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Hack Gravity Selectable Value

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The Hack Gravity (available via ALT-F12) permits a player to operate in a near-zero gravity environment.

Suggestion: Make the strength of gravitational pull as settable via a slider.

Gravity Hack is used for testing of vehicles, landers, rockets, etc. in near-zero gravity. It is not used for playing. If the gravitational pull is adjustable, it can be used for testing and training.

For instance, if gravity is set for Mun gravity strength, a player can test various lander combinations. For planets, with gravity that is stronger or weaker than Kerbal, the player can test different vehicle designs and techniques for landing and lift-off (from the planet). If a vehicle design has insufficient power to lift-off from a planet, it is better to discover that on the Launchpad, not on the planet surface (after spending hours to get there).

This would also help in training. A player can learn how to land on Mun or a planet without spending time in transit, only to crash.

For landing training or testing a vehicle's landing capabilities, the player would set the gravity to strength of the destination Mun/planet, use the HyperEdit mod to place himself at altitude. add some velocity to simulate coming in to land. Then, land and liftoff.

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besides the test-part you can use informational mods like Kerbal Engineer Redux.

With it you can see the TWR (thrust-to-weight-ratio) of your spacecraft, for every planet/moon in game. As long as the TWR is above 1.0 at your selected planet you will be able to lift off from it. This mod just saves you time looking for the gravitational specs of the planet and calculating the TWR for yourself.

If you just can test if your spacecraft will perfectly fly at a specific environment, where is the fun without discovering the new place? I personally wouldn't bother flying to a new planet already knowing my lander will be perfect for it. You could send out a probe to analyse the environment beforehand, or plan a rescue mission if your kerbals cannot travel back on their own, but thats just my imagination/opinion ;)

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