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A personal first: Taxi mission to Cloudsmoke Station and return to base.


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I needed somewhere to brag, and this is the closest to social media that I use. I have no pretty pictures because I seem to need a url to link them to and I don't have anywhere to put them. I know others have achieved so much more, but my efforts here left me so chuffed I had to share (something very rare for me indeed).


2 days ago, August 21, the KSP decided to run a resupply/taxi mission to Cloudsmoke station, the 4th version of the KSP space station orbiting around 150km and at the time unmanned (it was also uncontrolled until a probe-controlled fuel tank was docked to it hours before the taxi run). Mission Control at Kerbal Space Centre authorised the launch of the Spacebus 'MaxiTaxi', which was launched and later docked to Cloudsmoke in record time and almost without incident - an error in calculation lead to a high speed near miss (60m/s and passed the station at 30m avoiding a collision with the station and the docked 'Big Orange' fuel supply probe). 2 new milestones, for Time-to-station and for Safety.

After transferring the 4 astronauts who were to stay on station for the next few months, Jeb undocked the MaxiTaxi and de-orbited hoping to achieve a safe landing within 75km of the KSC thus achieving a new record for mission time and actually landing close to home. By Jeb's amazing piloting skills the Return Module of the MaxiTaxi was brought down 5km off the coast of the KSC, a mere 8km from the Astronaut Complex front door, allowing for recovery by the 'Swampthing' aAARV (an autonomous amphibious recovery vehicle) and delivery of Jeb, Bill, and Bob Kerman to the Astronaut Complex. A third milestone for the mission, as it was the first time this had ever been accomplished, and a fourth for the shortest Time-to-completion for the mission.

KSC declares the mission a Complete Success, the highest level of non-failure currently achievable.

[/end report]

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Too much effort to fully replicate the mission, so here's Cloudsmoke, the Maxitaxi, and the Lads at home on the Swampthing aAARV.


Cloudsmoke Station.


SpaceBus Industries 'MaxiTaxi'


The Lads arrive home on Swampthing

Edited by munki
now with photos to share
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It looks like you attached them in some wrong way(after clicking on the icon and choosing "see full picture", or whatever, you get sent not to the picture, but the website with them). If using the image tag, you should paste a link ending with .jpg, .png or something similar.

Edit: I could see the placeholders on the mobile version, I had no idea they were missing completely in the regular one. Almost definitely an IMG tag used with a link to something else than the image file. Put things like http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7321/9577549299_12630b39d4_o.png instead of http://www.flickr.com/photos/100703960@N05/9577549299/ in the [ IMG ] tag. You can find the direct links by for example right-clicking on the picture in album, choosing size>Original, then right-clicking the picture and choosing "copy image location"(or something similar, depends on the web browser). That's what you should put in [ IMG ] tags to have them working properly :)

By the way, the pictures (I hope they aren't too large) :




Edited by M4ck
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Put things like http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7321/9577549299_12630b39d4_o.png instead of http://www.flickr.com/photos/100703960@N05/9577549299/ in the [ IMG ] tag. You can find the direct links by for example right-clicking on the picture in album, choosing size>Original, then right-clicking the picture and choosing "copy image location"(or something similar, depends on the web browser). That's what you should put in [ IMG ] tags to have them working properly :)

By the way, the pictures (I hope they aren't too large) :

Thanks for both the advice and fixing my pics for me, I'm new to the whole photo sharing thing & thought it might have been as simple as insert image > paste url > done.

Turns out I was close, but not close enough.

Cheers mate.

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