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ControlSurface rotation

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2 new ctrlSrf parts

Same orientation in Blender (see picture)

Same setup in blender (pieces named obj_base and obj_ctrlSrf)

Same config settings ( node_attach is 0,0,0,1,0,0)

Both attach in the right orientation, even in symmetry.

.... one rotates the moveable part properly on the X-axis

.... the other will ONLY rotate on the Z axis. I didn\'t even know you could make them rotate on anything BUT X axis.

Why is it doing this?


Note the epic fail of the middle set of winglets.


exactly. the. same.

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I\'ve checked you blend files. If you open up the 'TD_ShuttleTailFin.blend' and select the object 'obj_ctrlSrf' and check it\'s properties icon (Object) it has rotations applied.

It is -90, 180, 90. Blender forgets to export/import these (I get sketchup models all rotated wrong myself :( ).

So, type zero in it\'s object rotation for all properties. This will of cause mean it\'s facing the wrong way in Blender, so go to 'edit mode (tab)'. Then 'select all (A)'. Apply the rotation to the mesh ®.

I\'ve not tried it on your model myself, but it\'s the only difference between the working and not working file. Hope it helps. :)

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So, type zero in it\'s object rotation for all properties. This will of cause mean it\'s facing the wrong way in Blender, so go to 'edit mode (tab)'. Then 'select all (A)'. Apply the rotation to the mesh ®.

Select the object, press CTRL-A, choose 'apply rotation' and Blender will do this for you.

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Yes in fact I discovered that doing it manually doesn\'t work entirely anyway - when everything was lined up again the normal on a lot of parts were completely borked and I had to \'Apply rotation\' and recalc normals anyway to fix em up.

Of course now I have discovered that my cool 'slanted' control surface is too much for the game to handle right now, it will only rotate it on the X axis and not on the custom angle thats cut into the part, so it will look a little silly as one unit.


So without making it 2 parts, it\'ll rotate like that.

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Well I started over on the fin and did a right angle, but I have the old DAE file, that I could rework as some tailwings.

I\'m not sure how to do angled surface attachment, it occured to me too, but I couldn\'t find any documentation or examples.

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