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Yeah, Voskhod and perhaps an R7 variants pack would be a good idea. You could add non-flared cargo fairings and you'll have a Polyot. Put a Vostok 3rd stage on top and you have a Luna. Stack the same 3rd stage on the normal Soyuz 3rd stage and you'll pretty much get a Molniya rocket. In practice, with a few custom decouplers and a pair of fairings, you could have a pretty nice collection of R7-derived rockets. You could also make the Sputnik satellite and Luna probes. Perhaps even a Molniya satellite someday later.

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I'd say you should add into that all those new fancy R7 derivatives ala 2.1v... A good idea would also be, for career mode, historical satellites (*cough* elektron, foton, proton, molniya, zenit... *cough*)

EDIT:just realized this might be moving in the wrong direction...he knew BobCat is making his own LOK and continued doing his one...and honestly, I'd say it's gr8 to have 2 different ones, because even if its wasted time on one side, and even if MrTheBulls interiors arent exactly as detailed as those BobCat did, it's still great stuff and I hope he might do, at some point, the whole N series of rockets (cause yeah, N11 and N111...you need only 1 or 2 modified stages, and if you aint lazy you can make other launch vechicles from that...like GR-1 and R-9 ICBM...also the various hydrogen fueled rocket stages of the N1 would be interesting...and I wont even talk about the Superraket LoL!)

Edited by dimovski
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I hope you're not giving up MrTheBull, your models are excellent work.

I get it that BobCat is releasing his LOK soon, but I hope this doesn't discourage you from releasing your's. I hope you also continue to keep making fantastic models. Maybe you could consider doing some newer Russian ships? I think it would be a great addition to have the new PPTS they are working on currently, would go really nice with the Dragon Command Pods that are floating around out there now.

Either way, thanks for your contributions! I wish I could model like you guys!

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I've been waiting so long for someone to finally make this. It seems that your mission is to release every important and long over due part, MrTheBull :) I just hope it won't be OP with its crazy specific impulse. If sombody doesn't know what VASIMR is, I recommend going to the AdAstra page and reading this: http://www.adastrarocket.com/aarc/Technology

I see you're creating the final variant of VASIMR - are you going to build the experimental one which is going to be tested on ISS too?

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I've been waiting so long for someone to finally make this. It seems that your mission is to release every important and long over due part, MrTheBull :) I just hope it won't be OP with its crazy specific impulse. If sombody doesn't know what VASIMR is, I recommend going to the AdAstra page and reading this: http://www.adastrarocket.com/aarc/Technology

I see you're creating the final variant of VASIMR - are you going to build the experimental one which is going to be tested on ISS too?

I don't know how VASIMR should look. =D

i saw some pictures and started modeling. Maybe i will create experimental version, but after release.

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I don't know how VASIMR should look. =D

i saw some pictures and started modeling. Maybe i will create experimental version, but after release.

This is the mockup of the experimental version VF-200:



The real VASIMR is not yet finished, so nobody knows how exactly it'll look like. But I guess you used these photos as a reference:



Anyways, keep up with the good work :)

EDIT: Are these fuel tanks?

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MrTheBull,I recently took up modding and would like to ask for help, I began to make a rocket "Zenit-2" but how to make that rocket was not clear, I am not to understand what the problem is ... <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://images.vfl.ru/ii/1380199520/ce4fb770/3177018_m.png' alt='3177018_m.png'>

At first glance, everything works,But in fact, the missile is empty: (


You can bet only on the bond points...


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MrTheBull,I recently took up modding and would like to ask for help, I began to make a rocket "Zenit-2" but how to make that rocket was not clear, I am not to understand what the problem is ... <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://images.vfl.ru/ii/1380199520/ce4fb770/3177018_m.png' alt='3177018_m.png'>

At first glance, everything works,But in fact, the missile is empty: (


You can bet only on the bond points...


In private message please. By the way. Looks very cool. Bobcat's style =D

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áÿðÑÂøñþ ÷ð ÿþüþщь,òÑÂõ ÷ðрðñþтðûþ//Thanks for the help, it worked :)

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can I ask, is the window on here Gagarin_Capsule.jpg just for display or did it seriously have a window that big under some kind of blast plate? I know I know, I should research but I was making this and once you take away the stuff that's not a bubble with a Kerbal in it, well they look kinda... UqPSzA3.png

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can I ask, is the window on here Gagarin_Capsule.jpg just for display or did it seriously have a window that big under some kind of blast plate? I know I know, I should research but I was making this and once you take away the stuff that's not a bubble with a Kerbal in it, well they look kinda... UqPSzA3.png

This is not window on photo. It's hatch and window just because dust coming inside of this museum item. And this looks pretty awsom! This model and kerbal inside it. Is it your work?

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VASIMR is great but what it needs is the fuel tank compatible with 2,5m node so that it would easier fit while using vanilla command pods. Still, great work - I'll use it in my Space Race AAR for sure :)

Thanks) i'll gonna see your thread when you will do this)

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