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Guest Brody_Peffley

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Guest Brody_Peffley

This may sound werid.. But the kerbals are like chickens.. They poop out kerbals.... So if jeb gets stuck.. You leave him there for more than 5 hours. He has kids..

But if jeb did have kids he would probably slam my head on my keyboard...... Jhrieruhqt hwjtihjwihjhtwhjwhiowhjtjtjwhjrtihjrothijihojtrhjrhjwrthjrhjrtihj;rhjriohjrthoijhjhjrthjrthjrthiowrjhoirjhowjhrwhjrtijrtohjrhjwrijhijhrjh damn you jeb.. Sorry but this is a stupid idea.

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Guest Brody_Peffley
Did you actually just headbutt the keyboard to type that?

Yes I did, Now I have a bruise and a broken keyboard.. Lesson 1 always have another pair of keyboards. Im using my laptop now..

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