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GeoKerbol RemoteTech Sattelite "Ikarus" Network

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Hey !

In an attempt to make a Role Play Space Program, I use now RemoteTech to get radio communication on a new level. But, things are difficult since this is my first flight and I want a decent comm network to get my unmanned working everywhere on the Kerbin system.

So I watched Scott Manley making a 3-sat launcher with a 120°-spaced constellation of sats on geostationary orbit. And I reproduced his craft with my own GeoSat satellites (thanks Subassembly for that). 5600 m/s of dV buget, my KSP dV chart tells me 5250 m/s for a geostationary orbit, since I want to go 2/3 of it, it's more than enough.

But (there is always one); because there is no other satellites, I rapidly get out of contact and can't circularise the satellites' orbits. So anyone has idea for me to deploy them?

Here is a screenshot:


And here's the craft if you want: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98670603/KSP/GeoPorter%20MkI.craft

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Not if you set up your sat correctly. The steps are simple. ((I leaving out the obvious parts, like launching the craft.))

1- Get to orbit altitude you want.

2- circularize orbit.

3- Deploy first satellite

*If you have more than one to deploy in one trip continue to steps 4+

4- raise orbit to higher orbit, wait till distance you want between satellites

5- Return to lower orbit matching the previous orbit, deploy second satellite once orbit is circularized.

Rinse and repeat as many times as needed till all satellites are deployed.

I think on one of my SSTOs I can pack 12 small satellites on one trip to 75km orbit. But thats my MASSIVE 150 ton empty SSTO with two cargo bays.

If you put it on a massive rockomax decoupler you will probably blow the satellite into deep space. But if you use the smaller decouplers with less than 250.00 decoupling.

For weaker decouplers check the KSPX mod.

Edited by Hodo
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What I actually do is getting the "sat train" to a 2868x1912 orbit. Then I can detach the first sat, circularize orbit with it, then wait the "sat train" to go back at apoapsis and repeat the following ...

I can't time better, and doing so with a SSTO is the same thing.

Your way of doing it requires a LOT of dV budget (and fuel), which is bad for the efficiency, and because it is a Role Play, I care about efficiency.

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Using Remotetech, if you need to burn when you don't have a signal to KSC, then you will either need to program the burns into the flight computer in advance, or use a three man vessel as your delivery vehicle so it can act as a secondary command center until the satellites are deployed.

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  SolarLiner said:
I actually put Jeb in a the 1 place lander to serve as control, but even by opening antennas and all, I can't get the sat respond to my orders.
I'm pretty sure that with the default remotetech settings, the vessel has to have three crew members to allow control over other unmanned vessels. This can be changed with Alt-f11 IIRC, allowing a one man vessel to provide control
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  SolarLiner said:
EDIT: Nope. Are the antennas supposed to be omnidirectional? Because I am 3km from my sat and can't select it...
Yep, the stock communotron 16's you have will only have a range of 2.5km in their lowered state, so you would need to extend them before you get out of range.
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  Rhomphaia said:
Yep, the stock communotron 16's you have will only have a range of 2.5km in their lowered state, so you would need to extend them before you get out of range.

I've set an action group that open every antenna and decouple the sat. So yeah, everything's open.

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