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[0.21] ReStock Parts Pack (v08/28)


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AeroKerbin Bath and Beauty Products Division proudly presents:


These entirely STOCK parts are sure to spice up any build you can dream up, and are the natural successor to KSPX and other stock-like parts packs.

So what's so special?

Very simple, they take up NO SPACE* on your hard drive and don't effect your load times by more than a few seconds. Nearly 40 new parts, zero calories.

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The pack includes -

  • 5m rocket parts and 4x4 multi engine adapters
  • 5 new wing sets, including airliner wings
  • Mk2 Chassis additions and improvements
  • True 5-way balanced RCS blocks
  • Several new engine types
  • Space Drydock Parts (Proof of concept)
  • VTOL Thruster Blocks
  • Rockomax-Sized Adapters and Hubs
  • 1m Cupola, Tank Chassis, and other cockpit requests
  • moar!

Each part file is just ~20kb or so, and is entirely constructed from existing Squad parts.

Your original Squad parts are untouched and remain as is.

Get her HERE.


These parts were constructed by .cfg editing, and not by traditional modeling methods. Most are carefully translated re-sizes, but some are clever combinations that make entirely new functionality for the parts. None of these can be simply duplicated with standard .craft procedures in the SPH or VAB. Its important to note that the system sees each of these, regardless of part count, as a single physics object. Center of mass is calculated for the whole part, and the whole part is destroyed if you clobber it.


Except where noted below, license defaults to Creative Common License

You may:

- Include any part of this pack with your STOCK .craft files, so long as you retain the file structure (so updates will overwrite).

- Directly copy any part to use as a template for your own part. You must leave author's name, in order = (Original Model Maker), PolecatEZ, (Yours)

- Redistribute this pack in your own add-on pack, provided you do not alter the file locations and this pack is not the majority of material (i.e. don't add one model and then distribute the whole thing).

- Update this pack and re-distribute it provided you use the Author Name scheme noted above and provided I have not been on the forum in over 30 days.

*no space in a Newtonian physics sense.


Please get to me with any requests and bug reports ASAP.

I'm going to try to get 10-12 more parts in the pack and then lock it up tight.

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  BlueSubstance said:
One suggestion: What about different textures for the parts? That would make the addon even better! :D

That's very much next on the docket. I've gotten the Firespitter plugin to work in this way on a few parts I'm still testing. With that also installed, you'll be able to choose your recolors right from the VAB.

For now, most of them have // texture code in the cfg, simply edit the .cfg and point that to the folder/texture you want. I had some wings using textures from the Flags folder, for example. Its very easy to see how to edit that, usually model000 is the color texture and model001 is the bump map, though not always. I suggest just changing model000 if you want to try it out. It is CASE SENSITIVE (file folders and such). You have been warned.

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First test are pretty good and should help with physics engine/parts count, but i have some difficulty with multiple internal/hatch/light/ladder/(etc. module) actually i m only able to make one work not the other

for example here i have two light and two ladder but i not find yet how to make both work, actually i m stuck with only one ladder and one light that work, any clue ?

name = MMB-center1
module = Part
author = Squad, WinkAllKerb

model = Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model
position = 0, 0 ,0
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = 0, 0 , 0
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Command/crewcabin/model001

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model
position = -1.125, 0, 0.46
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = 180, 0, -90
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model001

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model
position = 1.125, 0, 0.46
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = 180, 0, 90
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLight2/model001

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/ladder1/model
position = 0.70, 0, -0.92
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = 90, -135, 0
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/ladder1/model000

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/ladder1/model
position = -0.70, 0, -0.92
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = -90, -45, 0
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/ladder1/model000

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model
position = -1, 0, -0.574
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = -90, -30, 0
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model001

model = Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model
position = 1, 0, -0.574
scale = 1, 1, 1
rotation = 90, -150, 0
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
// texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model000
// texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model001

rescaleFactor = 1.0

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.986899, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.986899, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

cost = 7500
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = M.M.B. Center Module
manufacturer = Dyogenn Kerman Shipyard Combobulator Parts Co.
description = The "Modular Mobile Base" was an invention of necessity - how do we store 4 Kerbals on a celestial body without any real provisions for return? Who needed this remains a mystery, as do his motivations... May be reduce the parts count for some huge Base.

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

mass = 2.9
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 6
breakingForce = 200
breakingTorque = 200
maxTemp = 2900

vesselType = Base

// --- lights setup ---
name = ModuleLight
lightName = spotlight
useAnimationDim = true
lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
lightDimSpeed = 2.5
animationName = LightAnimation
resourceAmount = 0.02
useResources = true

// --- ladders setup ---
name = RetractableLadder

ladderAnimationRootName = Telescopic ladder
ladderColliderName = ladderCollider
ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract

// --- internal setup ---
CrewCapacity = 4

name = crewCabinInternals


Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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That's the limitations of this method. I would also love to see "midpoint transforms" as well. Basically, if it requires activation of any kind, you get one of any given type in your model. Multiple engines, for example, all function - but all except one will always have their shrouds permanently attached. Its pretty much why you don't see much that I did in the "utility" section, as the parts behave nicer if you just attach the animated/activated parts. That being said, some parts do properly function in multiples, like RCS blocks, but this is an exception and not the rule.

Also, if you liked this pack, please up-rate on Spaceport...somebody decided that it deserved 1-star because he didn't know how to refresh a web page and killed my rating.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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I love the VTOL block. It's so cool having it. About the other parts...

I don't know how you did it. I see you you edited .cfg files. You genius! :) I don't think anyone ever thought of that method.

It's very cool to have. I'm gonna be using them from now on. :cool:

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Thanks for the answer PolecatEZ, while investigating around the [model] structure i found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-20-21-Last-updated-24th-August where 3 links explain a few things + http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34013-0-20-PartTools-GameDatabase-and-new-features/page6#55 but i not really understand what Supernovy said by skipping the unity object call via the use of generic animations + actions group.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using ReStock since its initial announcement. When I downloaded it from the spaceport, the download counter said 0. :)

Some critique of the current version on the spaceport. 0.2b

There are some serious problems with that triple inline adapter/tank. http://partsbyemc.com/pub/EX-Depot.craft This will get up to 70K then a little more kick will raise its orbit easily. Still EXperimental, thus the lack of things like docking ports, lights, landing legs... see below...

The problem I ran into is with tanks stacked on top it doesn't draw from them all, it starts with only one on one end, leading to imbalance. I had to put on a couple of pipes to make it feed off both sides. Another problem is vanishing nodes. Take that rocket, grab the triple tank and pull it loose. Can't connect it back to the middle stack. Same thing with the big cone and all below it.

The default rotation of the 5-way RCS modules should be changed to vertical to match the stock 4-way one.

The large ThunderMax adapters don't stick very well to the ThunderMax tanks. Note the struts in the craft file. Zigzagging 16 struts amongst two rows of 8 small hardpoints finally made the top one stop wobbling around. I have 8 struts holding the bottom 9-way adapter on, it still manages to fall off at launch sometimes and it wiggles around as the engines gimbal.

The golden struts are a good idea but I think the ends are too large and they don't angle to mount nicely like the stock ones which sometimes stick on at weird angles but they're not big chunks sticking out. I tried some golden struts on this rocket but it doesn't appear that any fewer could be used than the stock ones. If they can be stretched a lot farther than stock one or work a lot better at crossing over things like separators and decouplers, that I'd have plenty of use for. Modding the ends to have plenty of built in standoff so they'd work like attaching struts to small hardpoints would be a big help!

Another part ReStock could use is a bent or curved or standoff fuel pipes (make the end fittings taller), whatever it takes to make them able to cross over separators and decouplers. As an alternate to that, separators and decouplers with a fuel crossover toggle that can be set in the VAB.

What I didn't get around to trying again with this release is seeing if the ThunderMax tanks will stick to radial decouplers. I tried to attach a couple to the core of my Depot Marko 1-0 fuel station with the previous version of ReStock and they ignored the decouplers but would stick to the sides of the core. http://partsbyemc.com/pub/Depot Marko 1-0-NC BT.craft I had to use large Stretchy Tanks instead. (NC = No Cones, BT = Big Tanks) Trying to get away from the asparagus monstrosity to cut part count. (KSP crashed after landing the upper stage of EX Depot at KSC. Hot diggity, I think I've a start on a large lander...) On this ship I got enough struts on the 9-way adapters, or perhaps they stick better to Stretchy Tanks. It'll get to orbit (don't recall if that last flight was 70K or 100K) and cough out the last drop of fuel precisely as MechJeb finishes the circularization burn, using the default ascent path.

EX Depot looks like the way forward for Alan Aerospace Recycling & Packaging to put larger refueling stations into orbit. The Depot Marko 1-0 (deep-oh mark-oh one-oh*) line with two Rockomax 64 tanks inline is now on the back burner, though some final optimization may be done to the latest BT version since the first successful orbital test of EX Depot only got there by burning a bunch of the fuel it was supposed to deliver. Adding the fittings for use as an actual station will add more weight and use more fuel. *some Kerbal heard in the background shouting "Moar Boosters!"*

*At AARP there's a rumor that in the geopolitical district called "Virginia" on a planet called "Dirt" or "Soil" or or "Ground" or something like that, natives have been known to pronounce depot as "de-pot". Any Kerbal mentioning that is usually told by leveler heads that planet Dirt doesn't exist. There's no other intelligent life in the universe.

Edited by Galane
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I didn't see this earlier, I think that was during my Rome II week...which unfortunately lasted all of 3 hours or so.

  Galane said:
I've been using ReStock since its initial announcement. When I downloaded it from the spaceport, the download counter said 0. :)

Some critique of the current version on the spaceport. 0.2b

There are some serious problems with that triple inline adapter/tank. http://partsbyemc.com/pub/EX-Depot.craft This will get up to 70K then a little more kick will raise its orbit easily. Still EXperimental, thus the lack of things like docking ports, lights, landing legs... see below...

The problem I ran into is with tanks stacked on top it doesn't draw from them all, it starts with only one on one end, leading to imbalance. I had to put on a couple of pipes to make it feed off both sides. Another problem is vanishing nodes. Take that rocket, grab the triple tank and pull it loose. Can't connect it back to the middle stack. Same thing with the big cone and all below it.

In one version I had the fuel crossfeed turned off. I found that its actually a problem with how unity does things, and everyone with parts similar to this sets the crossfeed switch to off just to avoid it. The part looks nice, but really only good for attaching things below it.

The default rotation of the 5-way RCS modules should be changed to vertical to match the stock 4-way one.

Its a PITA iterative process to model this way to start with, pressing the Q key once won't kill you, but it would save me about 20 minutes of reloading parts to figure out exactly which way to rotate it. My OCD is already bad enough, I had to draw the line somewhere. That being said, I have the same issue with my own VTOL block (still my favorite part no other mod pack has duplicated well), and will probably give both of these parts some treatment in a future release.

The large ThunderMax adapters don't stick very well to the ThunderMax tanks. Note the struts in the craft file. Zigzagging 16 struts amongst two rows of 8 small hardpoints finally made the top one stop wobbling around. I have 8 struts holding the bottom 9-way adapter on, it still manages to fall off at launch sometimes and it wiggles around as the engines gimbal.

This is another Unity side show. The game engine just doesn't seem to like really big objects. I probably did about 20 iterations of exact placement of the node before I read somewhere on the mod dev forum that it just wasn't possible to get it perfect. Use MOAR STRUTS! I did learn later that a base part should never be > 10 tons. If you want, try making sure the base mass for the tank is exactly 10 tons and let me know how it goes, just open up the config file and replace 17 or 34 with just 10. I'll use InfiniteDice's trick with creating dummy heavy resources to bump mass over 10 for balance reasons, but base mass for any part should never go above 10.

The golden struts are a good idea but I think the ends are too large and they don't angle to mount nicely like the stock ones which sometimes stick on at weird angles but they're not big chunks sticking out. I tried some golden struts on this rocket but it doesn't appear that any fewer could be used than the stock ones. If they can be stretched a lot farther than stock one or work a lot better at crossing over things like separators and decouplers, that I'd have plenty of use for. Modding the ends to have plenty of built in standoff so they'd work like attaching struts to small hardpoints would be a big help!

Another part ReStock could use is a bent or curved or standoff fuel pipes (make the end fittings taller), whatever it takes to make them able to cross over separators and decouplers. As an alternate to that, separators and decouplers with a fuel crossover toggle that can be set in the VAB.

There's an idea I could play with, though I have no idea if it would work. Stand-offs for both of them would be quite good. The Golden struts were more of a proof of concept that I just left in the pack. It seems every parts pack has their own version, so I actually erased mine in my own game. BTW, struts REALLY REALLY do not like to be re-scaled and do all kinds of crazy graphical things when you try.

What I didn't get around to trying again with this release is seeing if the ThunderMax tanks will stick to radial decouplers. I tried to attach a couple to the core of my Depot Marko 1-0 fuel station with the previous version of ReStock and they ignored the decouplers but would stick to the sides of the core.

That's my bad, it has something to do with attachment distance settings which I didn't scale up perfectly...again, 20 minute iterative process unless I eyeball it well and nail it on the 3rd or 4th go. I'll take a another pass at it on the next release.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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Sepratrons with built in radial decouplers that trigger at burnout would be a good thing. Would make them highly useful for getting a bit of extra kick off the pad then dumped to shed the weight.

Or a full surface area radial decoupler ring. One part that stays with the rocket but cuts loose everything stuck to it. Put it between an engine and tank, squeeze on as many sepratrons as will fit around it, then they all come loose if the ring is in the right place in staging. Could also work to jettison radial mount engines when they're no longer needed - for cutting weight for conserving fuel.

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I just tried a "quick and dirty" method for this and didn't work. Ejection force is tied to a subpart of the model, and not globally for the model. I'll try a more involved method with arranging shrunken lateral decouplers in a ring to see if that works, but this takes a lot of time to get the spacing right. Its in the queue though.

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  PolecatEZ said:
...again, 20 minute iterative process unless I eyeball it well and nail it on the 3rd or 4th go. I'll take a another pass at it on the next release.

Thats aslo what actually bug me welding some stock parts, always has to spend way too much time figuring out how each part was modelled.

Plus when you start complex welding thing with lot imbricating and/or superposition, you have a lot of "unused tris" calculated by the engine wich is not real good at all @ some point.

And also it become real tricky and brainwashing with object with very specific properties (animation,iva, hatch etc.).

Weld with {model} is a real powerfull tool, i ll try to see how i can use this with very basic 3dmodel and light/small.texture of my own that i intend to share between the part planning the uv mapping and texture and sub model assemble modularity @ first.

Sound pretty nice for the memory use.

I do believe the use of {model} need to be promoted regarding the exisiting popular parts sets that eat way too much memory. ;) i also especially like the fact it's a very easy way to provide different "quality texture set" for a perticular "parts set" that could fit to almost everyone computer performance (1x1, ..., 128x128,256x256, ... 1024x1024) each part cfg* stay the same you just have to install the texture pack that will fit your computer.

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  WinkAllKerb said:
I do believe the use of {model} need to be promoted regarding the exisiting popular parts sets that eat way too much memory. ;) i also especially like the fact it's a very easy way to provide different "quality texture set" for a perticular "parts set" that could fit to almost everyone computer performance (1x1' date=' ..., 128x128,256x256, ... 1024x1024) each part cfg* stay the same you just have to install the texture pack that will fit your computer.[/quote']

A few modders are coming around to this concept, at least the sharing of textures. B9 did a great job with this and there was an ad-hoc patch for KW that did this as well. I'm gonna look at KW's latest official release and see if they deserve a cookie.

Along with the texture pack idea would just be a script mod that changes file names for things like your personal flag. The config will reference the default1.png flag, which you will rename your own flag to that name to customize your rocket. A mod could be made for people too lazy to change a file name.


KW gets a cookie for shrinking their graphics files to reasonable sizes, and they do have clusters built in (like for fairings). They still have quite a bit of duplication going on, especially with the normal mapping, on the fuel tanks for example - I see where they could cut out 60%+ from the file bloat size there. Baby steps. All in all, great update from them.

I'd really like to get hold of Squads original .tga's or .pngs so I could shrinkalate the bloatiest mod of all...Squad stock parts.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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  PolecatEZ said:
A few modders are coming around to this concept, at least the sharing of textures. B9 did a great job with this and there was an ad-hoc patch for KW that did this as well. I'm gonna look at KW's latest official release and see if they deserve a cookie.

yup i learned lot of thing from some of bac9 *.cfg file that use {model}.

Along with the texture pack idea would just be a script mod that changes file names for things like your personal flag. The config will reference the default1.png flag, which you will rename your own flag to that name to customize your rocket. A mod could be made for people too lazy to change a file name.

from the first tests i made:

You could apply any texture even if the size is different from original texture size as long as it's a square image it's mapped correctly on to the part *.mu,

so it's just a resize all img + overwrite without any need for rename while the *.cfg stay unmodified, it also allow a lot of others thing when the UvMap of a part is known from monocolor, to total new rendering, to different quality etc.




texture = "UnityATextureObjectOriginalName(*.mu file relative)" , "NewAppliedTexturePathAndName(whatever you want relative ;)"


just this in fact is kinda powerfull in itself but {model} are so much more ;) (@lovely devs bis,ter,quar want more {models} parameter if possible whenever you have time for this ;o)



and here the related thing in each *cfg:

PART { ... }

model = WakTiab/Parts/models/[COLOR="#800080"]cylindre[/COLOR]
position = 0, 0 ,0
scale = 1, 1 , 1
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
texture = [COLOR="#800080"]cylindre000 [/COLOR], WakTiab/Parts/[COLOR="#800080"]models/cylindre000[/COLOR] // 256x256

PART { ... }

model = WakTiab/Parts/models/[COLOR="#008000"]cylindre[/COLOR]
position = 0, 0 ,0
scale = 1, 1 , 1
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
texture = [COLOR="#008000"]cylindre000[/COLOR] , WakTiab/Parts/[COLOR="#008000"]img/cylindre000[/COLOR] // 256x256


PART { ... }

model = WakTiab/Parts/models/[COLOR="#0000CD"]cylindre[/COLOR]
position = 0, 0 ,0
scale = 1, 1 , 1
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
texture = [COLOR="#0000CD"]cylindre000[/COLOR] , WakTiab/Parts/[COLOR="#0000CD"]img/random000[/COLOR] // 128x128

PART { ... }

PART { ... }

model = WakTiab/Parts/models/[COLOR="#FF0000"]cylindre[/COLOR]
position = 0, 0 ,0
scale = 1, 1 , 1
// parent = anotherModelTransform <---------Not necessary unless Second or subsequent part.
texture = [COLOR="#FF0000"]cylindre000[/COLOR] , WakTiab/Parts/[COLOR="#FF0000"]img/random002[/COLOR] // 1x1

the first example could be easily used for fast change a full set texture quality just by overwriting img with different size as *.mu and *.cfg (and so name and path) stay unchanged.

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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