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More fuel tanks sizes

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I don't know if we'll ever get parts that big. We might, but I'm not sure. Wouldn't be terrible, I guess, but mods really fill that role nicely.

Otherwise, you can often break your large payload up into smaller segments and get it to orbit a lot easier than you'd think. I know I have a bad habit of overestimating the weight of my payload and wind up having a hard time building this monstrosity of a lift vehicle when all I really needed was a handful of rockets and a couple orange tanks to get it to orbit >.>

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It's sometimes hard to get a big payload on orbit, so I'd like to see 3.75m and 5m fuel tanks and engines.

I just installed NovaPunch. It has 3.7 and 5 meter fuel tanks. It also has engine parts with multiple engines. One engine cluster is the equivalent of 6 Mainsails. I think this is what you're looking for. Also, some people seem to think that NovaPunch slows their framerates. I don't know yet.

Edited by Gus
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I agree that the 3.75 meters parts of KW rocketry really add something to the game. It is an elegant solution to build "Saturn-V" heavy lifters class. Other than esthetical, the huge pro is that using that kind of configuration drastically reduces the number of parts in the rocket. And then the game engine and your graphic card handles it more easily.

Now why space agencies don't use such launchers everyday ? Because they are insanely expensive, require heavy infrastructures and then are reserved to manned interplanetary exploration (or mining if you want) missions (which is a point of a space program). It could be the same in KSP. Those parts would be the very costly, and then you would use them only when necessary, like when you want to send a complex (ker)manned mission to Duna or Jool's moons, with rovers, surface lander, orbital module, etc...

Also, think that more realistic aerodynamics, if implemented, will probably give a serious blow to those "asparagus" designs. There's a reason if you don't see that in real life. :wink:

Now, 5 meters, I don't know, not sure there is a need for it right now.

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