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Race to Mun

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I have a challenge for the community, reach Mun as fast as you can. All I want as conformation is a screenshot of your flight results after reaching Mun.

This is a test of speed, so returning the crew is optional.

I would also appreciate a screenshot of the rocket/missile you did it in!

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Here\'s a simple first attempt, using my Light Orbiter model.


Parabolic arc reached.


A view from the top.


A much closer view from the top.


Orbit is stabilized around the Mun.


Not the shortest mission possible, I\'m sure.


And finally, this is Light Orbiter in the VAB.

Edit: Sure enough, I was able to do better with the same rocket:


Gave me a wide orbit, but it\'s stable.


For posterity\'s sake.

Edit 2: Are you kidding me with this? I managed an intercept time so ridiculously tiny compared to the last two that I\'d almost call it impossible!




Of course, I made a new ship for this one:


Edit 3: Okay, I think I\'ve pretty much peaked on lunar intercept efficiency time-wise.




Ditched the SRBs, added more liquid fuel:


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Some clarification:

1. Only use stock parts

2. The idea is just to reach the moon. The winner will be the person to crash something on the moon in the shortest amount of time.

3. Please post a screenshot proving your travel time and that you actually hit Mun (a screenshot of the ship will be appreciated)

I also thought of a second challenge to be added. Fastest time to Mun and back :D

The reason why this is a challenge is that you have to reach Mun as fast as you can. You have to balance speed and accuracy (you don\'t want to miss)

I tried this a few times, but I either don\'t reach orbit or I just miss Mun entirely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stock parts. It was actually built for LANDING on the Mun, so I could definitely get more raw speed by stripping it down some

Screenshot 1: T+01:29:14 : Just about to impact the Mun at 6408m/s

Screenshot 2: T+01:29:15 : Impact! Apparently my craft clipped through the surface to make a cool explosion underneath.

Screenshot 3: Flight Results

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