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You know) I'm still bad in creating models. And in texturing too. But i'm learning to become more good in this. I think i need some practise before i start to create LOK and something like that. Maybe if some man can help me with my works)

Thanks everybody who visit this thread. You are important to me

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I wish I could model half as well as what you've pulled off. I would be more useful in the textures, but I have no prior knowledge or experience working in unity. Just trained in good ol' photoshop. Maybe I should give'r a whirl?

Love the work, you, Bobcat and Cmdr. Hadfield make me want to learn russian.


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I found some nice drawings of the N1: http://spacemodels.nuxit.net/N1_D.htmIt shows the second stage without the lower shroud (like on Soyuz, it was jettisoned after staging). I'm pretty sure the same thing applies to the 3rd stage.

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Found some pics on the site by googling however...will give them to MrTheBull now

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What "docking version"? There was never a docking version of the mission, the cosmonaut spacewalked to the LK while it was still attached to the rear of the LOK and to Blok D. Then the LOK detached and Blok D de-orbited the lander. The only docking occurred after the LK ascent, when LOK grappled the LK ascent stage and the cosmonaut spacewalked back.Also, this Orbiter video is somewhat inaccurate. Blok D didn't take part in the TLI burn, there was a second shroud that covered the LK and Blok D during TLI and finally, during ascent, the 2nd and 3rd stages had fairings around their engines that separated during staging (much like on Soyuz 2nd stage).

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well the docking version mentioned in encyclopedia astronautica multiple times...

" In the forward hemisphere a cupola was installed, allowing the cosmonaut a direct forward view in order to make a manual visual docking with the LK lunar lander."

Mentioned both in the 1961 as in the 1964+ versions.

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Looks very cool :) Are you going to make IVA as well? And since you are already using parts from BobCat, are you going to make parts for his Soyuz? I mean to make LOK Bobcat's Soyuz needs only different service module and docking port/cupola. So will your parts be compatible with his? And one last question - what about Voskhod? :P

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Looks very cool :) Are you going to make IVA as well? And since you are already using parts from BobCat, are you going to make parts for his Soyuz? I mean to make LOK Bobcat's Soyuz needs only different service module and docking port/cupola. So will your parts be compatible with his? And one last question - what about Voskhod? :P

I think that our parts already compatible because they have the same scale. What's about Voshod - i don't have any idea how to create a moving gateway =\

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I think that our parts already compatible because they have the same scale. What's about Voshod - i don't have any idea how to create a moving gateway =\

You should talk to Bobcat. He or at least one of this team made movable airlocks for his HOME pods.

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This is one pretty baby. How big the batteries capacity will be? Encyclopedia Astronautix says that LOK was designed to support two cosmonauts for up to 13 days, but I guess it can be scaled down considering smaller Kerbal universe.

will be 2 cosmonauts in the descent module. I have to create internal and normal parachute animation. By the way Bobcat is working on his LOK too. =D

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