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Doing things... The hard way.

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Well, I decided I needed to learn how to model properly in Blender. I have been using it for years for video editing. I have never used it for this purpose so a few of the controls are new to me.

I have made 3 models (that work) in the last 2 days.

I have been unable to smooth an object properly without its size being changed by around 10%. I suspect this is normal but I was wondering if there was a more elegant solution other than just making the part slightly larger and hoping it will turn out properly.

Believe it or not, I have actually had no trouble with texturing, yet.

My major problems are node placement. I have yet to find a definitive way to tell what the extents of the model are in blender. So making collider meshes is not really a precision affair and requires some trial and error for me currently. Of course, just doing a tank is easy because your collider comes out in the right place every time defacto. When I start with a more complex part, it gets tricky. For some stupid reason I am unable to translate a part on one axis in Blender. Even If I just use the keyboard. It always turns out requiring manual centering afterwards and picking the size is somewhat of a guess at it until it looks right deal.

You guys have any tricks for me that can make this easier? The biggest problem currently is not knowing the extents of the model for my node placement in the CFG. I just use values that get me close and adjust manually which takes a lot of time. As a result, the nodes are not exactly perfectly placed.

So far, I have only actually vertex smoothed one part in a test trial and I used the modifier with the Z axis unselected.

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Are you trying to just smooth the faces, or take a cube and deform it into a rounded mesh?

For smoothing something already modeled, the best bet is using a Modifier -> Edge Split - that sections in the model into parts with any angle over 30 degrees (by default) as boundary lines - you can also manually mark any edges that are rims or 'outlining' a face you want shaded separately with 'mark sharp' to help.

To do precision translation (G), Rotation ® and Scaling (S) on a single axis, hit the hotkey, then X, Y, or Z to select the axis you want. At this point you can use the mouse, or you can type in a precise unit to move it - to move half a meter on the negative X axis, hit G -> X -> -0.5

I havent figured out if you can lock in 2 axes yet and only scale on those - it would be helpful.

Node placement is sadly just trial and error for blender, if you aren\'t working with a simple object like a cube or cylinder - the getvector tool is only for 3DS Max sadly.

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I scale on two axises by using face select mode and then hitting S. That only scales the face on the flat axis. Edge mode allows you to place and scale subdivisions on one section and not the whole part. That is helpful.

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Booya! http://www.macouno.com/2010/03/17/caliper/

This is a blender caliper script. This Converts Blender units into real units. How much that will help I don\'t know. Can make Face-Face measurements. At least that is what it says. It\'s also free so the price is right.

Now to figure out how to use it. 8)

Now does the KSP use real units is the question. Hate to have to do a double conversion. That is almost as bad as winging it.

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