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K.R.A.K reports and assignments


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DANGEROUSLY close to the deadline, here is my report, Kommissioners.


1. Comsat Realign

This one wasn't actually that hard, however due to unexplaained stuff, after a few sessions of fast-forwarding, the system was scrambled again! Can you believe it? Anyway, here is the photo file:


2. Bill Kerman's Rescue

This, in all fairness, was quite hard...Because I set myself a challenge: I pretended that Bill was stranded because his engines had unexpectedly shut down, meaning that a recue mission was necessary. Which is what I did:



Having recovered the two stranded astronauts, they and... and... and the two other guys headed for Jool!


As you can see, it has five external docking ports, but you must be careful if docking a module (Kethane tank, maybe?). So every time you want to add a new module, you must close the solar panel next to the desired docking port. A bit weird, but anyway!

Maxton, out. Here's the save (7zip): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ld5vnipcwdry91z/KRAK.7z

P.S. How do I embed Imgur images?

Edited by Maxilica
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for another absence from me everyone. Here is the next mission!

Mission 10: Old Friends

Background: With the science team safely in place around Jool, the KRAK leadership looks to the next mission. Suddenly they remember that one of their first missions scouted out a location for a Mun Base. Where was that again?...

Primary Objectives:

1. Hire 4 additional Kerbals to permanently crew a Mun Base.

2. Construct a science/training facility on the surface of the Mun.

Secondary Objectives:

A. Return the crew of the Minmas Station to the KSC


Construct a suface base on the Mun that can be used a both a permanent science facility and as a training center for future kolonists to other planets. This base should be crewed by 4 kerbals and have room for an additional 4 trainees. It should also have significant science facilities. This should include at least one of each of the goo canister, science

bay, thermometer, barometer, accelerometer, and the gravimeter. It should also have one of the new science labs to process all of this data. You have been approved to hire 4 additional Kerbalnauts for this mission. Carefully select these 4 and tell us why they made the cut. Also, upcoming missions will require experienced crew. Return the crew of the Minmas station to Kerbin but leave the station in orbit for refueling duties.

Restrictions: None. Bonus points though for putting the base at the location originally scouted!

Mission Commander: Robert Kerman

Mission Due Date: 1/14/14

Please post your acceptance on this thread within 24 hours.

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Looks like Bean isn't going to Reply. So.

Mission 10: Old Friends

See above

Mission Commander: Ron Kerman (Rondon)

Mission Due Date: 1/16/14

Please post your acceptance on this thread within 24 hours.

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Right, first order of business, hire some fodder.


Dunfred seems a good balanced Kerbonaut, and Lanemy will make the perfect jester for Minbase.


Mitzoin easily the smartest person eligible for the role of kerbanuat he will make a fantastic leader of the Labs, with cogard as assistant and wait hang..wait that's six.. uhh.


Well whatever, Launch Minbase!


Preparing for landing at the scouted site


Touchdown! Base established.


The descent stage isn't deploying, somethings stuck..Ah here we go this must be it,we'll just deploy it.


AGHHH!...The entire bleeding stage blew up, its a miracle the base wasn't damaged!


After every things been double checked, Dunfred goes out to crush the accursed contraptions remnants.


Now Mitzon was purposly left behind so he could fly, the "munship" over to the base, allowing for anyone stranded on minmus to be rescued, brought to base where they will inevitable be sent back to ker-play a lovely game of scrabble.


Whilst the Munship heads over, the return vehicle is sent to Arkeinen


Scott fires off the mid stage and prepares for re-entry


Success! the crew have survived and will be back at base soon


Mitzon and Cogard(3rd class) are about to arrive at Minbase


The final addition, the minrover and two *nothings* arrive piloted by *nobody*


Here, a somber Dunfred goes and unpacks the munrover, which certainly did not come with two extra Evac rockets, with horrible control.


Done! Minbase is Complete, with compliment rover and VTOL.



And hang about, after all that Hancott has magically reappeared after "not" crashing into the ground at 80km/hr, I GET TO KEEP MY KOMMISON! DRINKS FOR EVERYONE!


Edited by Rondon
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Of the many awesome things about this mission report, my absolute favorite is the fact that the base is on the wrong planet. So incredibly Kerbal! I will try to get the next mission posted tonight. By the way, are those just a bunch of external seats strapped to an engine?!

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Of the many awesome things about this mission report, my absolute favorite is the fact that the base is on the wrong planet. So incredibly Kerbal! I will try to get the next mission posted tonight. By the way, are those just a bunch of external seats strapped to an engine?!

And now all mitzoin's constant rambling makes a bit more sense.confused:

and yeah the original design was to have a command pod, but I thought it would be more weight efficient to have 6 external seats on top of a rocket.

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Mission 11: The Scattering

Background: SUCCESS!!! Kerbal kind has established its first permanent settlement on another celestial body! Brave scientists and explorers are as we speak getting settled in to their new home on the Mu- wait what? - They are on Minmas? I thought they were supposed to go to the Mun.... Well can we move it to the Mun?... I can't deal with this right now. ON TO THE NEXT MISSION! The Joolian scientists are getting very curious about all of the moons they have there. It's time to get a closer look.

Primary Objectives:

1. Send one of the Kerbals to each of Jool's Moons and leave them there to conduct science.

2. Ensure that each of the Kerbals can return to the Jool main station at any time.

Secondary Objectives:

A. Provide the Kerbal scientists with mobility of some kind so that they can see as much of their moon as possible.

Parameters: Launch each of the 5 Kerbals on the Jool station to the 5 moons of Jool. One Kerbal should be landed on each moon when the mission is complete. Each Kerbal should have the capability to return to the Jool station on their own and, if possibile, some mobility on the surface. Examples: car, plane, extra fuel in the return craft for hops, etc. Remember: No reverting. If someone crashes, they are dead.


Mission Commander: The Lone Kerman(The Lone Wolfling)

Mission Due Date: 1/23/14

Please post your acceptance on this thread within 24 hours.

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Kaelen, I specifically said thou shalt not send me to Jool. You better not be about so start up a string of Joolian missions which I get wrapped up in! :P

EDIT: also, I think you are asking a bit much for a Tylo landing with return cpability. That's an achievement, even for a skilled player.

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Don't worry. I have some other missions as well. I'll make sure not to stick anyone with something they don't want. Fair enough about Tylo. As a general rule for the missions I assign: You can deem them impossible or too risky for a Kerbal to perform. If you make adjustments to the mission(only landing a probe that wont return for example) that is fine as long as you justify it in your report.

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