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Using only stock solid boosters, I can ...

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Given the philosophy, "Sometimes you just need a few more boosters", what sort of milestone can you surpass?

This is not so much a challenge with achievements, so much as a showcase of kerbal craziness.

Using only stock solid boosters, I can get 126 tonnes into Kerbin orbit (134 tonnes if you count spent solid boosters on the final stage). From the gallery link below, you can see a sequential set of screenshots showing the ship tracking into orbit. While there is liquid fuel present in the vessel, not a drop of it was used to get to orbit.

Gallery link: http://imgur.com/a/DWxOn

Creating a ship with over 1200 parts, 187000 units of SolidFuel, and burning over 2000 units of SolidFuel per second (in the first stage), this is just a little silly.

I could probably make it more efficient in the set up so more solid fuel is used further in the atmosphere, but this isn't really much of an efficiency experiment.

This is basically an exercise in pure ridiculousness.

Note: There are no modded parts used in this ship. Yes, I do have mission controller extended and Kethane installed, but this ship is pure stock.

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I once got a solids only ship to impact the Mun.

1 x Probodyne OKTO2

1 x Cubic Octagonal Strut

1 x RT - 10

2 x TR-18A Stack Decoupler (stacked)

2 x Rockomax BACC (stacked)

7 parts total.

After 5 or so applications of 'F9', it hit the Mun travelling around 900m/s. It didn't have power though so it never knew.


- Yar


@ Captain Sierra: The one and only thing space-tape does NOT fix is a lack of boosters. :D

Edited by YarTheBug
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