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I want to.....GO TO EVE!(Got to Duna with a probe.....it works)

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Hello fellow KSP players!:cool:

So I've played ksp for quite a while now and I was wondering if someone could link me to a rocket or some good design or maybe just tell me how I should stage the rocket. Anyways I want to go....to.....EVE! YES! I have only been to the Mun twice and been flung into interplanetary space when trying on Minmus. But the challenge is I want to bring a Kethane finder thingy, a kethane storage and drills!

So can anyone help?

ok I'm off! Don't Kill Jeb:cool:.

Edited by Some_Random_Guy
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Don't do Kethane on Eve. If you want kethane, go to Eve's moon, Gilly. Eve has an atmosphere like soup and the highest gravity (except for Jool) of all planets. Going there is easy. Eve is one of the easiest worlds to go to. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT attempt a manned landing mission on Eve. As far as getting there, 1500 m/s dV should be more than enough to get you there assuming you do proper aero-capture (it's about 1100 for the ejection burn). It's about 1400 ejection burn to get back so you'll want something like 4000 dV for a round trip. If you are using kethane landers, you really only need 2000-2500 on board to allows you plenty to do the necesary maneuvering to get captured into Gilly orbit and then refuel.

The trick to high dV is a medium sized rockomax tank and 1 NERVA engine.

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Well basically, you need the nuke engines to get you to other planet.

It depend on your payload mass. If you are carrying 50tons and below, you need nuke engines x4, and 1440 fuel to get you there and back*.

If you carrying about 100tons, you need nuke engines x8, and 2880 fuel to get you there and back*.

If you carrying about 200tons, you need nuke engines x16, and 2880x2 fuel to get you there and back*.

("And back) means back to Kerbin. You might back to Kerbin just with just a parachute and a command pod. (I call it naked return.)

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Lets assume that your payload are below 50tons.

You will need nuke engines x4 = (2.25tonsx4) 9 tons + 1440 fuel (18tons) = 27tons

50tons + 27tons = 77 tons.

Basically, you will just need to bring 77~100tons to LKO (Lower Kerbin Orbit). SO, just search for Heavy lifter on forum, you can find plenty of it. And you will get your staging build.

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WHat I meant about kethane is taht Eve is so hard to take off from in a regular lander that trying to do it with full kethane tanks is suicide. What I advise (and how I do a grand tour) is to bring enough dV to get there and refuel with kethane. Do NOT put kethane equipment on the Eve lander. I suggest an interplanetary craft/drive stage that has the Eve lander and at least one kethane mining lander on board to mine kethane on Gilly, where it is easier, and refuel itself for the return voyage.

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I think this is the probe i got to Eve with. Very lightweight, good for plain old scanning :-). It's stock, but you can easily add a Kethane scanner on it and there you go. Kethane scanner probe.

(Sorry if this is the wrong craft file. I might have been mistaken, but i don't think so.)


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Ignore what was said about the number of LV-Ns for masses. You can use more engines for a higher TWR (and shorter burns) but lowered efficiency (because of more total mass). For a single lander, ideally you use one and if it's close and you really want to shorten the burn time, use two. Also, with proper design you can get anywhere and back with a single ship (and no docking). However, remember that Eve return is the hardest return you can do. For the cost (delta-v, the total acceleration) of ascending from Eve's sea level, you can land on Tylo and come back (and you'll do it with higher Isp).

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EVE is what I call the "devil planet" because it's one of the most deceptive planets in the solar system. On one hand, it's very close to Kerbin and seems easy to land on with its dense atmosphere. But on the other hand, it has the highest gravity of any planet, and while you slow down to a crawl through the atmosphere with little effort, you pancake HARD all of a sudden at only 1km from the surface at only 30m/s, thinking "you got this". To make matters worse, there is a LOT of liquid covering the planet and can splash down a nicely crafted lander instead of landing it. So your trajectory is also important. Then to top it all off, you have to return home, and we already discussed the severe gravity issue.

Speaking of gravity, I had deployable solar panels on my lander, and after landing and then extending the panels, the gravity ripped them off. lol I couldn't believe it.

I don't use nuclear engines. You don't need THAT much delta V if you do a direct (non orbit) rendezvous with EVE if you get your phase angle right. It's actually very easy to reach. Very easy to descend. But it surprised me when I had my side mounted engines at full throttle at only 900 meters from the surface and still coming down at 10m/s. So I deployed THREE side mounted chutes on the lander as well, and I was still coming down fast enough to break the gear (just barely) and I ALSO kicked on RCS, smashed the H key on my keyboard (6 RCS thrusters on the bottom) and started grinding my teeth. The touchdown was beautiful, but holy crap there wasn't a lot of room for error.

The top portion of my lander is equipped with a large fuel tank and a main sail with no other weight attached to it but the command pod, which gets me in to an escape trajectory to return home.

The best way I can describe the feeling of trying to pilot the atmosphere on EVE, is like a giant magnet. It sucks you straight down. Fast, violently, but the atmosphere is so dense that it "fools" you.

Yeah, tricky beast EVE is. I would go for Duna if you haven't already, so you can appreciate the contrast. Those two planets are polar opposites, I swear.

Good luck!! Keep us posted on your attempts. ;)

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God I hate Eve.

Early on in my KSP career I decided to do a flyby of Eve. No landing planned. I managed to get there ok and establish an elliptical orbit that had me swinging in rather low where I could observe the planet and plan for a future landing. The apoapsis of my ellipse was almost to the edge of the SOI so it wasn't a terribly great orbit. I'd figured the atmosphere boundaries would be higher so I made sure the low point of my orbit was a bit higher than when I'd orbited Kerbin. I set about planning a maneuver to normalize my orbit when I realized I was lower than anticipated. I had the barometric sensor (all the sensors really) on my ship and it told me that I was indeed experiencing... atmosphere. I could have just used that opportunity to aerobrake and normalize my orbit a bit but I was really just starting out and feeling in over my head. I could have raised my orbit a bit when I hit apoapsis so as not to worry about the atmosphere. I screwed up with that and the next thing I know I'm downswinging again and this time I'm experiencing thermal effects. I had quite a bit of velocity still so I just went prograde and opened the throttle up until I'd burned nearly all of my return propellant..

Now I was on an escape trajectory with no idea how to get back to Kerbin. If I had discovered MechJeb before then it probably wouldn't have happened. Or even if I had the experience that I do now. I had to send a rescue mission out to rendezvous and transfer some fuel over.

Come to think of it I still haven't been back to Eve. What a wuss I am :(

Maybe when my Duna mission is complete I'll go back to Eve.

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My signature is not an easy tasks.

Ignore what was said about the number of LV-Ns for masses.

Try Ignore it. This LV-Ns vs masses is for the transportation to Eve. Not the Landing+Lifting from Eve. You will find out the answer pretty easy.

Moving 100tons from point A to B (100m) in space;

And moving 999tons from point A to B (100m) in space, is F**king huge difference.

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  Some_Random_Guy said:
Wrong one. Its called very remote jebby and is not loaded because its missing KzProcFaring things.

Ohh yes.

My apologies. I'd recently installed Procedural Fairings, which i just remembered i added to the probe. It was the right one, Remote Jebby is my line of spaceprobes, but i forgot it had a mod part.


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Nobody uses the Skipper for transfer stages on large ships? It has great ISP for it's power. Also if you're trying to keep your part count/ship complexity down it's a great option. I have been using it on all my duna ships and jool system ships. Worth a try if you don't mind trashing it after you make the transfer burn and phase angle change.

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  Sirine said:
Go Duna 1st. Learn to walk before you run.

After my first mission to Gilly (which was planned on being a return trip) I threw myself into a Tour of Jool and landed and planted flags on every Moon, barring Tylo due to fuel shortage, and manged to get home with all 12 Kerbals that I sent. During the return, I returned Jeb from Gilly.

Those were my first missions ever since putting a base on Minmus. I've yet to even safely land a permanent probe or rover on Duna.

I say that he can do as he wills.

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  Sirine said:

Try Ignore it. This LV-Ns vs masses is for the transportation to Eve. Not the Landing+Lifting from Eve. You will find out the answer pretty easy.

Moving 100tons from point A to B (100m) in space;

And moving 999tons from point A to B (100m) in space

That's my point. Besides a few things like ascent, I don't use many engines. I design my craft to be stable (mostly) in 4x warp, and then just leave that going for between 5 and 30 IRL minutes. If you build them right, this even works for multipart ships.

Edit: I should have clarified my other post by adding a paragraph partway through.

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