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To revert or not to revert - or ...


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There is a type of player who thinks "Harder = better", who takes the pleasure of mastering a game's mechanics one step further and thinks that games should be made deliberately hard to master in order to make that mastery rarer and thus more "valuable". To a certain degree this is necessary; very few people would enjoy a game that simply plays itself out and requires no effort at mastery to succeed. But this can be taken to the extreme of deliberately making mastery so difficult that few players would be willing or able to attain it because the time required is too great an investment for them. (Or the reward is just not enough to make them feel the investment is worth it.)

-- Steve

at which point you start losing sales, which hurts the bottom line.

Some games have a "hardcore mode" you can turn on and off, and who knows, maybe we'll at some point have that in KSP as well.

But the type of person who screams that others should not have access to anything but hardcore mode won't consider that good enough of course.

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While you're quite correct, there's not really anything to be gained by bringing them around to the opposing viewpoint, since those people have no power to make changes to the game.

and of course they're so narrowminded there's nothing that will make them see reason, so no use trying.

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Open your persistent.sfs file in your save folder in a text editor.

Look for a section called Parameters, and a section called Flight inside that.

You'll find two options, one called 'CanRestart', which regulates the use of the 'revert to launch' option, and another called 'CanLeaveToEditor', which regulates the 'revert to VAB/SPH' option. Set those to False and the revert options will be gone.

We can have different settings on different saves? Cool! I think I'll go and maybe disable revert on one of my saves.

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