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Mission Control-The way for Multiplayer

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I came up with an idea that might make KSP alot better. Mission Control. When you would click mission control (the building) it would bring you to a screen that says select server or create. When you would create a server it would give the option: Mission Control/Air Traffic Control, or astronaut/pilot. When you would click mission control, it would give you all the roles as mission control, CapCom,Flight Director,etc.When you would choose 'astronaut' you would select your seat. And I know what your saying. Time Warp! TimE wArp!? I have the solution. One of the Flight directors jobs would be to accept a time warp request. The astronaut would request a time warp, if The FD accepts, he can time warp, but the FD can stop the time warp at any time. This is my idea and a step foward to realism. If anyone suggests anything, or wants to add something just post it. I won't have any hard feelings if you dissagree with me.

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I think, rather than just plainly requesting a warp, you should request a warp-to-point. This way, you can always maximum-warp, and you don't have overshootings, and long transfers only take a bit longer. And just add an ETA, and notification for when a craft is about to reach it destination. This way, you can control multiple missions a bit more, without too much drama.

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Alright guys, no matter how you propose it, multiplayer is still multiplayer. It's on the what not suggest list for a reason. It's not planned to be in the game for now, so suggesting ways to implement it is useless. That being said, I do not see a reason to keep this thread going any further.

So thread closed and have a nice day everyone :)

Edited by stupid_chris
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