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Docking ideas?

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I don't know if I should posted this in Gameplay questions or spacecraft exchange so if I posted in wrong forum, can any moderator change this to the other forum?


so when I just recently figured out how to rendezvous( I don't know if I spelled that right) I've succesfulled docked 1 piece to my upcoming IKSS (International Kerbal Space Station core module) Which basically was a giant communcation satelitte dish. I also rendezvoused with one other craft and transferred one crew. I got docking ports on it but I don't know what I should add? I'm thinking of a reactor thingy that generate alot of electricity to all the lamps and stuff, or a crew part with many crew containers. But I can't figure out any good design of those. And I can't come up with anything else. So I was wondering if someone could post how I should make one of my two suggestions, or come up with a diffrent idea to dock with. Please post your suggestions :)

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Practical ideas:

-Fuel depot

-Habitation module

-Escape pods

-Science labs

-Solar array

-Electrical storage

-Docking framework featuring all sizes of docking ports

Fun ideas:

-Gravity simulation centrifuge

-Zero-G dance club

-Maximum security prison

-Space hotel

-Creative artwork

-Replica building (ISS, MIR, sci-fi stations or ships)

With mods:

-Kethane storage and processing

-Orbital construction hangar

-Lifesupport stuff

-Communication/command station for remotetech

-Scanning array

-Other mod parts that offer unique functionality

Edited by Psycix
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A couple of hitchhiker cans for crew Hab, a lifeboat module (with fuel and engines and crew compartment self-enclosed), utility module (solar panels, batteries, comms, lights, RCS, etc), docking boom for visiting ships which holds the docking ports away from the rest of the station (and especially the solar panels) just in case there is some kind of docking accident, and fuel module. And maybe add a couple of small orbiters docked just in case you need them for rescue or refueling a stranded ship or something.

As far as design, to start, I like to make a utility module as follows:

Large docking port, large Z-4k battery Large RCS Tank, then 6 or 8 thermoelectric generators and another large docking port on the end. Add some struts in between the RCS tank and second docking port to reinforce the connection, and voila, you have a utility module. Attach a couple of antennas radially and you're good to go.

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