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Grosstadas Magical trevor orbiting 101 lesson~!!!!!


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Yes! It`s Magical Trevor1s Orbiting lesson!

Step1: grab a spaceship and give it an alarm with Kerbal alarm clock

step2: go to other ships and give them also alarms (only to those you want out of the sun~)

step3: warp until an alarm button shows up, and then press the button "jump to ship"

step4: voila~!

here is an example, wich i have managed to repeat countless times....and som time wich i didnt quick save, regretting it



and here i put magical trevor making the trick himself, but with a cow instead of 3 probes and 2 space stations (on wich i hadn`t alarms...so, i don`t know magical alarm`s clock pattern of picking magical ships)

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