket Boosters

2) One-Kerbal capsule

3) All parachute packs

4) Struts

Unavailable Tech:

1) Stage decoupler/separators: Explosive charges might damage the capsule

2) Reaction Wheels: With a 74% chance of catching fire, they are too risky at this point. The one in the capsule is fine however

3) Landing legs: They are not strong enough at this point

Reward: $K25,000: Also 50% of rocket cost if successful on the first try

Optional Reward: If the kerbalnaut can make it above the predetermined atmospheric line of 50,000 meters then you unlock radial decouplers

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Mission 3: Skaputnik-1B

Science Payload: Same as previous, with antenna. Add gravimeter if previously unlocked.

Objective: Put probe in orbit. You have been given access to prototype liquid rocket engines, but they can not lift payload off launch pad.

Available Tech:

1. Solid rocket motors

2. Light liquid rocket motors (LV-1)

3. Decouplers (both stack and radial)

Reward: 50k for circular exo-atmospheric orbit of any eccentricity. 60k for 75km x 75km circular orbit, plus 5k for less than 0.5 degrees eccentricity. 70k for anything 5km higher if relatively circular, plus the eccentricity control bonus. Develop Gravioli Particle Theory if not already unlocked.

Added bonus: If rocket achieves 100km x 100km orbit, unlock Cosmic Ray Theory, which furthers research that will eventually lead (in the far off future) to NERVA engines.

(Excuse horrid grammar, trying to make a joke about writing in a stereotypical Russian accent)

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Highest Rocket Yet Tests Staging, Antennas


KSC--The Stayputnik 1A was the largest rocket ever designed. It had not one, but two stages. This launched it to 340,000 meters, far higher than any rocket before it. The rocket had one antenna, transmitting data back to KSC on the spot. This meant that the data was far more reliable. Unfortunately, it land in the ocean, several hundred miles south of the space center, increasing the cost of recovery. Gene said that this can be attributed to lack of control with the solid fuel.

"If we're going to get to orbit, we need a new fuel," He said. "We're hard at work on liquid fuel, which will give us far greater control of the spacecraft. This will allow ships to actually land near the KSC reliably."

In other news, the SRO has begun short manned test flights. CASA claims that despite this, the SRO is still lagging behind in the space race.

One down, three to go. Keep 'em coming, this has the potential to be big!

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Mission 4: Wings of the Valkyrie

Objective: Carry one Kerbal to the edge of space and return him safely to Kerbin. Must achieve altitude of 70km or greater. Kerbal must survive and plant a flag soon after landing if landing on solid ground. Exiting his or her capsule and swimming around a little is acceptable if making a water landing.

Available Technologies:

1. Solid rocket motors

2. Medium liquid rocket engines (Rockomax mini radial and stack engines)

3. Parachutes (radial, there needs to be an LES to get the capsule off the rocket in the event of a failure)

4. Command Pod mk1

5. Aerodynamic control surfaces.

6. 0.625m decouplers for separating the capsule from the rocket, regular decouplers for the rest.

Reward: 50k if rocket reaches the edge of the atmosphere, 60k for 70k altitude apoapsis, add 5k for every 5km above that. No reward if Kerbal dies. Unlock all available technologies for this mission for use on all other missions if successful.

Additional reward. If you succeed in both achieving orbit and then returning, do a second mission that does an overflight of enemy territory. Gain 100k from military for providing valuable intelligence. No Kerbal needed on second mission, must return capsule equivalent which holds the surveillance equipment.

Edited by Fox62
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Catastrophic Failure--Stayputnik 1B Fails To Reach Orbit


KSC--CASA has just had it's first real failure. The Stayputnik 1B, meant to be to be the first Kerbalmade object to orbit Kerbin, went higher than anticipated. Usually, this is a good thing. However, the little ship (which used tiny prototype liquid engines) did not have enough power to get into orbit. It reentered the atmosphere, and burned up on reentry.

CASA remains undaunted. It plans to send up the Stayputnik 1C very soon. To this end, CASA is offering $K40,000 to anyone who can build more powerful and reliable engines using liquid fuel.

In other news, the SRO has launched it's first unmanned suborbital rocket, which reached a height of 80,000 meters. CASA admits that their space program (the National Space Research Organization, or NSRO) may be catching up to CASA.

I spend $K40,000 to unlock the FL-T400 fuel tank, the FL-T800 fuel tank, the T-40 liquid engine, and the LV-909 liquid engine. That should make things a bit easier, but it's expensive.

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(The next mission will consist of two submissions. With the first mission you will be able to earn or loose some money, but if you want to complete the second half, you have to spend some of it again.

These missions should be achieved without Mechjeb or other autopilots, because the planned submission 5.1 will unlock this feature for you, but you have to sweat for it. :wink:

The story continues:

As the kerbal engineers get more and more experience in getting things to space and actual achieve a stable orbit (I assume you've done the previous missions with circular orbit and such.), more and more businesses get curious about the possibilities these things in space could do. Mainly kelevision stations are interested in this new strange idea of sending an antenna to space. Maybe this antenna could not only broadcast boring data and other sciency stuff but something actually important. Perhaps these antennas could bring educational shows like "Lithobreaking Bad" and "The big bang praxis" or cultural plays like "A fuel tank Orange" and "Jebby Potter and the deathly rockets" to thousands of (paying) kerbals around the klobe.

So, the main exekutives endow you with a substantial budget to set up a kelevision TIS-network (Things In Space). While showing them your Space Center and explaining what these big wash pans outside the tracking center are needed for, the notion arises that it might be quite complicated if kerbals always had to point their receiving bowls to always moving TIS's. After suggestions like holding them in place by tying them to the ground, your engineers came up with this concept of keostationary orbits. They also developed some kind of mini rocket packs for precision parking of TIS in such an orbit. Strangely though there seems to be one of four sweet little bottle rockets on every side of it and they don't call it mrp or broes, but RCS. (RCS thrusters unlocked)

Mission 5:

You have a budget of 400 000 $K and everything you were able to use on previous flights is also available (with the exception of Mechjeb).

1. Design a kelevision TIS capable of sending and receiving signals. It needs therefor three or more evenly spaced and differently directed Communotron 16 antennas (like `,´) and one Communotron 88-88 dish.

It also needs batteries and solar panels (all provided by the companies and thus unlocked).

2. Deploy a network of at least four evenly spaced TIS on the keostationary orbit.

For each TIS you got a 100 000 $K budget, which means the cost of all the parts for your designs of probes and lifters must not exceed 400 000$K. Everything you have left after completing the mission is yours.

(I will submit submission 5.1 tomorrow.)

Please excuse my english. It's not my native tongue.

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KSC--Yesterday, the Community Aeronautics and Space Administration (CASA) put the Stayputnik 1C into a stable orbit around Kerbin, firmly placing them in the history books. It was the largest and most expensive rocket to date, and made use of several innovations. CASA would like to thank Wherner Von Kerman for providing them with the technology that made this historic event possible. He has received the $K40,000, and has been made the head scientist of CASA. When asked for his opinion on his new position, Wherner replied:

"We are always pushing boundaries in science, every day. And by we, I don't just mean CASA--I mean everyone on Kerbin. From fire and the wheel all the way up to this, we have been true to our envelope-pushing nature. I am pleased to be in a position where I can help make a discovery as important to kerbal civilization as fire."

In other news, the NSRO has realized that it is lagging behind in every possible way, and launched Kernikov Kerman 36,000 meters into the air. Unfortunately, the parachute on the ship failed, and Kernikov was killed instantly on impact with the ground. This makes many kerbals weary of not only the SRO (which seems to be willing to do anything to catch up), but also of CASA, which is planning manned test flights very soon.

Edited by The Jedi Master
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Moho 1: First CASA Manned Flight


KSC--CASA, having successfully put a satellite into orbit, is pushing the next boundary--manned space travel. The first manned rocket, called Moho 1, reached a height of 26,000 meters. This was not as high as anticipated, but it showed that kerbals can indeed handle the forces involved with rocketry. The kerbonaut, Jebediah Kerman, when asked for his opinion, said that the ship needed "more boosters" to push it higher.

In other news, the SRO has launched another unmanned suborbital flight, reaching 120,000 meters. They are considering an unmanned orbital attempt.

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Upon seeing a kerbal fly, many a philanthropist threw money at you to put a kerbal in orbit. With this extra cash, you have finally developed the LV-T30 liquid fuel rocket engine as well as a series of 1.25 meter diameter tanks to go with it. You have been tasked with placing a single kerbal in orbit. Scientists have found a way to harness sunlight to power your kerbal's life support systems. Simply taking on this mission unlocks the OX-STAT solar panels, 1.25m stack decoupler (and stack separator; if you haven't already), 1.25m fuel tanks, AV-80 winglets (the working ones), and the LV-T30 engine. Your rocket must have a secondary orbital stage for limited orbital maneuvering. You can unlock the secondary objective by completing some of the listed basic orbital maneuvers:

Adjust inclination (>10*)

Expand orbit altitude

Increase eccentricity (using radial burn, not prograde burn)

precision de-orbit within 50km of the coast of KSC

Complete at least 3 of these to unlock the secondary objective

Primary objective:

Get a kerbal in stable orbit




Trackign solar panels (unshielded; not gigantors)

Secondary objective:

Put a kerbal in stable orbit, execute orbital maneuvering, de-orbit and live



LV-909 engine

LV-T45 engine

puts you on tech path towards RCS and reaction wheels

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Captain Sierra, I think my "Wings of the Valkyrie" mission makes more sense than yours. Sorry to be mean, but 26km ain't that impressive. I think that my mission also accounts for the new liquid engines, as you can use them however you need. And available tech is only what you'ld get if you hadn't bought any tech.

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The Director of FW industries kerbin division has a new mission for the CASA. We are eager to see how your space program

out, and the current forays into manned space research are of potential benefit to our kerbin-based operations. Before we can fund your missions further we will require some proof of your capabilities, as well as some hard scientific data for study.

You will need to construct and deploy an atmospheric aircraft capable of carrying instruments to high altitude and high speed to simulate re-entry.

MAIN OBJECTIVE: Construct a jet/turbojet powered aircraft, then get this aircraft to a speed and altitude where you have flames running across it. Please provide temprature and air-pressure readings at whatever altitudes possible.

RESTRICTIONS: Must be a conventional or delta-winged aircraft. Should use jets or (preferably) turbo jet engines. Must be manned. Anything else goes.

REWARD: 66,000k for basic objective + Fortress Watsas industrial contract (fuel tank manufacturing).

BONUS: +20,000k for reaching an altitude of 15km above Kerbin surface, +100k for each 100km traveled at flaming speeds.

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  The Jedi Master said:
First Success Of CASA--First Kerbalmade Object In Space


KSC--The debate on the edge of the atmosphere has been resolved. The new RT-12 rocket was far less flashy, with a smaller probe body and no sepratrons. However, it was well sufficient enough to launch the probe high enough to become the first confirmed kerbalmade object in space. The probe gathered data on the upper atmosphere, determining that that the atmosphere ends and space begins at approximately 50,000 meters.

When asked how it felt to make history, Gene Kerman stated:

"It feels wonderful to be a part of such a world-shaking event. With this success, we will be aiming even higher from here on out--orbit, kerbals in space, maybe even one day kerbals on the Mun and Minmus! But if we're going to achieve that, we need to keep working hard and make more rockets."

Yes! My first success! Keep the missions coming--perhaps a kerbal in space, or even try for orbit! Just keep in mind, staging would be nice. :)

Haha, my estimation of mission difficulty is good. It's for certain purpose that i made staging unavailable. Well, you know, we need R&D research to unlock that. :D The first success' reward can be funded to that.

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  Fox62 said:
Captain Sierra, I think my "Wings of the Valkyrie" mission makes more sense than yours. Sorry to be mean, but 26km ain't that impressive. I think that my mission also accounts for the new liquid engines, as you can use them however you need. And available tech is only what you'ld get if you hadn't bought any tech.

These kinds of opinions are what I like to call 'In your head" thoughts. This is not a thread for discussing your opinions of my mission challenges. The OP asked for missions given the indicated tech level. I am certain that does not include you voicing negative opinions in an effort to bolster your own mission. I am going to politely ask you to stop your attempt to insult or otherwise troll.

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