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Henno reporting!


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Hey guys and gals,

I played the demo for a while and got hooked. I now have a fully blown KSP problem. When I go to bed my last thoughts are how I could tweak my latest ship and as soon as I wake up I'm into it. My wife and child are distant memories. Wife is now calling me 'Colonel'.

I just posted about a bug I'm having since I bought version 21 from the store but won't go into it here. I gather I can't see it at the moment because I'm a newbie on the forum or do all posts have a bit of a time lag before you can see them?

Anyway I've launched a neat little space station and successfully got one of the little kerbo's back and was rather proud of the fact I landed him right next to the VAB. I've now built a remote controlled (didn't want to get the KSS crowded) ship to add fuel to it and try docking. This is the mission that is bugging out so instead of playing it I'm on a forum about it. Am I a sad little man?

Cheers from sunny Aus


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