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FTL Drive MK I (MKII Pictures inside)


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Hey guys... sorry for no updates, since Monday night i have been fighting to keep my laptop alive, and i think i may have figured out why it was going so slowly and the fact that Firefox was freezing up.

Edit: okay I think I fixed the issues with the laptop

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bad news: Something decided to delete a whole ton of stuff used by 3ds max to convert the primitive to a poly modifier or mesh modifier.

So unless I can fix that, I can\'t do anything, which is bad because I entered into a competition for some other board. :o

Edit: Okay reinstalled it, but now I can\'t access any of my old files, fun.

Edit2: anybody know how to fix the whole file open fail thing? Merge does nothing.

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Ah, i was late leaving my house to get to school, so i did not read it properly.

I will be combining the FTL Engine with this mod.


It will allow for hopefully a 'jump' that does not require a orbit, maybe you can use it to return to kerbin\'s SOI :)

Course now the question is: How does one slow down and such a high speed? I then realized that 0.15 allows you to toggle engines, so i will possibly have engines that fire in the opposite way to slow the craft down.

Now, what i am fearful about my laptop is that the guy who is repairing it (don\'t trust best buy in repairing your stuff) is that he will tell me that (I went to him to solve my bootloop issue) the laptop\'s hard drive had to be replaced, and not everything was able to be transferred or they will be but he could not transfer the registry files so the programs become useless unless i re install them.

IDK i could just be over reacting since i don\'t like people touching my gear ;D

Anyway i will report back when i get some more info on my laptop and what not, oh and i have to remodel the new warp drive ::)

Edit: bad news, hard drive died so he is going to try to transfer my stuff to a bigger 1 tb hard drive.

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  Nomad said:

Course now the question is: How does one slow down and such a high speed? I then realized that 0.15 allows you to toggle engines, so i will possibly have engines that fire in the opposite way to slow the craft down.

Use MuMech engines. See the space 1999 eagle mod, it has VTOL and normal engines.

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It\'s always sad when computers die. They take so many memories with them.. Hope you get back on track soon and haven\'t lost too much. Think of it as a fresh start.

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Getting my laptop back today, hopefully everything went smoothly.


Very very bad news, laptop hard drive kept overheating so I gave up on the retrieval cause it would have taken longer and I need to get to work on my grad portfolio thing.


Does anybody have a specific design for the MK2 that they want me to model? I am putting the star wars esque one on hold till we get docking :) and for the life of me can\'t think up the right look of one.

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I haven\'t seen many Star Wars themed parts, and it would be nice to see some made by you :D

Maybe it could look like Anakin\'s podracer engine? Or the big one from Star Destroyer?

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Star destroyer engine whould be far to big, even if you take a Victory or even Acclamator-class, you whouldn\'t end below 20m engines ;D. More the ones from CR-90 corvettes or starfighters (Maybe even a TIE parts pack?).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started work on the MKII, I have no idea what design I was going for, but I like it. =P

Here it is untextured.


And here it is with me starting to texture it.


I want the cyan coloured bits to glow when in use, so this will be a 0.15 only part. Maybe it will use normal mapping.

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  Nomad said:

I started work on the MKII, I have no idea what design I was going for, but I like it. =P

Here it is untextured.


And here it is with me starting to texture it.


I want the cyan coloured bits to glow when in use, so this will be a 0.15 only part. Maybe it will use normal mapping.

Lemme know if you figure out the glowy bits

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  Thobewill10 said:

Lemme know if you figure out the glowy bits

CardBoardBoxProcessor has a tutorial which will be of help immensly, I just need to get up to speed with the new modeling formalities.

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This is looking awesome! I\'ve tried out the MK I and I\'m sure the mark two will be even better :D. But my question is this: the MK I engines are clearly absurdly fast, and you probably couldn\'t go faster than that within the atmosphere without your ship just breaking apart, but once in space, I feel like drives take you nowhere near FTL speeds. I was just wondering if you are planning on making any changes to the way the MK II engine will work, both in terms of speed and stability. No matter, I\'m sure that the MK II engine will be great ;D!

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Well, the thing is, until Harv implements the warp drive plugin (I suspect its hiding in the source code somewhere, waiting), I have to use thrust as a placeholder.

What i would like to do is figure out if I could restrict the speed of an object, I am no programmer so I have no idea :P

As for stability, I am going to be subjecting myself to see how fast i go before it breaks. Although i recommend trying some struts, maybe that could work. Also it would be nice to note that the MKI I sort of don\'t support anymore since I don\'t have any of the source files. I could just go grab it off my mediafire, and re import it. But I have a difficult time with importing models as reference guides. At the moment the MKII, I have no idea how big it really is, but I was aiming for 1m.

I am graduating from High School tomorrow, and I have some exams I need to focus on, but when I can cram in some texturing time, thats what I am going to be doing. :)

Hopefully I answered your question.

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Is the speed of the currently active craft stored somewhere the plugins can access? If it is, couldn\'t you just make the FTL drive an \'on/off\' thing without thrust? When ftl is turned on, the plugin instantly changes the speed value to something insanely fast (lightspeed or above) in the prograde direction, when it\'s off, the plugin resets the speed to its original value.

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  Kreuzung said:

Warp drives are in the code, at least I have seen them in .14.4. Can give you the config params next week.

That would be awesome! I just hope Harv is okay with me using semi unstable code :D

  Awaras said:

Is the speed of the currently active craft stored somewhere the plugins can access? If it is, couldn\'t you just make the FTL drive an \'on/off\' thing without thrust? When ftl is turned on, the plugin instantly changes the speed value to something insanely fast (lightspeed or above) in the prograde direction, when it\'s off, the plugin resets the speed to its original value.

I don\'t know, Harv has not documented the warp drive parameters.

IF the parameters work and I actually get the actual FTL Plug in working, I will be contacting HarvesteR for permission to release it to the general public. My gut says he will say not to because of the condition that it is in. You never know. :)

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  Nomad said:

I don\'t know, Harv has not documented the warp drive parameters.

IF the parameters work and I actually get the actual FTL Plug in working, I will be contacting HarvesteR for permission to release it to the general public. My gut says he will say not to because of the condition that it is in. You never know. :)

I wasn\'t talking about the FTL that Harvester coded, I was talking about plugins in general. I mean, if it is possible to teleport an entire ship into orbit (see the orbital construction mod), I would imagine it would be possible for a plugin to directly overwrite the current speed to simulate a FTL drive without acceleration that would break the ship apart. Right?

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