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K.R.A.K reports and assignments


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UUmm not to be a jerk But I see tons of ways to save weight on your weather stations. and do you really need that big of a transport rover?

Don't get me wrong play the game how you want to play Im just a minimalist and try to make things as light as possible. ( because big things I make never go the way I want them too :()

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UUmm not to be a jerk But I see tons of ways to save weight on your weather stations. and do you really need that big of a transport rover?

Don't get me wrong play the game how you want to play Im just a minimalist and try to make things as light as possible. ( because big things I make never go the way I want them too :()

I probably could save weight, but I'm too lazy. And using the big wheels gives it a LOT of stability.

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Okay, how do I put all of the stuff into KSP? As in, what do I do so I can use the persistence?

Just unpack the latest save file that was posted(I think it was a .rar file) and copy the folder "KRAK" to the saves folder of your game.

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Okay. Before I start, sorry for all of the delays.


Previously, we of the magnificent Kerbal kind, have been bound to this world.

Then, we stepped foot on the mighty Mün. We established a presence on Minmus itself!

But today, dear Kerbals, we have propelled are machines to another world!


I'd just like to thank Kaelen for making this. I had a lot of fun.

One such moment was when I had undocked the rover and had it on a course to land on Eve, but I realised that since it was spinning I would land in the ocean. And I didn't have anything I could do to change that. But then I realised I did. I had ditched the fuel module, as it was empty, and it had some rcs on it. It was enough to dock with the rover and push it enough to land on solid ground. Boy was I relieved.

Also, the tug is still in orbit around eve, with a Kerbal in it, so when we hit the next window would somebody bring them back?

The imgur album


The save


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@Sierra: The link worked for me. Does it work for other people?

@1D-1()T: The link you posted for the download said that access was denied. Can you make it public so I/we can all download it?

P.S.: Great looking mission!

Edited by Kaelen
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Mission 5: A bird's-eye view

Background: The three weather stations on the shore of what is now being called the "Rodwell Sea" have return some fascinating data. According to the probes, the atmosphere is over 3 times at dense as Kerbin's and the temperature is much hotter than would be comfortable for Kerbals. There is only one way to know for sure though if the air is breathable: breathe it! Now is the time for some thrilling Kerbal piloting...


Primary Objectives:

1. Fly an aerial craft over the surface of Eve

2. Return a sample of the atmosphere to Kerbin

Secondary Objectives:

A. Return the Scientists on Minmas from their expedition to the Arkeinen station

B. Return Bill Kerman and any other Kerbals sent on this mission to Kerbin safely.

Parameters: Bring back a sample of Eve's atmosphere so that KRAK scientists can use an intern to determine if it is breathable. To do this an aircraft must descend to where the atmosphere is at least as dense at that of Kerbin (~10,000m) and slow down to a point where sonic effects are no longer taking place(no contrails). Explore as much of the surface as fuel allows and return to Kerbin. Remember that the Minmas station is avaliable for mid-mission refueling and Bill Kerman is already in orbit around Eve and available as a pilot.

Mission Commander: Stoch Kerman

Mission Due Date: 10/9/2013

Other Notes: Please everyone remember that we are not using any mods on this. Sotchasty please post your acceptance of the mission on this thread.

Edited by Kaelen
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Whee! Time to go. You sure didn't pull any punches on this assignment.

I will get flying on this as soon as I can manage; unfortunately, timing is just about optimally poor for me right now - I'm giving four seminars over the course of the next two weeks. I intend to fly this and should still have time, but I may be pushing towards the ended of my allotted period before I can finish up and get a mission report posted. Apologies in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did I say that? I guess I did. I will try to remember that for future missions. Looking for a report tomorrow Stochasty. Remember if you haven't finished just give us an update and request for more time if you think you need it.

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Sorry, Kaelen; work is killing me at the moment. As I said before, the timing for this mission was about optimally poor for me. :( Have hardly had time to even check these forums, let alone fly the mission.

I might get a break and a chance to fly this weekend; then again I might not (I still have one more seminar to give next Monday, and I'm not sure how long prep will take). Feel free to skip me. If I get a chance to fly, I'll do so, but I feel bad making people wait longer with no guarantee I'll get things finished in a timely fashion.

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No problem Stochasty. We will postpone your mission and move to the next one.

Mission 6: Polar Problems

Background: Much to the dismay of young Kerbal pilots everywhere, delays in the latest Eve mission have caused it to be postponed. With the questions about Eve's atmosphere unanswerable for the moment, KRAK turns to another nearby world: Duna. It appears to have some white stuff at the poles that KRAK hopes is ice. They need a sample of each side in order to determine if it is food. In other news, the scientists on Minmas are still in need of a commander to guide them back to the orbital station to continue their work.

Primary Objectives:

1. Send a Kerbaled spacecraft to Duna

2. Return a sample from both polar ice caps to Kerbin

Secondary Objectives:

A. Return the Scientists on Minmas to the orbital station

B. Return all Kerbals sent on this mission safely to Kerbin

Parameters: Land a Kerbaled craft at both the north and south poles of Duna and return them safely to Kerbin. Plant flags at both poles to show that you have been there. Landing at one pole and driving overland to the other is allowed but will take much longer. However, lifting off from one pole and landing at the other will require more fuel. The choice is yours. The scientists on Mimas also need to return to the station. Load them into their lander and dock it with the station in orbit.

Restrictions: Due to budget cuts only one lander can be afforded. Only one lander may be launched from Kerbin for this mission. Although secondary launch(s) for a tug are allowed.

Mission Commander: Spock Kerman(The Destroyer)

Mission Due Date: 10/19/2013

The Destroyer, please post your acceptance of the mission on this thread within 24 hours. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chet's on standby, he has made a recovery and is ready for command of a flight, possibly an endurance flight of Kerbin orbit. However, due to medical reasons, cannot fly past the Mun, but is allowed to ride.

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