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MOD - Synergies within the 32bit limit


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Since i havent found a thread bout this yet:

It would be nice if people could share their MOD-Combinations - especially those that have great synergies and are within the "wont make the game crash" limit.

I am myself pretty interrested in mods that give players lots of parts and make it possible to create bases in the orbit and on planets/moons.

What would be helpfull:

Maybe people could post which mods they use - how well they do when it comes to not crashing the game and what the aim of their chose mods is etc.

Also how do you use mods? I was thinking about setting up different mod combinations for different gameplay-styles until the game supports 64bit like

ModPack A (Helicopters, Planes etc. anything that stays on the planet)

ModPack B (Orbital Bases and Rockets etc.)

Anyone tried that - do you have to use different savegames or is it possible to use one and switch without breaking things?

At the moment i use:

Universe Replacer

KAS-Mod (Kerbal Attachment System)


B9 Aerospace-Pack

KSPX Parts


Kosmos SSPP


How well does it work:

Barely crashes rather often sadly

Mods i would be interrested in using:





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I used quite a few mods and have quite a stable balance and don't get too many crashes. I had been crashing infuriatingly often so I trimmed my mods, taking just parts that I really liked from each one.

This is a program generated list of the mods that my current craft use (so its not absolutely everything that I have installed, but its most). The count by each mod is how many parts from that mod are being used by saved craft.

B9_Aerospace - 72 parts
Stock - 127 parts
MechJeb2 - 1 parts
KWRocketry - 39 parts
NovaPunch2 - 39 parts
KOSMOS - 4 parts
IoncrossCrewSupport - 5 parts
BoJaN - 1 parts
ProceduralDynamics - 3 parts
DRobotics(0.20.2) - 7 parts
KAS - 8 parts
legacy parts - 26 parts
Kethane - 13 parts
RemoteTech - 14 parts
KSPX - 15 parts
BobCatind - 4 parts
Romfarer - 1 parts
AviationLights - 2 parts
DSM - 7 parts
Protractor - 1 parts
Keramzit - ProceduralFairings - 7 parts

I've also got TAC fuel balancer, CrewManifest and SubassemblyManager as mods that don't have any parts.

I know that I haven't trimmed anything from B9 cos is so well optimised that even thou it has many parts it is smaller than quite a few mod packs.

I have all stock parts present.

KW rockery has most things in, but I took all the fairings out (that was nearly 200mb saved) as I now use procedural fairings (only about 5mb).

MJ - just one part anyway

NovaPunch I took quite a bit out, all the tanks as I prefer the KW ones and the odin and thor stuff went too.

KOSMOS - sadly is just too big I only have a few solar panels, the cube connector and crewable connector tunnel thing (sorry name escapes me atm). it a pitty cos its a nice pack, hope it gets optimised one day.

Ioncross - life support systems, use all of it, kerbs gotta breathe!

Bojan (aka Quantum struts) - I took out the strut gun and quantum core, just use the QStrut.

procedural dynamics - procedural wings (on trial!), if they work well I might remove the B9 wings

DRobotics (well Magic smoke) - ALL OF IT, if there was more I'd use that too (one of my fav mods)

KAS - again, all of it, awesome mod

legacy parts - I have a bunch of old favs that still live in the PARTs folder, small things thou, including a girder pack and the mumech hull cam.

Kethane - all of it, thou it does take up a load of space for its low part count (and all the tanks have similar textures so I hope it gets optimised B9 style).

RemoteTech - EVERYTHING and hungry from more! up there with DR as being a fav mod and the backbone of my space program since 0.16 (or round there).

KSPX - trimmed quite a bit as many parts are now included in stock

Bobcat - I used to have more from this but found I wasn't using many parts from it. Will prob add some of the HOME modules back in cos they are nice.

Romfarer - just the sunbeam lazer (cos what is space without lazers to shoot things with)

aviation lights - full pack, but its tiny (and cool)

DSM - mostly just the large girder parts for stations

protractor - too small to worry about

Keramzit PFairings - now my main source of fairings, very cool and can replace pretty much all other fairing packs

I don't get that many crashes now but it does still crash occasionally and after a while I have to restart it as the VAB/SPH get really slow.

I'd like to use the universe replacer cos of the pretty, but from what I've heard it has some big textures so I've not tried that yet. I think I'm on the very edge of stable so although I want more I think I can't without the pain of frequent crashing.

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  katateochi said:
I'd like to use the universe replacer cos of the pretty, but from what I've heard it has some big textures so I've not tried that yet.

You decide which textures to add and how big you want them to get. I don't think any are included by default.

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Thought I'd do something similar to katateochi:

AviationLights 6 parts
B9_Aerospace 140 parts
BFT 6 parts
BobCatind 12 parts
BoJaN 2 parts
Disaster Ltd 1 parts
Engineer 2 parts
Extraplanetary Launchpads 34 parts
FusTek 5 parts
HooliganLabs 5 parts
HullCam 1 parts
JARFR_CRSS 4 parts
JARFR_HOSS 14 parts
JARFR_THSS 23 parts
KAS 10 parts
Keramzit 15 parts
Kethane 15 parts
kommit_nucleonics 3 parts
KWRocketry 2 parts
MagicSmokeIndustries 21 parts
MechJeb2 1 parts
ModsByTal 6 parts
NovaPunch2 99 parts
ProceduralDynamics 2 parts
RLA_Stockalike 9 parts
Robodyne 1 parts
Romfarer 2 parts
Squad 153 parts
Telemachus 2 parts
TouhouTorpedo 29 parts
TV 39 parts
udk_lethal_d0se 11 parts

Parts includes some which live in the same cfg so it's overreading occasionally, but accurate enough.

File use by type:

JPEG: 88
PNG : 145140
TGA : 125932
MBM : 927900

Largest 20 folders by active content:

7004 Romfarer
7328 Keramzit
13500 KAS
18280 UniverseReplacer
19752 ModsByTal
20588 MagicSmokeIndustries
24816 BFT
26160 TV PP
27316 Disaster Ltd
30060 Extraplanetary Launchpads
32636 TouhouTorpedo
43288 HooliganLabs
64332 udk_lethal_d0se
70356 B9_Aerospace
74408 BobCatind
105040 Kethane
126140 NovaPunch2
540952 Squad

I've fairly ruthlessly pruned - most of HooliganLabs is inactive, a few redundant parts of NP, quite a bit of Squad, FusTek is just the docking ports, most of Taverius PP pack, the structural panels from B9. Nearly all wings are gone in favour of pWings, only fairings are pFairings, once StretchyTanks matures a little I'll probably throw out all the tanks too. I have too many engines atm but that wouldn't actually save much - or at least not enough to make a difference right now. I get a crash every 3 hours or so with things as they are, because I'm slightly over the safe limit having added some robotics. I have ISA MapSat 3.3.4 installed also which won't show up, given it lives in the old location, but it's effect is not something you can analyse without monitoring a running game anyway. I probably don't need all the triangular/octagonal trusses, but I've used most of them already this game so that's it. Actually I've made good use of nearly everything I have left, which is making pruning really awkward.

Highlighted stuff:

* FAR.

* Squad - removed most of the IVAs, left the ones I'm likely to see. Took all the wings out, most of the tanks ( there's some 1.25m ones that mesh with NP ) and some of the engines.

* Novapunch - thought I'd try it this time over KW, I like having bigger parts because you can use fewer & not have to mess around strutting everything - so a double reduction in part count - and using FAR also means using short wide rockets is not a good idea. Removed pretty much anything that isn't related to making rockets.

* B9 - I use a lot of spaceplanes, this is there for the same reason as Novapunch is for rocketry.

* Kethane - huge added value to the game, gives a purpose.

* Extraplanetary Launchpads - should add just as much value as Kethane. I have patched my own models in & nerfed a few things.

* UDKLD Large Structural Components - there's only a few, but they make a huge difference to station building. I took the magic electric generator out, otherwise left it well alone.

* Bobcat HOME ( original in this case ) - forms the base for everything I drop on a planet, and I have a stock habitat stack from it. Removed about a third of it.

* TT Wheels - use them for every plane & a lot of rovers. The crew cab is pretty useful too.

* TV PP - I use the control surfaces, the tails, some of the wings when they fit better than pWings, and a couple of the engines.

* JARFR trusses - nice and large, help keep station part counts down. Would probably be one of the first things to go if I had to though, I guess.

Other things are mostly to just fill gaps in ability, like KAS or TAC fuel balancer. Pretty much everything I've stuck in has had it's own purpose - and usually I don't try a mod until I'm pretty sure there's a better way of going about things than I'm doing - not overlapped anywhere else, and the bigger mods have also had the secondary purpose of reducing part counts. If I think something is overpowered I'll usually nerf it until I think it'd fit in stock, or generally just delete it.

What I'm doing now is analysing what I can save by replacing duplicate images with placeholders & re-aliasing them using MODEL{} blocks. Really I'd like to use the game's database to do it, but it looks like I'd have to patch all the URL lookup methods and I don't know how to do that yet.

I'd like Deadly Re-entry, RemoteTech, parts of FireSplitter and parts of Fractal_UK's mod because they'd all add distinct game value, but it's not happening. I do have a different save with a different mod set - mostly set up to look pretty rather than be useful - but I don't actually do anything I'd call "missions" in there, just test stuff.

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I think i will do as the posters above yet i also have found out some interresting workarounds:

(yet basic - but i didnt think that textures actually had the biggest impact on memory-usage)

- set resolution in settings to half resolution (graphics will get very slightly worse (especially when you use planet retexturing mod)) while the game will be way less memory-hungry

- try to make textures of mods smaller (some have way to big textures)

I havent even done the texture resizing but am already able to play all mods i want now and to be honest i hardly see the difference since planet and skybox-textures are modded:

Mods i use now:

- Universe replacer


- Remote Tech

- KW-Rocketry

- B9 Aerospace


- Nova Punch 2

- H.O.M.E


- MagicSmokeIndustries

and the great thing is i am not remotely close to the limit now. I can only recommend anybody to use half-res combined with universe-replacer. And if you still run out of memory just remove parts.

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My current bit of mods consists of the following:

-KW Rocketry

-FusTek Parts

-RLA Stockalike

-KSPX (With redundant parts trimmed out, and the old SAS modules config modified to be reaction wheels)

-MechJeb 2.0.9

-Large Structural Components by Udk_Lethal_Dose

-Damned Robotics

-Kerbal Attachment System

-Procedural Dynamics (PWings)

-Editor Extensions (Basically what EdTools used to be, but made by another user)

-Subassembly save/loader

-TT's Upgraded Mk3 Internals

I have been using this set since I started playing the game on Steam (I have access to both Steam and Store since I bought it twice.)

I have logged, on Steam, 91 hours.

There is only one crash folder in the program files.

My ideal mod loadout, barring any memory restrictions would append to that list the following mods:

-Kosmos SSPP

-AIES Parts

-ISA MapSat

-B9 Aerospace

-Nucleonics (Dem engines..)

-Firespitter Plane Parts

-HOME and all the DEMVs available

-Mk2 Upgraded Internals

-Crew Manifest



-FusTek Munox

Some of those, I know could fit in no problem, but I just haven't gotten around to adding them yet.

Edited by M5000
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This is what I am using currently:


Procedural wings (pWings)

Procedural Fairings

Infernal Robotics

DYJ's minigun

Universe replacer (with SD cloud pack and rareden's starfield)

MK2 cockpit internals

It's a pretty good combo and I haven't seen a single crash so far, it has been like 3 days I have this configuration.

Note: My KSP will crash if I use full quality textures, but doesn't crash with mods on half quality.

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I use a bunch of mods, but I remove all of the redundant parts. I have no need for lots of fuel tanks, mostly of the same size but from different mods. Same with engines and other parts. If it is just a stock part with a new name or model, it gets removed. If the specs for an engine are close enough to stock parts that there is basically no difference, then the part gets removed. I also don't use 3.5 and 5 meter (or bigger for some mods) parts.

I use:

KSPX - redundant stuff removed

NovaPunch (many parts removed, including fairings and 3.5/5 meter parts, all the extra fuel tanks, removed a few of the 1.25 and 2.5 meter engines because they were similar to stock, removed the yawmaster, Thor and Odin because they were just excessive parts I found I didn't really need.

Procedural Fairings - this lets me remove the fairings from NovaPunch, that reduced the parts by a decent number.

Fustek Station Parts Expansion - removed the warehouse module since I don't use the orbital construction mod, removed one of the airlocks, the 2.5 meter end ring and something else, I forgot what).

Kethane, Crew Manifest, Mechjeb, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Improved Maneuver Node, Docking Alignment Indicator, Ioncross Crew Support, KAS, Protractor, Chatterer, RCS Build Aid, Subassembly Manager.

Windows Explorer says I have 275mb of files (835 files in 169 folders) in GameData, not counting the Squad folder.

I have looked at other parts packs, but have not found anything I really wanted to keep that was not something that can be replaced with a stock part of one of the existing parts I already have. Parts are either redundant, overpowered or just a different model/texture for the same specs.

I believe that I have a good working set of parts for what I want to do, and it's trimmed down, very lightweight and doesn't cause any issues.

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According to my notes (which are not 100% up-to-date):

Maneuver Node Improvement

Procedural Fairings


B9 Aerospace Pack

KAS – Kerbal Attachment System

Kosmos Space Station Pack

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Subassembly Manager

Simple Part Organizer

Quantum Strut

Module Manager

Engineer Redux: Stock Pods

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Lazor Docking Cam

Robotic Arms Pack

Dragon Spacecraft

RCS Build Aid

FusTek Station Parts Expansion

Kerbal Crew Manifest


MechJeb and RemoteTech for All

ISA MapSat

Kethane Pack



Spherical Fuel Tanks

Procedural Wings

Damned Robotics Parts

Infernal Robotics Plugin

787 MB in Gamedata (exluding Squad).

I had to delete parts I don't use from the list above to make it possible for KSP to start. I almost never end the program properly, it just crashes after running for a while. :D

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Currently in use:


AIES Aerospace*



Orbital Construction

Crew Manifest



Tac Fuel Balancer

Edit- Not sure what its called, its game data folder is NavyFish, just a docking camera.

All mods with a * after them have had parts pruned from them.

NovaPunch I pruned all landing gear + mechanical decoupler and radial decouplers as well as probe cores and command pods. AIES I removed some of the antennas, batteries, solar panels, larger engines (stock/nova punch cover the large ones) as well as the reaction wheels (again stock/nova punch covered) as well as probe cores. Chatterer I removed the little module to add to non-stock pods since I only use stock pods.

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AIES Aerospace


[FASA] Mercury\Gemini

ISA Mapsat


Landing bags


Procedural Fairings

I'd like to run Bobcats Soviet Pack but it slows down the VAB too much.

I should learn to prune parts because I only use a fraction of the AIES stuff and I'm not interested in spaceplanes at all, so they could all go

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Complete stock, I haven't removed any stock parts or added any new ones. I've only crashed once, but I don't play that often because when I do my CPU almost melts...

Oh wait, I use Kerbal Engineer. That's only 1 part though.

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Good for you, but I don't know why you felt you had to share that; doesn't help the OP or the thread in the slightest.

Sid - instead of deleting, first rename the .cfg, any image files and the model file; that way you can see if there's something else using the model, the game log will register something complaining. Alternatively you can just move the part folder out of gamedata.

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Currently I use:

Mk2 cockpit

RCS build aid


Docking port Alignment

Sub assembly manager

Robot arms pack

Proc Fairings

Nova Punch (only the 5m tanks)

Advanced SRB

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Ioncross crew Support

Ferram Aerospace Research

Kerbal Engineer

Editor Extensions

Crew Manifest


B9 Aerospace

Spherical tanks

Spherical kethane tanks

KW rocketry

Caterpillar Tracks

Kerbal Attachment System

HOME 2m Living

Procedural wings

Magic Smoke Industries



Extraplanetary Launchpads

Aies Aerospace

I have never crashed before but the game lags when I change pages in the VAB or SPH. Usually I have to wait 25 seconds when I switch pages, it sucks.

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I am a minimalist modder: if it doesn't serve as some form of expansion to what the game already uses, I see no reason to install it. So stylistic packs like B9, NovaPunch, etc. don't make the cut. What does make the cut is (in order of likelihood of being installed):

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Subassembly Manager

Radial Drogue Chute (why is there no stock part equivalent to this yet, incidentally?)


Kerbal Attachment System

TAC Life Support

Hooligan Labs Airships

Firespitter Propeller Pack (minus anything besides the propellers; I don't need the cockpits)

Universe Replacer (just for fun; it rarely makes the cut at all)

Crashes don't exist for me. The game has almost a full 1GB of memory left to work with even with all that.

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Cheers for the advice Van Disaster !

I forget to mention in my list of mods that my KSP interest for now is recreating some of the actual and proposed missions of the 60's and 70's

If anyone else likes that era of spaceflight then it isn't too a bad starting point...in my opinion ( for whatever that's worth )

Hopefully with some part pruning I can get Bobcats Soviet pack working too. Funnily enough it's only in the VAB I have problems with it, in game it's just fine.

And I forgot Aviation Lights - great strobes and docking lights

Edited by Sid
Spelings wrongz
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KW Roecketry

Ion Electric Hybrid pack*



Quantum Struts*


Lazor Docking Cam

B9 aerospace



Subassembly manager

MechJeb 2.0

Kerbal Engineer

Procedural Wings

Editor Extensions

Crew Manifest

Extraplanetary Launchpads*

Tek Industries Science*

Anything marked with a * is something I don't use super often. I usually use these things for specialty builds and stuff. I need to get the caterpillar tracks back. Them and Lack Luster make great rovers. Rover trains possible with the help of KAS. :sticktongue:

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The mods I'm using at present:

-Kerbal Engineer Redux*

-Subassembly Manager

-Editor Extensions


-Improved Maneuver Nodes

-Kerbal Alarm Clock

-TAC Fuel Balancer

-Procedural Fairings*

-Deadly Reentry*

-Radial Drogue Chutes*

The ones marked with an * add extra parts. Most of the time, I don't really go for the "extra parts only" mods much; the mods I tend to use are the ones that add extra interface options to help me construct rockets and complete missions.

A few "mod clusters" that I'd highly recommend using together:

--Improved Maneuver Nodes + Kerbal Alarm Clock: EXTREMELY handy for planning and coordinating long, complicated missions with lots of moving parts. In particular, Improved Maneuver Nodes lets you "fine-tune" your maneuver nodes and change the patched conics draw modes so you can get your planetary encounters just right, and Kerbal Alarm Clock lets you save the data for those maneuver nodes to an alarm so you can go mess with something else and conveniently switch back to the ship when the alarm goes off.

--Subassembly Manager, Editor Extensions, SelectRoot: They open up the options for the VAB and SPH considerably, especially if you plan on making highly-modular vehicles from standardized components that can merge and separate into specialized designs as needed.

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